Proposal “DASH_EMBASSY_D-A-CH_Q3_18“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash Embassy D-A-CH July-September/18 - CRUCIAL FUNDING or BROKE -- UPDATE: Scaled Down by 52%
Monthly amount: 408 DASH (14901 USD)
Completed payments: 2 totaling in 816 DASH (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-07-18 / 2018-10-16 (added on 2018-07-10)
Votes: 807 Yes / 220 No / 22 Abstain

Proposal description

UPDATE: SCALED DOWN FROM € 103k to € 48,9k = 52%

Due to the current Dash price decline we have proactively scaled down all our operations significantly. This will have severe consequences for our work.

Here you can find the updated numbers in detail:

12+ conferences || 300+ b2b pitches || 24+ Integrations || 1 Dash branded ATM || 3 of 20 Roadshow Events || 2 of 50 Meetups || 8 trained Ambassadors || 40+ Interviews and Articles || 4+ tax and legal partners || GDPR compliant || 4+ additional associations || 180 education book pages || 4 of 8 design materials on || 2 tutorials || 2000+ UVs 3300 sessions on website || Satoshi School Club || Cost reduction Q2 to Q3 = 30,75% or € 45k + skipped 1 month proposal funding

Reporting/Outlook and Quarterly Conference Call

Presentation Link: Q2/2018 Reporting and Q3/2018 Planning

About Dash Embassy D-A-CH

The Dash Embassy D-A-CH UG (haftungsbeschränkt) is the first legal European open-source Dash company. It is incorporated in Germany and is a new kind of Dash Sub-DAO or Dash funded organisation (DFO), which is acting as an entire professional marketing, education, integration and support service agency for Dash with a legal network of well-known crypto experienced law firms behind it. The term D-A-CH (D = Germany, A= Austria, CH = Switzerland) means, that it is acting in the European German speaking countries. The overall goal is to increase the acceptance of Dash as a means of payment by increasing the Dash Eco-System with partnerships and cooperations. As a Sub-DAO/DFO it represents the clear efforts to push Dash as soon as possible to mass adoption.

Corporate Structure:

All our previous Reporting Forum Threads:

Our Q1/2018 Proposal Link:
Our Q2/2018 Proposal Link:

The Team (13 in total) - Departure of Directors or Certain Team Members; Appointment of Certain Team Members;

Cedric Weber (@TheSUp) responsible for IT and Tools left the company in April.
Sinay Demirel (@Sidem) joined the company as new contractor for IT and Integration Managment in April
Klaus Hipfinger (@simontheravager) got appointed to second managing director in May.
Rafael Schultz (@blockchainpunk)also joined as associate in May.
Lars Blohm (@beefhuck) responsible for Education and Events left the company in June.
Jan Heinrich Meyer (@essra) took over the Education and Event division on interim
Eight Dash Ambassadors got hired in July.

Geographic map of our Team:,12.36701722812495&z=6

You can also look at our LinkedIn or Xing Profiles to gather more in depth info about us. Just hover over our photos on the website.

Internal Advisory Board / Sparring Partner:

@macrochip -
@fernando -
@kot -
@codablock -

Superior Reporting and Changes:

We have set the standards of reporting and transparency at the legal maximum to ourselves. We will always provide the public and therefore the Dash Community with all data we legally may publish.

We also publish all our PR, Events, Announcements, Articles, Interviews, Workshops, Conference Attendances and Integration Successes on our website:

All Reports are also available in our monthly Dash Forum Thread, in our channel on Dash Nation Discord and on the Dash Watch website

With the highest Confidence Score of 90 at Dash Watch we are absolutely proud to keep this high standard of reporting. We cooperate very well with Dash Watch and provide monthly reportings to them. Furthermore we constantly report in our monthly Dash Forum Thread and via the Comment Section on Dash Central.

Brand NEW Dash Watch July 20th 2018 Summary Report on DASH EMBASSY D-A-CH Q2/18:

Due to the new European Data Privacy Law GDPR we had to change our public Google Calendar to only private, because its not allowed to have European personal data available to the public in this details.

Please feel also free to look into all our public available corporate data:

Public Budget Planning and Accounting 2018:

Dash Embassy D-A-CH UG (haftungsbeschränkt) announces Second Quarter 2018 Financial Results

Planned Financials Q2/2018:

We requested 428 Dash/month for Q2. This equals @ estimated avg. Dash Price of $ 500 = $ 642k or € 520k

Real Financials Q2/2018:

The Dash price declined of -56% from its April Highs resulted in an unexpected lower avg. Dash Price in Q2. Due to our smart selling strategy (BSF) we reduced losses to -26,5%, which shows our corporate financial strength to weather unexpected price events.
Sales of Dash received were € 382k instead of € 520k planned. Regardless we managed to pay all our remaining Q1 bills, funded all our Q2 operations and still have some liquidity.
Thanks to our very efficient liquidity and capital management we even skipped the July proposal cycle, which means we got along 1 additional month with the money. Furthermore we ask for a reduced funding for the Q3 quarter.

Links to our Liquidity and Capital Resources:

Public Budget Planning and Accounting 2018:

Corporate Wallet Address:

Transparent Planning: What will Dash get from our proposal for the 3rd quarter of 2018?

Administration and Law

  • Keep all divisions operational and running by proper HR-Management and hiring for key positions if needed (scaling up)
  • Reduction of legal costs due to finished corporate structure and GDPR compliance
  • Constantly increase internal efficiency by corporate standards and work flows
  • Keep superior reporting and transparent planning at maximum together with Dash Watch at the highest Confidence Score (90)
  • Strengthen existing partnerships and cooperations to grow the Dash Eco-System
  • Consider own income streams to relieve the pressure on the Dash treasury on the long run
  • Increase the number of legal partners for Germany and Switzerland to grow the Dash legal network in Europe, for Austria we have an exclusive Partnership with Wolf Theiss, which is the biggest law firm there
  • Reach a general legal solution for the German Sales Tax issue we have encountered with the German Financial Authorities, which are currently assessing the case
  • Create real legal precedents for MNOs
  • Create real legal precedents for Merchants
  • Hiring of a new Division Leader for Education and Events
  • Hiring for Sales and Integration
  • Hiring more Dash Ambassadors


  • Finish the missing page “Merchant Support” on our rebranded website
  • Create a community page on our website which allows Dash Fans to order promo-packages including stickers, lanyards, shopping bags, … to promote Dash autonomously
  • Do a new image/product shooting for our website and marketing materials as soon as the wallet gets the new branding
  • Create more video-tutorials such as for Core-Wallet, transactions, buying Dash, …

  • Reach the 20 event benchmark with speakerslots and sponsorings (8 left to go Events)


  • Keep up the good work with Hoschke and Consorten (our PR-Agency)
  • Try to increase the number of articles and interviews again (we are at 40+ in Q2)
  • Become part of the current ECB and monetary system discussion
  • Improve speaker skills of essra with a professional media training

Education and Events

Roadshow and Meetups


  • Review the written “Dash Manual” book (150 pages) about money, Bitcoin, blockchain & Dash together with community members an PR agency
  • Create all graphics and the finals design for the book
  • Translate book into English for general use
  • Publish the e-book and convert it to e-learning

Satoschi School Club (SC)

  • Start SC together with Benjamin Burde
  • Provide learning materials to teachers (book/e-learning)
  • Support SC to get in touch with schools/teachers
  • Find more partners for SC to lower the cost for Dash 
           More Details in the white paper:

Integration and Sales

  • Keep strong Sales performances at future Conferences
  • Additionally plan and start our own Sales and Payment Events
  • Redefining sales approach/presentations from “payment revolution” into clear customer pain and gain solution
  • Get them started - finalize 10 best practise integration projects as success stories
  • Ramping up more Integration Deals via best practises and market reputation
  • Increasing Dash integrations to small Merchants like Restaurants and Cafes
  • Increasing Dash integrations to Crypto Infrastructure provider like Wallet-, ATM-, POS-, PSP- or Exchange provider
  • Increasing Dash integrations to transform the old economy like banks, energy companies and automobile industry
  • Integration focus on market makers, such as enablers like benefit cards were Dash is created without using FIAT


  • Create a cryptocurrency and blockchain dictionary and publish it on our website
  • Expand Support Knowledge Base according to new customer requests
  • Keep the well working support via Live-Chat and E-Mail
  • Evaluate the necessity and costs of a phone support hotline at the current state of support needs and demands
  • Possibly hiring of more support employees if demand goes up

Please look into our detailed Presentation to get all the important infos:

Financials for Q3/2018:

Budget Q2 vs Q3

Q2 2018 avg. Costs

Admin                           22,800€ / month
HR                                 32,600€ / month
Marketing                    42,600€ / month
Education                     26,400€ / month
Integration                   22,300€ / month
Support                            750€ / month

TOTAL                       147,450€ / month

Q3 2018 avg. Costs

Admin                              6,000€ / month
HR                                  40,800€ / month
Marketing                     25,600€ / month
Education                      26,000€ / month
Integration                      3,300€ / month
Support                              450€ / month

TOTAL                        102,150€ / month

Cost reduction: 30,75% - we save 45,000€ each month

  • German Sales Tax of 19% is still included
  • Thanks to very efficient capital and corporate management we skipped July and even ask for a reduced funding for the 3 months August, September and October 2018 of 408 Dash each despite the ongoing severe Dash price decline
  • Our avg. estimated Dash Price changes to $ 350 for the 3rd quarter of 2018

We ask for:

307.161,21 €, which represents at a EUR/USD Spot Price of 1,1739 = $ 429.086,09, which represents at an estimated average Dash Price of $ 350 = 1.225,96 DASH

Unfortunately we have to add the German Sales Tax of 19% to these numbers, which we have to pay to the German Fiscal Authorities. Our lawyers are forcefully working on this issue with the responsible authorities.

So we are asking for 1.226 DASH over 3 Months:

408 DASH by monthly payments, which represents at an estimated avg. Dash Price of $ 350 = $ 142.800,00, which represents at a EUR/USD Spot Price of 1,1739 = 121.645,79 € 

Thanks for your support! In Dash we trust!

We are eager on your comments and thankful for your advice.

The Dash Embassy D-A-CH Team

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
3 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch September 26th 2018 Report on
Dash Embassy D-A-CH July-September/18 by Dash_Embassy_DACH
1 point,6 years ago
Satoshi School Club is now called IDEN and just started:
1 point,6 years ago
Roadshow Update:
1 point,6 years ago
Roadshow Update:
0 points,6 years ago
Should Dash invest in an ATM company in a way that can make the network a stakeholder that receives it’s shares of the profit and has a say in discussions about the direction of the company?
Please have a look at our new proposal, where we ask this question:

1 point,6 years ago
We can now confirm 2 more Dash Roadshow Events for October. One in Berlin and one in Essen. Our speakers will be Alex Roos from BTC-Echo (only Berlin), some people might know him from Anarchapulco, Gökhan Köse from the Blockchain Hotel, Klaus Himmer from CryptoTax (only Essen) and Benjamin Kirschbaum (only Berlin), a lawyer from the law firm Winheller:

1 point,6 years ago
The city of Munich is famous for its Oktoberfest but it's not all about drinking beer and eating pretzels. There is an event during the Oktoberfest where new technology is the main focus. We are happy that we were able to secure a booth for Dash at this event:
1 point,6 years ago
For continuing news and updates please follow our forum thread or our social media channels:

Thanks Dash Community
2 points,6 years ago
Great to be in the first Episode of Dash Decentral:
2 points,6 years ago
Jan Heinrich Meyer and Klaus Hipfinger from the Dash Embassy D-A-CH have been on the Three Amigos Podcast last week. You can watch the full video here:

2 points,6 years ago
In this video Benjamin Burde gives a deeper inside into his Satoshi School Club concept through that he wants to reach students and teachers in Germany and inform them about blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and Dash. The website of the Satoshi School Club will be online in early September and we will keep you updated!

2 points,6 years ago
Rafael Schultz went to the Gamescom and talked to payment providers used in the game industry and to gaming companies interested in blockchain-/token-based gaming:

2 points,6 years ago
Dear MNOs,

due to the current budget situation we need to prioritise our activities. Of course we already made some decisions on our own, but we want you to be part of this process. There for we created a small survey. We´d be glad if you could take the time and answer our questions. The document is created by using checkboxes, so it won´t take long:

Thank you
3 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch August 27th 2018 Report on
Dash Embassy D-A-CH by DASH_Embassy_DACH
-1 point,6 years ago
We have started a new merchant outreach initiative!

5 points,6 years ago
As an European member of our team, I had a chance to work with D-A-CH Embassy representatives on multiple conferences and events this year.

Each time, I was impressed with their professionalism and great understanding of the D-A-CH markets and business. They have created many leads and opportunities in Europe (German-speaking countries in particular) and were very supportive each time, I have asked them for help.

The D-A-CH Embassy team created an unique model that started to work efficiently in terms of business development and expansion almost since the very beginning. I hope it will be replicated in other regions as well.
Yes, it is not cheap as they operate in some of the most expensive countries in the world and, in my opinion, there is no reason to expect that their cost would be comparable to the cost of African or even American operations. I can see that the team already responded to the network expectations and optimized their cost structure - very well done!

During the time of financial constraints in our environment, only the most valuable and effective projects have a chance to survive. I am sure that the Embassy is one of these projects.

Thank you for your support Guys,
Robert Wiecko
2 points,6 years ago
Hello Robert,

You are always welcome and we love to help Core as much as possible in an important but difficult market like the DACH region and Europe overall. Awesome to see Core support for such a vital project.

Best Regards

2 points,6 years ago
Meet Gökçe Phillips (, a blockchain entrepreneur from Turkey who has invited us to speak at the Blockchain TR Summit in Ankara, Turkey, about Dash, its features, the DAO and the Dash Embassy concept. There are even talks about establishing a Dash Embassy in Turkey.

This country is in desperate need for a functioning currency because there is no bullish case to be made for the future of the Lira which already lost nearly half of its relative value in one year and it is very important to get a foot in the door as soon as possible. Because of the devaluation, cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more popular in Turkey and it is estimated that nearly 20% of the population already own Bitcoin:

Turkey is also very important for Dash adoption in the D-A-CH region. There are currently more than 3 Million people of Turkish origins in Germany and Austria. Because of family ties and remittance between the two regions it is clear that adoption in one of the regions can help to foster adoption in the other region.

1 point,6 years ago
We are glad to report that we had a very fruitful conversation with Fernando about working together on topics related to public relations. If our proposal gets funded, Dash Core would provide us with about €3k for three months from unused marketing funds.
We are very satisfied with the work of our PR firm Hoschke & Consorten that has helped us to reach out to numerous important German news outlets. In a video update that we published last month, they showed that Dash had a higher reach in German media than Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin combined.
The funds that would be provided by Dash Core would be used to continue this media outreach and to form a cooperation between Hoschke & Consorten and their PR firm, so that we could publish official Dash Core press release translations in the German-speaking media and Dash Embassy D-A-CH related press release translations in the English-speaking media.
1 point,6 years ago
This is Fernando Gutierrez, from DCG. I confirm this is what we have agreed to.
1 point,6 years ago
Reposted questions from MNO office channel to help with clarification.

It is unclear how much core would be paying if the DACH proposal gets funding. Will DACH receive 1000 EURO per month, 3000 EURO per month, or 3000 to cover 3 months (effectively 1000 EURO per month)?

Is any of the funding going to the DACH team, or is it all going to the PR firm directly?

Will core still pay the PR firm (or DACH) if this DACH proposal fails to pass, or passes but funds are not available in treasury (the same the situation we had last month)?
1 point,6 years ago
reposted answer from MNO office channel:

it´s 3k per month that will be used for the PR firm only. for a time period of 3 month as long as we reach the 10% benchmark.
2 points,6 years ago
I like what this project has done and how the team conducts itself. I do think it's a little expensive for what has been delivered so far, but also understand the minimum barrier to entry in the region, as well as how long it takes to get such a project going and providing results. If you can step up the results over the remainder of the year and acquire some big integrations, I would say this is a good investment.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi CaptainDuffy,

Thanks for your support and your posting in the forum regarding the Dash Infrastructure Program. Integrations are one part of our daily work, but we always hunt for more of them ;-)

0 points,6 years ago
Can you publish the transaction data on the merchants you have integrated?
4 points,6 years ago
Hi CaptAhab,

You are asking the question thing again. We already answered that last time, but here again:

the most of our partners and cooperations just started accepting Dash, we dont have any numbers yet, but we will check this on a regular basis, because we want to know which businesses are running best in Dash Sales and which not. So we learn and can not only focus on the early adopter companies but also start to move to the high txs businesses like cafes and restaurants with more experience. We will keep the Dash community updated and its also important to understand that we are working with a lot of accelerators. As soon as they accept Dash, lots of already connected businesses can use Dash, like our integrations of Saifu, Trivecoin, chronobank and others which will result in leveraged Dash txs in the long run.

Thank you
Best Regards

2 points,6 years ago
and... the next Dash Force News Article:

2 points,6 years ago
How to sustainably grow Dash´s Ecosystem? - Dash Infrastructure Program:

4 points,6 years ago
DACH Region Mass Adoption on the rise...

New Dash Force News Article:

2 points,6 years ago
Hi All, am I the only one who sees D-A-CH constantly massaging things to look like achievements (sugartrends)?

IMO, it's like they are one of those guys in the office who tries to take credit for things they were not involved in. But in this case, they are asking for funding from the network too...

Hash-tagging #itsapleasure on their recent DC and MNO office post, for example.

“According to Klaus Hipfinger, co-founder of Europe-based Dash promotional outfit Dash Embassy D-A-CH *which negotiated the SugarTrends integration*, Dash’s reputation has been growing around the world”

I dug for 5 mins and found the following clarification from them on Reddit...

“To avoid misunderstandings: The Dash Embassy D-A-CH has not affiliated this merchant and *they had already integrated CoinPayments* when we contacted them. We had, however, a very productive conversation about Dash and the Dash-Community after which they added Dash to their public payments list as you can see above while other altcoins with a higher market capitalization are still hidden until checkout.”

Dash has not been added in any meaningful way to the website or checkout process. It is one option in the CoinPayments checkout (it is still hidden until late in checkout, only displayed alongside cloak coin and others). Right now only bitcoin and ethereum are actively advertised in a meaningful way. Feel free to run through the checkout process to verify.

Their true achievement in the end boils down to the following. They claim to have got sugartrends to add the word ‘Dash’ on this page.

“We accepts payment with Bitcoins, Ethereum, Dash and other cryptocurrencies.”

This is a page that is well buried/hidden in the footers on sugartrends.

Doesn’t look like they negotiated the integration as stated by Joel. Are the MNOs willing to give them credit or pay out DACH on achievements that are fake news?

I posted this on the MNO channel a day ago, and Simon has since posted clarification on the MNO office channel, so reposting here to allow them to clarify here as well.
2 points,6 years ago
The reddit post was always clear:

Please just read it in full. DFN posted that because we added them to discoverdash as listing, we did not do the integration. Facts are always facts.
1 point,6 years ago
Yes, Reddit was always clear,.. but it was the DFN article, the post here, and the post on on mno office that was misleading.
1 point,6 years ago
Joel corrected the article, so nothing to accuse us here. ty
-2 points,6 years ago
Aside from Spin Doctoring?
4 points,6 years ago
Guys I keep my fingers crossed and hope you get the funding this month!
You do an awesome and real work out there!
Good luck on the GENOhackathon!
4 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot Splawik21, great to see Core Members like our work, this motivates a lot :-)
3 points,6 years ago
I’m constantly impressed with the professionalism and efficiency of the Dash Embassy DACH team.

They are creating fantastic opportunities (the last video was a pleasure to watch), and are relentlessly expanding the Dash Nation in Europe.

I would be very happy if they spawned many Dash Embassies around the world. They are class acts.

Let’s support this and see what more this team can accomplish!
3 points,6 years ago
Thanks very much for the support. We keep trying to improve all the time.
4 points,6 years ago
Dash Embassy Update: DZBank and GENOhackathon (D-A-CH)

In May of this year we had a booth and a speaking slot at a conference called “Innovation for banks 2018”. Jan Heinrich Meyer gave a talk about cryptocurrencies and their governance structure, where he focused on the Dash DAO and its implications for the scalability of a monetary cryptocurrency.
At the event he met Patrick Steiner from the Innovation Lab of the DZ BANK, the second largest banking group in Germany (Volksbank, Raiffeisenbank, Sparda, PSD and many more). He invited us to speak at the DZ BANK innovation roundtable about cryptocurrencies and their advantages.
The first thing we mentioned was the success of Dash in Venezuela and why this could also happen quickly in places like Turkey. We also explained why exchanges in the developed world are making more money than traditional banks and why Dash is on the cutting edge of this technology. They were really interested when we talked about the current success of cryptocurrency ATM companies.
The attendees were also amazed by our presentation and we are now invited to join the GENOhackathon which will take place in the German Microsoft office in Cologne in November.
The two topics we want to pitch at the Hackathon are Multi-Signature Wallets for bank customers and the integration of Dash into their ATM-network. To make the perfect case for Dash, we are joined by two developers from the Core team: Alexander Block (codablock) and Alex Werner (obusco).

We are really excited about the possible outcome of this Hackathon and we will keep you up to date. We hope that our ideas will resonate with the decision makers at this event.

2 points,6 years ago
Thoughts @triptolemoose...?

You've been unusually quiet the last 2 hours given your posting history on this proposal...

0 points,6 years ago
Hi Walter

I stopped posting because I realised my concerns were not being addressed, and things began looking like an endless repeat of the same (unaddressed) points. (Sorry Rango)

I note my digging into their claim about Rafael’s 10 years at MasterCard has been excused today as a ‘misunderstanding in wording’ and clarification has been received. (Rafael has never worked at MasterCard, rather, a couple of payment companies).

Now onwards to the hackathon invite. This is great news, and full credit to Essra for developing and working his relationships to get invited.

As I’ve mentioned before, I am happy for the network to keep funding Essra directly and independently (solo) with a cut down (not 408 DASH/month) amount so he can continue education. I’ve seen him speak and he seems a likeable and well presented guy (I even mentioned he looks like he has those Ben Swann genes, which are great for TV).

I would really like to see one of his presentations in full length, to see what we are paying for. Has one been posted anywhere? (Please share)

DACH are giving us a large promise here, because the size of the ask from the network, it is very possibly that the team are inflating the reality of a hackathon invite, as their prior claims have involved similar inflation/ massaging and airbrushing.

This is not the first time we have received promises of the sky and beyond.

“We will discuss, and ‘hopefully’ create, multi-signature wallets for more than their 18.5 Million customers, and find a solution to integrate Dash in their (19,600) ATM network. Guys I think... This is f**king awesome” - Essra

Essra, best of luck, but actual integration is the longest of the long shots I’ve ever heard.

Regardless of if DACH is funded this month, I’ll personally gift 100 Dash to Essra if he does manage to get those 18.5 million wallet installs and integration to those 19600 ATMs as mentioned in his claim above.

I realise the immense (near impossible) task of getting Dash rolled out in large bank like that. 100 Dash could be worth millions of dollars, if he pulls this off in a reasonable time frame (1-2 years?).

As an MNO I am willing to take a small ‘lottery ticket’ gamble on that one Hackathon meet up with independent funding (because the payout would be huge), not willing to pay 408 DASH per month for what (seems to be?) barely-used ‘full service support’, and PR/Marketing during an extended bear market.
2 points,6 years ago
regarding rafael: see below

the combination of all what we are doing (pr, conferences, education, ...) brought us to DZ. paying me 100 Dash would not cut it..
-2 points,6 years ago
Tell me a EURO or USD amount that would be enough.
2 points,6 years ago
Please read the proposal description above. Everything you want to know is already presented there.
4 points,6 years ago
@Triptolemoose Please comment on proposals in a regular way (2-3 medium length posts within one thread). Posting 8 large repeting comments allover will be considered as spamming. I have to delete all of your contributions here, if you continue to behave this way.
2 points,6 years ago
Hi Rango,

Some of those comments by @triptolemoose are filling up the page and taking away from the other important points others may miss. Anyone looking at the proposal will just see a large barrage of repeated comments.

While i'm not for censorship and beleive people are entitiled to their point of view, repeating the same thing over and over again in different replies IS spam and should be treated as such.

Please clean up where where necessary

0 points,6 years ago
Sorry Rango will do.

Hotflow, please post examples of important points that you feel are being missed. I am all for uncensored discussion. I am diving deep into this proposal, and happy to evaluate all claims.

Please note my questions, comments and critique have been largely skipped over, and not addressed in a meaningful way, which is the reason I stopped replying as you can see in comments below.
5 points,6 years ago
I am not going to win an popularity contents for posting it but here I go none the less:

This budget cycle seem to be it's going between this proposal and KuvaCash. This one is obviously in the lead right now.

For me the reasons why are obvious, Dash Embasy activity's are out in the open and everybody can see and judge. What you are doing for the Dash Network. For the most part this is veritably activity's. This is not a scam by any mean's D-A-CH had been hard at work and delivering time and again.

On the other hand, KuvaCash has be terribly bad add communicating in verifiable way what they have done so far. But they claim and DashWatch has verified them. MNO have not.

For me the choice is easy. When comparing what KuvaCash can do in a country that could potentially just like Venezuela open Dash with open arms vs Western country's that until this date have had all the chances to get involved yet have not done so.

Hands down hyper inflated country's with lots of under or unbanked people is where Dash succeed's. The more country's we operate in the more chance we have landing on the ground.

Please choose wisely MNO's which head you want on the chopping board.
3 points,6 years ago
I totally feel you, but we haven't been funded for two month now. That's why we need support in this cycle. Glenn said that core will scale down in two month or so... then things will be a lot easier for all of us. I really hope that we find a solution for both proposals.. with the financial support from Core I hope kuva will be able to keep up their work, even if they might not get funded. If we won't be funded in this cycle again, we will keep asking for donations, but I guess this won't be enough as it's not in this month.
0 points,6 years ago
I totally respect you're approach I would not have done it differently in your shoes Essra.
2 points,6 years ago
Hi Essra and MNOs

What value is being delivered that is mentioned here? I just see a lot of misleading comments and diversionary tactics.

The DACH guys have spent $450K USD already, with little results to show (other than PR/marketing/meet up/ speaking activities).

To be clear, DACH have had success in getting their media releases out into print, which is of course, this is what their PR/media consultants Hoschke & Consorten are paid to do. In a bear market however, all this PR is effectively wasted money.

Dash Core Fernando has posted his own conclusion (link below) on marketing at this time (during bear market).

You can see the limited actual results (for 400K EURO spent) in the Dash Watch report. (Only 2 'full' integrations so far, as mentioned in the Dash Watch tool, one of which is an ICO, Conda CRWD, and the other does not seem of any real value TransformationsManagers).

When I question the value, essra replies with a message that they are a "full service agency" for german speaking countries and alludes to himself having actually described what that actually means. By all means, search his messages on here and see if you get any real reply other than, "we are about getting stuff done", "we provide support".

How many people have visited their offices? I asked this question and it was ignored. Do we 'need' this support service?

We are talking about first world countries, where everyone already has all the resources they need at their fingertips.

They mention that they helped 100 people via email or live chat, and that they had 2000 visitors to their website. I'm not sure if keeping DACH running is worth another $170K USD in today's market? (or 408 Dash per month)

The curious replies that they post here a day ago initially misled me to believe that Rafael Schultz worked for Mastercard for 10 years. See below:

"We have Rafael Schultz aka blockchainpunk, he is our Division Leader for this section and worked over 10 years in the payment industry for Mastercard in example."

I did some due diligence on Rafael, and it seems he didn't in fact work for Mastercard for 10 years as stated by the DACH team. Feel free to google him yourselves.

When I questioned this fact, Essra replied with the following:

"Regarding Rafael: pleae check the companies he worked for and find the connection to mastercard by yourself. In the end it doesn´t really matter in my opinion, but hey... go ahead.."

So basically, Essra did not verify to me their statement re: 10 years at mastercard, and told me to go and look and try find the connection. Rafael doesn't seem to have worked for Mastercard for 10 years, or even at all, maybe he can confirm back here. It simply seems (again) like the DACH team are name dropping (Mastercard) and inflating the background of their staff.

The dismissal from Essra, in his opinion that "it doesn't really matter" if he worked there or not, should tell you a lot.

We need to decide if a DASH embassy for german speaking countries is an essential requirement. If DACH claim that they are more than just marketing, they need to provide some real metrics and show the actual value that they have provided.

Please read my critique on this page, and the answers received so far from DACH and their team (Essra, SimonTheRavager, and 'sparring partner' / inital DACH team member Macrochip).

They need to come back with a lower ask 408 DASH/month is far too much for this service based on ($450 USD spent so far, and limited value received).

The past is the past. We gave them plenty of money, time and a chance, and we do not seem to have received any real value as a result. Again, this is not their fault, it is because we are in a bear market.

Come back in a bull market, when budget is available. Then by all means, we can load up on sponsorships, conferences, meet ups, dash merch giveaways and support offices.
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks for you're investigation Triptolemoose.
0 points,6 years ago
We think there is a misunderstanding because of our wording in the sentence about the past experience of our member Rafael Schultz. As you have quoted, we said that Rafael Schultz has “worked over 10 years in the payment industry for Mastercard in example.” This does not mean that he has worked for 10 years at one corporation. It means that he has worked for 10 years in the industry and a part of this 10 years at EVO Payments International which is a principal member of Mastercard. He worked there as Sales Director, but he also worked as Corporate Sales Manager at Elavon and Corporate Sales Director at Klos Banking Solutions.

He is a very skilled professional with a great amount of experience and many connections (more than 1000 follower on a site like LinkedIn is a pretty impressive amount) and credentials as you can see on his LinkedIn profile:

3 points,6 years ago
Education and Integration are working hand in hand. We just organized an event with the Chamber of Commerce Flensburg. 41.000 regional businesses are member of this organization and the Chamber has included our event in its official schedule. We are confident that many interested merchants will attend the event and we are looking for more business contacts in this region to expand Dash Mass adoption here:

2 points,6 years ago
Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with this proposal (or any other proposal current or past), its owner(s) or anyone association with the DACH Embassy. I have followed the discussions closely, both here and on the DACH Nation Discord (notably in the #MNO-Only channel), regarding this proposal.

It is obvious that DACH Embassy and Kuva are competing for limited funds this month. With this, I have noticed that at least one advocate of the Kuva proposal (Triptolemoose) has frequently attempted to paint the DACH Embassy and its’ proposal in a very negative light on the Dash Nation #MNO-Only Discord channel at any opportunity, while at the same time vehemently advocating the Kuva proposal and pitting them against each other.

Nobody working for DACH Embassy has a presence in the Dash Nation #MNO-Only Discord channel to defend any accusations or speculation that may be brought against them. Both the Kuva proposal owner (Drako / Max Yoga) and Triptolemoose are present on the channel and do get the opportunity to influence, and potentially sway, MNO's to vote in favour of their proposal over rival proposals.

I think it’s clear where the Kuva proposal owner stands on proposal like the DACH Embassy:

Max Yoga 07/20/2018
“I do think though that initiatives like DACH Embassy should probably wait until our software is in better shape, either pre-evolution with fixes to things like the Core wallet and mobile wallets or post-Evolution.”

The Kuva proposal owner is ever-present on the Dash Nation #MNO-Only Discord channel and is both happy and able to promote Kuva as much as possible there (and does), often comparing how other proposal owners are doing things compared to Kuva; such as, what Dash Core Group are doing 'wrong' and giving examples of how Kuva are doing them 'right'. There is nothing wrong in making comparisons, making constructive criticisms and influencing people, but most proposal owners don't have that same privilege to liase directly with MNOs.

Triptolemoose is obviously a strong advocate of Kuva. He make this very clear in multiple arenas and until recently was proud to tag “KuvaCash” on his Twitter and KeyBase profiles – since removed. I can’t say why someone would advocate something so strongly and at the same time decide to remove these tags from their profiles any more than I can say whether this person is somehow affiliated with Kuva. Yet given the very strong rhetoric for and frequency to favor Kuva at every opportunity, may suggest them being more than just an simple advocate.

Finally, it is worth noting to that Triplemoose did get a ban this week for 48 hours from the Dash Nation Discord.

Tao Of Satoshi Monday at 11:30 PM
@triptolemoose was given a 48 hour temp-ban for multiple violations of Dash Nation on Discord policies."

There were some "speculations as facts" flying around aimed at both other MNOs and the DACH Embassy. Fortunately, for Triptolemoose, all his messages have also been removed, which, given some of the accusationary and inflammatory wording used, only served to do him a favor.
3 points,6 years ago
Hi HotFlow,

Thanks for this clearing info and support, as we don´t have any insights in MNO discussions. We just work professionell for the Dash Community and the MNOs to bring Dash forward every single day.

-1 point,6 years ago
Dear MNOs

$450K USD spent on this team so far. Yes funds are limited this month. We should be careful to spend wisely.

Don't let DACH or HotFlow pull the wool over your eyes. DYOR.

Yes, as mentioned in a smear attempt above and in other places here, it is true I was given a 48 hour temp ban on Discord over DN policy, including disrespecting members. I was calling out members over exactly the same conspiracy that they are trying to brew here. All this in lieu of actually addressing my critique of their actual integrations and achievements.

D-A-CH modus operandi

DACH are trying to impress MNOs with airbrush metrics.

Things like talking about visiting Audi and Porsche for 'workshops' .. honestly, how does this help Dash? Is anyone impressed.. this is just name dropping. Are you impressed with name dropping?

Do you really believe Audi or Porsche will adopt Dash in any shape or form?

Alarm bells should be ringing guys!

Here are some more alarm bells re: insider connections.

What both DACH and HotFlow neglect to mention, is that they do in fact have insights into MNO discussions, via their 'Sparring partner' Macrochip (a MNO and now ex-Moderator of Dash Nation).

I find it strange that Macrochip was vehemently denying any association with the DACH project, he is listed as an Internal Advisor within this proposal, and he claimed that this was false information and he was only a / sparring partner (his words, not mine).

He is also listed under "Who are we?" in the original D-A-CH proposal here:

Macrochip was removed as a moderator from Dash Nation slack the day I posted my critique (and was attacked by him). So DACH's insights no longer include a Dash Nation moderator as of a couple of days ago.

You may be inclined to believe that I am somehow associated with Kuva, however please do your own research if this is somehow influencing your ability to evaluate with a clear head.

Macrochip has somehow managed to get his 'conspiracy' about me to grow. He claims I recently removed a Kuva entry from my keybase bio in a suspicious manner (and somehow this morphed to a claim that I recently edited kuva out of my twitter profile two days ago or something?).

The truth is, I got a new phone and reinstalled keybase on it a few months back, not sure where my bio disappeared, but it is in fact completely empty, no mention of Dash, Bitcoin, nothing... Everything is removed, not ONLY the mention of Kuva. Not surprising, as keybase is beta software with 2000+ issues currently reported and I never use the thing.

The DACH team can go ahead and share their screenshot, along with the date it was taken.

If you want to see the actual real change that was made on my twitter (before google removes the cache). Just use a desktop and search

Then click the down arrow in two of my recent tweets, the visa one is from June and shows my twitter pre-edit, and the July one is post edit, showing how I tightened up my profile with tags of coins I have, to help grow my reach on there. Kuvacash is not recognised as a tag yet, which is why it isn't on there. Instead, my interest in Security Tokens, and Utility Tokens is present.

You should be able to see the cache of my bio behind the tweet. If not, let me know and I can DM a screencap for you on discord.

The takeaway. Don't Shoot the Messenger.

I am trying to explain that any marketing spending right now is a big waste of money.

We are in a 6 month bear market, marketing doesn't work.

I even sent the same message to Fernando and Ryan and saw on friday that Fernando posted on the dash forum that they will halt all their ads, with his stated reasons and direct the remaining funds elsewhere.

DACH are trying to make this into a Kuva vs DACH thing, to use the Kuva haters to push through their low value / high cost proposal.

So far they have spent 400K Euro. Digging into their claimed full integrations I found nothing impressive for the money spent.

They may be the nicest guys in the world (one of them is 10 years mastercard), but no amount of Dash branded chewing gum and (cocktail?) meet-ups will get us traction in a bear market.

Neither will another $170K spent with this team, or 25% of the remaining budget after Dash core takes their portion.

What are you serving at your meetups?


We need a bull market to justify this spend.

MNOs please read my critique further down on this page, and note the response from DACH and the airbrushing and refusal to address.

Note. The disconnect between the reporting in the Dash Watch tool, and the actual massaging of achievements. Ignore all PR achievements, they brought no real measurable value (bear market).

Note. The new bold confusing headline in this proposal, designed to mislead the voters to believe that the team proactively have lowered their ask, but in reality, this is a reactive approach (due to Dash price drop), and still 408 Dash per month is being asked by this team.

The DASH ask in this proposal has not been scaled down by the DACH team.

We are in a multi-month bear market, spending on D-A-CH right now will have no measurable effect. Hammering this one home. DYOR

(Still) Voting No
1 point,6 years ago
Triptolemoose, I think you still don´t understand what we are doing here. Dash Embassy D-A-CH is not about marketing. We are a full service agency for Dash in german speaking countries (sometimes also for other parts of europe). We are not about name dropping, we are about getting stuff done. Regarding our ask: we scaled down our activities to go on in kind of a "basic" setup with the funds we hope to receive. Marketing activities for example are scaled down to the minimum. In my opinion you should restart your research about our achievements.

I don´t know much about you, but I guess you don´t know what it takes to build up a sustainable brand. Not only over here in D-A-CH and not only for payments, but in general.

As mentioned in a comment on the "old" kuva proposal of this cycle I really like their project and I hope to see it happen. We would never try to fight them because we arwish all the best fo and I really don´t understand why you are trying to discreditate us.

regarding macro: for us he is a sparring partner, but this doesn´t mean that we are aware of the insights in channels we can´t reach. I think you should send him a PM to find solutions for your issues.
1 point,6 years ago
Regarding Macro, he is intimately tied to this project, and so, his endorsements of any achievements on this proposal (and past proposals) need to be taken with a grain of salt.

He was listed as one of the team in your initial proposal, and is an influencer:

Regarding your claim of 'full service agency'. We need to see metrics and value.

Please scale down your activities AND your ask.

What I see, is you are still asking for the same 408 DASH per month. I do not believe we are receiving enough value for the DASH being requested, for the reasons I have stated in my critique.

Now with toned down marketing, where are we getting value from DACH? How many people have visited your offices in the last month? How many support calls, emails, live chats?

How much legal support have you provided?

Please understand, I am asking for some proof of results. At present we only see 2 integrations, and not 400K EURO of value.

We cannot absorb wasteful spending. We are in a multi month bear market, and therefore we need to spend wisely.

This is not a first-world PR and branding exercise, we need to focus on adoption where it is needed.

What are your past experiences and successes with brand building? (With evidence please, not just name dropping)

What was your budget at the time?
1 point,6 years ago
The July Report from our PR-Agency Hoschke & Consorten is now available:

0 points,6 years ago

I am looking at the current state of Dash and the crypto markets, I would like to make the point that spending even a single dollar on PR, marketing, sponsorships and meet ups during this time is money down the drain.

No one advertises their worst performing stocks during bear markets. Funds only ever advertise their top performers. Why? Because new customers will never ever part with a single dollar to invest in a space when all they can see is market caps sliding down day after day.

PR marketing spends and hype only work on the way up. We can’t convince the average man on the street that something which has been tanking for the last 6 months is actually a really successful project, and that they should buy some Dash and be part of it.
In their view, if things were going well, then surely the price would be going up.

Times are tight, so this leads me here, to review and reconsider the excessively large spend in this D-A-CH proposal. The huge 408 Dash per month ask is ~25% of the remaining budget after Dash Core Group removes their take.

I encourage everyone to dig deep into all dash watch and forum reports and see D-A-CH’s very limited achievements with the 400k+ EURO ($450K USD) that they have already spent so far (382K EURO from the Dash treasury plus borrowed money from Essra).

I personally believe this spending has not been good value, based on the metrics presented in by D-A-CH to the Dash Watch team. In my view it has been more of a vanity spend (as I do not believe in offices, large PR, merch, cocktail meet ups, and conference spending during an extended bear market).

At first glance into some of their stated achievements (with the 400k+ Euro spent so far), the CONDA one seems impressive. Alexa web stats show is significant, however, digging deeper it seems Dash isn’t actually used on their platform, and the only thing achieved is that Conda will accept Dash in exchange for their own CRWD ICO token sale that is currently running.

Can the D-A-CH team please confirm?

It seems misleading to include a link to but not to specifically state that it was for a separate ICO only?

Next on the Fully integrated list is:

Whom I presume D-A-CH are using for executive training. No mention of Dash other than a linked PDF in the dash watch report, and hardly an add-on achievement worth hundreds of thousands of euros.

Can the team please confirm if they have used Transformations Managers for their own personal and staff training?

Next up an orangutan foundation selling t-shirts. Although Established, they have not added Dash to available payment methods in their shop. Presumably they’ll accept Dash donations (who wouldn’t?).

Again not much of an achievement for the money spent. What are all their Dash Ambassadors doing? They claimed that ambassadors would only be paid on their achievements (in their initial proposal). I can see one educational talk with 25 people in attendance. (I have no issue with educational talks, IMO a scaled down proposal with limited staff that continues this educational activity is welcome).

Everyone is free to continue through the list. Only the top 2 are mentioned as fully integrated but I feel this is misleading. The next established ones are all crypto-related companies. Nothing mainstream where arguably brick and mortar in-country presence required.

That said, the D-A-CH offices are not anything impressive. Videos are here:

D-A-CH list GDPR compliance as one of their achievements. If you look into the details, they basically changed the names on their public meeting calendar to alias’s and took it down. This is not very interesting achievement for the money spent.

The D-A-CH twitter has only 142 people following it. Their web user stats state that a couple of thousand visitors went to their website. This doesn’t seem like a PR success, but again, we are in a bear market, which makes PR spending a pointless waste IMO.

Another concern, is that I haven’t seen 400k Euro being spent wisely either. I note money thrown on tiny unmarked offices and merch trinket giveaways (e.g. Dash chewing gum).

Should we be handing another 200K USD to this team?

How many people have visited the D-A-CH offices in the last month?

I note a few team members have left. What were the stated reasons?

Do we need to pour more money into the new D-A-CH team? Do we need marketing at all? A tiny office in Germany and Austria? Answers and critique please.

If D-A-CH come back with a tiny ask just to keep the offices open, some grass roots level of funding for education then fine. But 408 Dash is a lot of our treasury, we really want to spend 25% of what’s left after DCG on this?

If they can scale down is yet to be seen. It will be up to them to submit a fresh proposal, or simply cease. Either way my critique stands.

I’ve had some brief discussions with one of their Internal Advisors/sparring partners ‘macrochip’ who is a mod on Dash Nation. Evidently, macrochip stated that he is not actually an Internal Advisor at all, so the D-A-CH team may wish to clarify this in their proposal description above, as it is false information to allude to him being an internal advisor - according to macrochip himself.

Macrochip also claimed to have answers to all my critique above, but then passed the buck to the D-A-CH team, and refused to provide any timeline on when I would hope to receive a response.

Macrochip’s initial response to me (aside from calling my critique disgusting behaviour, and FUD) was to repost a DACH reply to Kuva from this Dash Central page, where DACH justifying their claim that they can’t scale down. He followed this with pages and pages of direct questions and and veiled personal attacks on me, and statements in his opinion, that I’m somehow affiliated with the Kuva cash proposal, which I am not in any official or unofficial way. This has been confirmed by both myself and the Kuva team.

Masternodes, please do your own research and look at the metrics. I believe PR and vanity activities in this bear market need to be wound down if we are to survive.

The D-A-CH team look like nice guys, and they have been doing their best. However, like Ben Swann, we can’t afford this kind of spending at this time. We need to see incredible results from every dollar spent, and you just don’t get that from PR spends in a bear market.

If the available monthly budget was higher, this ask would show as a rounding error in our treasury. However, right now it is far too much.

I am disappointed that the D-A-CH team dug in their heels and seemingly disengaged from the co-operation amongst proposal owners that the Kuva team tried to piece together. One that meant everyone would be able to continue their (scaled-down) activities.

Just as a final comment. There has been a lot of confusion as to what the Dash Watch team actually do. They only report and verify numbers and their confidence that presented material is real. They do not assess whether a proposal or project is doing well, or is value for money.

It is up to MNOs to use the Dash Watch reports as a tool and do their own research into the performance of every proposal.

Reading though the D-A-CH proposal description above you may have read that D-A-CH received the “highest Confidence Score of 90” rating from Dash Watch. I want to point out that this might be misleading some MNOs into thinking it means that Dash Watch has given a positive endorsement for the D-A-CH project.

Please do not be misled by the DACH team by their comment below:

“With the highest Confidence Score of 90 at Dash Watch we are absolutely proud to keep this high standard of reporting. We cooperate very well with Dash Watch and provide monthly reportings to them.” - D-A-CH Team

The Dash Watch team has confirmed in Dash Nation chat that the ‘confidence’ score is not a metric developed by the Dash Watch report Team, and should not be treated as an endorsement of any project. It has since been abandoned and replaced with a ‘completeness’ metric which better reflects what Dash Watch actually provide.

See the Dash Watch comments below.
“It has been brought to our attention that their is some confusion regarding the "confidence" metric on the site. We would like to clarify that the "confidence" metric was not developed by the Dash Watch report team, and is not a metric used for Dash Watch reports. "Confidence" was created by the web development team, and was intended as a way to quantify confidence in the information that was presented on the website. To the report team's knowledge, it was largely abandoned due to the problems associated with quantifying such an abstraction.

"Confidence" scores should not be treated as endorsements or rejection by Dash Watch of any specific proposal.

We would also like to provide preemptive clarification about the "Completeness" metric. This is another development metric that does not reflect the state of the proposal.

We would like to apologize for any confusion caused by this, and welcome any additional questions or feedback.” - The Dash Watch Team


TLDR: I have done research into D-A-CH. Metrics show not enough achievement or value from the team from the 400K Euro spent ($450K USD) so far. DYOR to verify.

Asking $200k+ USD, or 408 Dash per month for 3 more months. This is ~25% of what is left in the budget after core team payout.

Come back when a bull market justifies the spend, and treasury can afford it.

Voting No
3 points,6 years ago
Hello Triptolemoose,

Dash Embassy D-A-CH is a multifaceted project that has worked on many different fronts, marketing and integration being only two of them.

We have:
- spoken at 12 conferences during the first half of 2018
- trained 8 ambassadors who organize regional meetups at universities (without cocktails but with a 2 hour lecture)
- For those meetups we created a 60-slides presentation, a booklet and a flyer that are now featured on
- These materials are also used at the Dash Roadshow which aims at the industry in the D-A-CH region by working together with e.g. Bosch Connectory, IHK, ImpactHub,... (see the whole list at
- We have written a 200-sites book for beginners
- have provided support via live chat and email to around 100 individuals
- have worked with law firms to create a legal guide for Masternode Owners, Proposal Owners and merchants in different jurisdictions
- We have organized a workshop for Audi and another one for Porsche
- have given interviews to major German news sites like ARD, Handelsblatt and Wirtschaftswoche

With this strategy we have reached more people in our region than IOTA, Ripple, Litecoin and our main competitor Bitcoin Cash, which we think is a remarkable achievement by any measure. Mass adoption is our main goal and we work hard and consistently on that by preparing the infrastructure through partnerships with ATM companies like, which is the leading ATM company in Austria and FIAT gateways like We will even speak in front of board members of the second biggest banking group in Germany this Wednesday to promote Dash, continuing our efforts regarding mass adoption.

A bear market is hard to predict especially in new markets like crypto but it always motivates to more efficiency, which we always have in mind on top of our decision making. That´s why we will concentrate on the most important parts of our work until the Dash price has recovered. A cessation of funding at this crucial moment of our company’s existence would be throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

About the specific integrations that you have mentioned:

1. Conda is not only using Dash as a payment option for their ICO. They will implement Dash as a payment option into their new platform once it is completed. Dash would be used as a currency to invest in an European multi-million euro crowdfunding and crowdinvesting market.

2. We have not and will not use the services provided by the Transformationsmanagers and they will soon add a Dash logo to their website. They are an entrepreneur club using Dash as their internal currency and also for external services and they will provide new possibilities for integrations into much bigger companies in Austria.

3. Not every charity organization would accept Dash, a cryptocurrency that the mainstream media sometimes links to Darknet activities, but being accepted by a charity can only help the reputation of Dash and can help us to reach a new audience.

About our offices:

We pay 760,10€ a month for rent for both offices combined. For meetings we can use other rooms of the co-working spaces, where our offices are located, that are more appropriate for meetings. What we are using is both cheap and in a representable environment.

About Marketing:

We have significantly reduced what we are spending on marketing due to the current Dash price. We are not sponsoring conferences at the moment and we have cut the spending for our PR-agency to a minimum. PR spending will be upscaled in an appropriate way and when the Dash price allows it so that we can strengthen the position of Dash in the media and maybe even leave ETH and BTC behind us and get invited to conferences without paying for a speaking slot (as we do meanwhile).

About what we get:

We have worked 2 months unfunded and we are not asking for $200k, we are asking for $160k (or $130k at current rate) for three months because the first 2 month were not paid out. We just scaled down as mentioned above in our proposal description.

About GDPR:

To become GDPR compliant is not an easy task as you may believe. It is the biggest European decree ever happened. All companies doing business in Europe are struggling to be compliant with this huge change in data privacy laws. We as a Dash company want to be a role model in this case too, because reputation is key for crypto and we don´t want to be a target for German data privacy authorities. We took care of that with our lawyers Winheller in Frankfurt and developed our internal data privacy concept as required by European law. Winheller are experts and well-known in the German crypto community. There have been a lot of changes in the background, not only a change in our calendar.

About MNO discussions:

We can not and will not comment on discussions between MNOs, because we are no masternodes and so have no insight into that. Internal advisors help us to plan projects and to concentrate on the ideological needs of Dash, but they are not responsible for answering questions to other MNOs regarding our initiative - this is our job. Furthermore there is no financial or working relationship with any of our internal advisors.

About the Dash Watch Confidence Score:

We always achieved the highest score of transparency as possible and so just reported everything needed to give to the Dash network and the Masternodes. All the public data that we can publish were made available.

About Scaling down our operations:

We refer to our updated proposal description were we in detail explain our new down scaled project plan and numbers.

We hope these statements help you to understand what we are doing. If there is something else we can help you with and you have more questions that we can answer, we will be happy to do so (but please reach out to us in channels where we are able to answer your questions).

We will go back to work now and provide more updates during the month.


P.S.: We know that you are directly involved in the Kuva Project, because of all your just deleted profiles. Where has your “kuva”-tag on keybase gone? Fortunately we´ve got a screenshot... please don´t think we are not informed about you.
3 points,6 years ago
With regard to the list of accomplishments you referenced (eg. 12 conferences, 8 ambassadors for meetups, 60-slide presentation, book, workshop, interviews) -- I have a very different perspective on the importance of these types of activities in a bear market than I would in a bull market. IMO, in the present environment, almost all activities that are aimed at general outreach/awareness should be completely stopped in favor of activities that directly move us towards greater utility. I believe you have already acknowledged this in your post, but I when I see the most current projected budget for Q3 still spending nearly ten times as much on Education and Marketing (especially meetups) than on Integration/Sales/Support, I think there might still be quite a lot of opportunity to re-structure things. I think the specific integrations you mentioned are worth way more than many of the other activities, but most of the money still seems to be going to the other activities?

I am currently undecided on this because I do think it would be a real shame to have this project close down and it is clear that there have been notable achievements. But I'm going to need to think some more on whether or not the work being done within this project should be prioritized.
2 points,6 years ago
Hi TroyDash,

I can easily explain that to you. The Dash Embassy Concept is a step by step program in fact acting as a real company.

First you need to do marketing so that people get to know there is also a coin named Dash besides the allmigthy Bitcoin.
Second you edcuate these people and learn them how the current financial system is working. A normal worker has propably no idea who Mario Draghi is although he is influencing the lives of hundreds of millions of Europeans with his decisions. After knowing how the ECB monetary system works people understand why we need crypto and actively learn about blockchain, bitcoin and also Dash.
Third they want to use Dash in their daily lives and businesses.
Fourth they need support when issues arrive with that.
Fifth we give them law firms and tax accountants on the hand who we trust for solving tax issues.

Thus marketing and education is a costy thing, we just reduced that by 88% und 69% as you can see in our reduced budget excel file in the description above.
Integration and Sales costs are so low because we have our own staff for that. We have Rafael Schultz aka blockchainpunk, he is our Division Leader for this section and worked over 10 years in the payment industry for Mastercard in example. We have our Sinay Demirel aka sidem, he is our IT & technical integration guy and is doing all the technical stuff with our costumers to integrate Dash. If super complex issues arrive codablock from Core is always available for us to help merchants.
So we don´t pay costumers for integrating Dash. We act together with the merchants and help them with our expertise via our own staff. This gets very well accepted by our integration partners so far, because they get the feeling from us that they are not alone if issues arise and there is a professionell team they can trust. In the future when more budget is available we plan to build up a bigger Sales Team with more staff to flood merchants with Dash integrations as we now have a working POS solution.

At the end we do exactly want we always wanted to do and that is to be a full-service Dash company.

Thanks for the great question and i hope you further support our efforts in the very important European market.

Best Regards
your Dash Embassy D-A-CH Team

3 points,6 years ago
As you can see here TroyDASH, education and integration are going hand in hand:
We are organizing an event with the Chamber of Commerce Flensburg, which has 41k members.

0 points,6 years ago
Guys, I am sure your marketing and PR consultants are great.

But again, we are in a bear market. It is not "hard to predict", it is very obvious for several months now.

You have not achieved anything significant with 400K EURO ($450K USD) spent. I just see more frantic massaging of limited achievements to justify all the money that has been vapourised.

Other teams realised when their spending was not cost effective for the value received, and voluntarily pulled back or asked to be defunded.

Even Fernando from Dash Core Group has recently posted in this regard.

"We have Rafael Schultz aka blockchainpunk, he is our Division Leader for this section and worked over 10 years in the payment industry for Mastercard in example."

Can you please specify a bit more what this means? Was he working for Mastercard as you allude? I cannot find any link between him and Mastercard.

Why link in the dash watch report when the real URL that was fully integrated was the ICO that I mentioned? is not integrated. How many other coins will conda ico support with their crwd token when it is live? (is it Dash exclusive?)

Why list transformation managers as an achievement? How large is this business really?

I cannot find any link to dash on the charity website. When is this coming? I still do not believe this is an achievement.

Please share your 'background' GDPR changes that were soo significant.

Please come clean on your relationship with Macrochip who is a MNO and was a moderator of Dash Nation (and is still a moderator of dash on reddit).

He is also listed under "Who are we?" in the original D-A-CH proposal here:

Why is he, and yourselves denying an obvious association?

We are not here to rubber stamp proposals, we need to evaluate what actual value we are getting out of this 408 Dash/month spend (25% of the budget after Dash Core Group take).

Some clear answers please. And no more talk of Porsche or Audi, we need to you to show actual real world results for the $450K USD spent so far.

Not photos of business cards. Not name dropping. Results.
2 points,6 years ago
I try not to repeat myself, but Dash Embassy D-A-CH is not about marketing only... please refine your research (see my post above)

Regarding Rafael: pleae check the companies he worked for and find the connection to mastercard by yourself. In the end it doesn´t really matter in my opinion, but hey... go ahead..

Conda: the integration for their ICO was stage 1 - stage 2 is the full integration of Dash as a means of payment in their entire plattform (as we already explained)

Transformationmanagers: they are using Dash as their currency between members (b2b). You are right, there is no Dash branding on their website, but please, if you don´t believe us, just call them by phone.

GDPR: you can find out the requirements of GDPR complience by simply using google. We did everything neccessary to be compliant with our digital workspace (mails, cloud, projectmanagement tools, crm, hr, support,...)

macrochip: we are not denying anything. he supported me at the eurofinanceweek back in 2017 (my first proposal) and helped us in the beginning with the setup of Dash Embassy D-A-CH. As he has not enough time to work for us he was an interim manager for integration processes. We learned a lot. Now Rafael and Sinay are working in this division. Sometimes macrochip still helps us with some questions, but it´s only about chatting in discord and having a videocall from time to time.. nothing really important but helpfull for technichal questions.

Porsche & Audi: I need to disappoint you in this. We can´t leave this space to IOTA and we will keep our talks with the car industry and inform you about the current status every time we have an update. And we will also need to tell you about another interesting workshop we had with one of the biggest banks over here. I´m sorry, but this is part of our job and mission.

Businesscards: we receive them from people we are talking to at conferences and need them to stay in contact, but it´s ok - we will no longer inform you about our networking skills.

Results: not even you will be able to do a revolution in a market like ours in a few month. We are doing our best and meanwhile we are getting first results.. yes, we don´t onboard vegetable stores in the streets, but hey... we don´t have something like this here.. we need to create sustainable longterm success. Also sorry for that.

I´ll now answer all the other comments you posted here and then go back to work... or maybe not, because I spent to much time on dashcentral to explain you what Dash Embassy D-A-CH is doing and how things are working in our region.

So the next DashWatch report might contain "answering annoying questions for several hours..." which will be your achievement or result.
2 points,6 years ago
It is annoying how you Kuva guys attack a competing proposal and distracts from valid critique you might have. You accuse D-A-CH of not being willing to "cooperate" with Kuva, when all Kuva did was to ask for D-A-CH to cut their funding and now you paint that incident as somehow uncooperative behavior, while I am still waiting to see who is actually "cooperating" with Kuva. You also accuse D-A-CH of misleading the community because of the "confidence" thing. How about assuming it was a honest mistake?

As to the valid critique:

Fair enough, you think the project is useless and "vanity". You fail to mention the media impact the D-A-CH team had. Dash mentions in the german press have increased to third place, only lagging BTC and ETH (even beating IOTA, which is pretty popular in Germany). They also work on various other projects like an ATM network in Austria and soon Switzerland. They offer legal support to various start-ups regarding Dash acceptance. In short, they brought Dash on the map in the german speaking countries.
I understand if you don't think those countries are a priority, but I don't like the way you paint what the Embassy does in a negative way, just to favor Kuva (you not being affiliated in any way is hard to believe and I still don't get why you wrote it on Twitter yourself before removing it).
Last but not least, I don't understand your critique of Macrochip and imho you misrepresent - again - what he said, but I am sure he can defend himself.
-2 points,6 years ago
Many honest mistakes, or stretching and massaging of accomplishments. You decide. DYOR

PR is a waste of money in a bear market.

Don't believe the lies re: Twitter. Just Macrochip attempt at smear campaign to pull Kuva into this.

If you want to see the actual real change that was made on my twitter (before google removes the cache). Just use a desktop and search

Then click the down arrow in two of my recent tweets, the visa one is from June and shows my twitter pre-edit, and the July one is post edit, showing how I tightened up my profile with tags of coins I have, to help grow my reach on there. Kuvacash is not recognised as a tag yet, which is why it isn't on there (in either of the cached copies). Instead, my interest in Security Tokens, and Utility Tokens is present.

You should be able to see the cache of my bio behind the tweet. If not, let me know and I can DM a screencap for you on discord.

Macrochip stated that he wanted to shoot the messenger. It is obvious why... he is a big part of this team. He is still listed under "Internal Advisory Board / Sparring Partner:" in this current proposal, but denies the claim.

Check the description in the first DACH proposal under "Who are we?"

If he wants to step up, he can. He is a MNO and nothing stops him replying on here. I have not seen him on Dash Nation Discord for a few days since around the time he was removed as a mod.

What macrochip is actually referring to, is my keybase account (that I never use). So no, not twitter. You can see my reply above regarding my entire bio disappearing off it (Mentions my interest in Dash, Kuva everything), and probably happened months ago when I reinstalled the app to my new phone.

Please read my critique and the follow up replies from DACH and myself.

I still feel we have not got $450K USD worth of value from this team, and will not get it in future due to the current bear market.

Go read Fernando's own comments re: advertising proposals.

Voting No
3 points,6 years ago
I guess on this one I only need to repeat that Dash Embassy D-A-CH is not only about marketing or did I miss something relevant regarding the proposal? If so, please check one of my other answers on one of your other comments... they are almost all the same.

I think you should talk about your private issues and connections elsewhere.
4 points,6 years ago
Despite your clear Kuva fanboy status, you make some valid points in your - somewhat lengthy - diatribe.

I’ll reflect on what has been raise before voting, but it looks I’ll end up voting no for both this and Kuva at this rate. If the above is factually correct(?) then neither of these proposals is worthy of fundingtheir current form.. these funds don’t have to be spent at all remember, and MNOs may end up making such a decision.

4 points,6 years ago
Having done more research into this project it's clear that Triptolemoose is not accurately accounting for the work being done by D-A-CH. It seems clear to me that DACH are providing value here. Sure, they will have made some mistakes (as all projects do) but they are working hard and delivering results from the evidence I see, and their commitment to Dash through these difficult time over the last few months (and foregoing funding) deserves some recognition also. I will be voting yes.

-1 point,6 years ago
$450K USD spent so far.

Including on PR with no measurable result due to extended bear market.

Look at the metrics. Why should we burn another 408 DASH per month on this. It is 25% of our remaining budget after Dash Core Group.

We are talking real money here, not a sympathy vote and opening our wallets again to the tune of $170K USD or whatever Dash is sitting at today.
2 points,6 years ago
Hm... ok... nothing really new in here... for PR please have a look at some of my other replies to Triptolemoose...

dab... dab... dab...


25%: I think everybody is aware that 408 is round about 25% of what´s left after the Core proposals. Most MNOs seem to be smart people, so they can do the math, but thank you for your help. Let me just add that 408 is also round about 6.6% of the entire budget. This is less than we asked for in Q2.
1 point,6 years ago
Hi walters,

thanks for the trust in us, we do our best to make Dash a success in European markets.

Best Regards
0 points,6 years ago
Good services, but overpriced. Very overpriced.
-1 point,6 years ago
Hi callalilly,

The Dash Embassy D-A-CH is the first open source full-service company for Dash. We offer everything a merchant or users needs. Just visit our website or watch our numerous videos on our youtube channel about our latest achievements. You won´t get this kind of professionell work anywhere for this price. Furthermore we just have scaled down our overall operations to 48,629.01 € per month. The quality will be held up high without any question because Dash must keep up his head against its competitors like BCH, IOTA and XRP here in Europe.

Thank you
Best Regards

-3 points,6 years ago
X-post and update with regards to cooperation between proposal owners (including DACH) for this funding cycle.

We have ongoing conversations where other proposal owners were involved, including DACH, and where all were to lower their asks for this month. We are working with Core and others to see how we can continue to see Kuva through to launch (and see important proposals that cannot be paused funded).

Unfortunately although DACH initially indicated that they could lower their ask for the month by scaling activities, they feel confident that they will not need to this month, having collected votes enough to be near or passing the threshold.

We are not pleased at this but of course will continue our cooperative endeavours with other proposal owners such that our work and that of others is not disrupted in this voting cycle.

@Essra, as you are aware Kuva do NOT have accessible fiat remaining to take the risk on for launch, but what is indeed possible is for your team to look at cost reductions this month, which we know is possible. It may be worth sharing specifics with the community, so they can decide for themselves whether there is value in your more ancillary cost-center activities, or whether you should restructure your proposal.

2 points,6 years ago

hello drako, after all our conversations it seems that you are still not willing to understand our situation. we already lowered our ask by 30% before submitting our current proposal and we haven't been funded for the last two month. this means that we are completely out of money now. due to the current dash price we will scale down a lot of our projects (pr is on hold, book is on hold, conferences are on hold, travelling is on hold, ambassadors are on hold) and focus on the things that matter most (business development, integrations, b2b roadshow).

you can find our current number in our public accounting in our proposal or on our website. additionally simon will show you our numbers right soon.

discrediting our proposal is not a proper way to prepare a possible future alliance.

all the best,
-2 points,6 years ago
Hi Essra,

X-Post reply -
Nobody is discrediting your proposal. You are aware that your response is not in line with what you have told us on our calls.

You mentioned that you would be able to restructure your activities and lower costs, and now you say that you cannot - which we know is untrue. The reason we understand that it is possible, is precisely because your public accounting is visible and we were able to have a sensible conversation about this.

Your transparency and willingness to come to the table was important, and you have decided another route that does not entail cooperation with the group, it's as simple as that.

1 point,6 years ago
Dear Drako (aka lemonysnicket, aka Max Yoga, aka kuvateam, aka ...),

Essra is responsible for marketing, education and partnerships in our team. This is why he´s not aware of our exact budget and calculations all the time. He agreed to talks about a potential “budget alliance”, but he definitely did not assure you a granted scale down from our side. As we are acting like a Sub-DAO and therefore we always need to find consensus about decisions like this, he wouldn´t even be allowed to decide that alone.

Here are the numbers essra announced:

leftover from June: 30,171.68 €
- expenses in July: 66,955.40 €
= leftover from July: - 36,783.72 €

planned expenses for August: 48,629.01 € (already scaled down from 103,387.07 €)
+ liabilities from July: 36,783.72
= current liabilities (Jul + Aug): 85,412.73 €

our current proposal ask: 408 DASH
x current Dash price: 144.58 €
= potential funding in September: 58,988.64 € (if Dash price stays at the current level)

potential funding in September: 58,988.64 €
+ donations received in August: 12,662.69 €
= potential available budget for September: 71,651.33 €

potential available budget for September: 71,651.33 €
- current liabilities (Jul + Aug): 85,412.73 €
= leftover in the beginning of September: -13,761. 40€

potential funding in October: 58,988.64 € (if Dash price stays at current level)
- remaining liabilities of September: 13,761. 40€
- planned expenses for October: 48,629.01 € (scaled down as mentioned above)
= leftover in the beginning of October: -3,401.77

All numbers except for the scaled down expenses are available in our public budget accounting. Essra already supported the Dash Embassy D-A-CH UG with 30k from his private pocket at the beginning of the year. We will definitely not be able to go on if we don´t receive a funding for the next 2 months, if the Dash price stays at current level.

We hope you see that there is no room for us to scale down any further.

These talks are over and we will not answer further requests from your side.

2 points,6 years ago
Hi it would be really cool to see the dash sales the merchants you have integrated are making?
-1 point,6 years ago
Hi CaptAhab,

Yes, indeed this is very interesting. As the most of our partners and cooperations just started accepting Dash, we dont have any numbers yet, but we will check this on a regular basis, because we want to know which businesses are running best in Dash Sales and which not. So we learn and can not only focus on the early adopter companies but also start to move to the high txs businesses like cafes and restaurants with more experience. We will keep the Dash community updated and its also important to understand that we are working with a lot of accelerators. As soon as they accept Dash, lots of already connected businesses can use Dash, like our integrations of Saifu, Trivecoin, chronobank and others which will result in leveraged Dash txs in the long run.

Thank you
Best Regards

1 point,6 years ago
There will be two additional Meetups in Bavaria. One at the University of Regensburg and one at the University of Munich. Our group for Munich has already more than 60 members.

10.08 Munich
14.08 Regensburg

We are also planning a Meetup for Nuremberg that will start after the university summer break. This means that we will have 5 regular Dash meetups in Bavaria.

If you want to attend the Meetup in Munich and you think that this is to far away, you can fly to the airport and than pay your driver in Dash:

2 points,6 years ago
We are working with the restaurant platform Trust to integrate Dash as a payment method into their blockchain based system.

2 points,6 years ago
voted yes for you guys, even if there isnt enough budget, u guys did great work. If u dont get funding, dont take it personally. You guys do great work!
1 point,6 years ago
These guy provide a great job for the project.
We definitely need more like these and hopefully they get funded this cycle.
Fingers crossed ?
0 points,6 years ago
Emoji in the end of Fingers crossed didn't work and the "?" was created.
Anyway hope to see you funded guys.
-1 point,6 years ago
ty splawik21 for the support, we still need more votes to get funded this cycle to survive this severe bear market storm
4 points,6 years ago
How many merchants are now using DASH as part of your promotional campaigns? Ultimately that is what counts. It is all very well having PR programs, events, news and other things such as this but they don't mean much without practical results with merchants offering DASH as a payment. That is what counts. Dash Venezuela signs up 50 merchants a week. How many do you sign up? Can you show us those results on www.discoverydashcom. If you say that your project is not focused on merchant adoption then I say what is the point of having informed customers without merchants? We need merchants in order for people to use DASH and we need them now.
0 points,6 years ago
hello deepblue. thank you for your reply. first of all: you can´t compare venezuela and the center of europe. these are two complete different markets. in veneuzuela you don´t need to explain a merchant or a customer, that a decentralized money system with a hardcap might be an alternative to hyperinflation. in europe we need to educate people because they don´t have the same pain like people from venezuela and this is why we only onboarded two classical merchants yet, but we are cooperating with enablers like saifu, chronobank, solarisbank, kurant and big players from the automotive industry. these companies will have an impact for dash in long term. i think we need both: merchants accepting dash on the streets and those enablers. additionally our work is not only about onboarding merchants, it´s also about building up trust for crypto in europe. you might say that europe does not need crypto, because they don´t have the problems like people in venezuela have and on the first view this might look right, but as mentioned we are talking to enablers. seeing dash be used in central europe in future would be an enabler for the whole world - we guess. further on we create materials that can be used all over the world (check and additionally the embassy is kind of an open source company that can be copied by everyone who wants to setup a full service markting and support company for dash in their region without building it from scratch, because we learned a lot and share all of our knowledge and of course our documents (accounting, marketing materials, book, presentations...)

to value our proposal you need to think long term and not only look on the number of merchants.

1 point,6 years ago
Hello Essra, I think we should compare Venezuela vs any other project when there are limited funds because other projects such as yours will take essential funds away from those that could be spent in Venezuela where the money is having a much greater short term return on investment. Therefore I think we must compare when there are limited funds to prioritize where the money is best spent. You are right that there is no barrier to entry in Venezuela and that is why I'm saying with limited funds it makes sense those funds go to the areas that are having the greatest return on investment for DASH. If we convert Venezuela and then South America to DASH we will have plenty of funds for projects like yours that are longer term. Be aware that proposals such as yours, if voted through, will take money away from the work being done in Venezuela. there is no doubt you are doing a good job. But the fact is it is having limited impact now with only 2 merchants signed up. It is a much longer term proposal. I disagree with your point that we should focus on long and short term proposals when funds are limited. We need to focus on the proposals that are leading to the greatest return on investment. Venezuela has legalized the use of Crypto, the people desperately need it, they are signing up hundreds of merchants each month mass adoption is happening there they just need the funds. I think proposal owners need to think about this before posting a job that is outside of South America and particularly Venezuela.
5 points,6 years ago
Going by that logic we shouldn't have funded any BizDev integration from Core. No Huobi, no Kraken, no BitGo, no BlockCypher. All because "Venezuela is the most important project in human history and everything must be prioritzed below it". Why not defund Core to make more room for Venezuela? They are taking by far the most away from it. Your logic is fallacious at best.

The wall of achievements in this comment thread alone is clear evidence that the Embassy has done an invaluable job for the Dash ecosystem since the day it was launched. There is no reasonable objection to that from anyone.

You're perpetuating a false equivalency, and that's not an honest way of debating the merits of a proposal. I don't see you complain at other proposals that they "take away funds from Venezuela". Why is that?
-1 point,6 years ago
Hi Macrochip

Firstly, I know you are intimately involved in the D-A-CH project as their Internal Advisor/sparring partner (as mentioned in this proposal), as well as part of the original team, as mentioned in their original proposal "Who we are?"

Secondly, I have an issue with your comment.

"The wall of achievements in this comment thread alone is clear evidence that the Embassy has done an invaluable job for the Dash ecosystem since the day it was launched. There is no reasonable objection to that from anyone."

I cannot see a single 'invaluable' thing achieved by the DACH team to date.

There has simply been not enough value extracted for the 400K EURO ($450K USD) spent by this team so far.

Their PR activities may seem impressive, but they bring no measurable results during a bear market.

PR, sponsorship, marketing projects like these are only bring value during bull markets. Investors do not invest time, attention or money when markets are sliding day after day. In their view, if a project was going well, the price would be increasing.

I have looked into all DACH's claimed integrations to date (there are only 2), and they are not impressive at all.
1) Conda's CRWD token (currently ICO only)
2) Transformations Managers (small business? look at the website)

I understand your need to shill your team, but can we get some proper data to back up your claims.

In addition, Dash Watch only provide verification of information and numbers, but it is up to us to evaluate projects with to see if we are getting value. They do not endorse projects, and have not endorsed DACH, no matter what you read above.

Read their statement on this. The Dash Watch Report is only a Tool, not an endorsement.

MNOs please don't rubber stamp this proposal.

Read my critique on this page and do your own research.
3 points,6 years ago
except for repeating myself I think I can´t add anything to this. Please find the already given answers in one of my other replies. regarding macrochip: maybe you should send him a letter or have a phonecall... it seems that you really want to talk to him.
-1 point,6 years ago
P.S. Here is a link to DACH original proposal which includes Macrochip under "Who we are?"
3 points,6 years ago
as mostof your other comments: already explained above...
6 points,6 years ago
Yeah, I'm with you on this one. The progress being made in Venezuela is great to see, but it's still years away from mass adoption and is going to require millions more in funding to get to that point. People are missing the forest for the trees and being short-sighted just because of some short-term, small scale successes. Let's not throw away the progress made here just because progress elsewhere makes us warm and fuzzy.
3 points,6 years ago
About the metrics you have commented, I think you may be wrong.
You can put the poster in 100 shops that accept dash, and its impact in a reliable metric is that they generate in a year at best 100 tx, equivalent to 1000 dollars.
Or there may be 2 companies that generate 1,000 tx per year, equivalent to 100,000 dollars, for transfers between countries, for example a fiat exchange that uses the Dash network, to transport value between its international headquarters.
The purchasing power of Austrian, German and Swiss companies (GDP index) overall exceeds the GDP of many Latin American countries together.

Having a company image in the financial crib of Europe is not an option for Dash, which is global. You can judge the work of the D-A-CH team, but Dash strategically you have to have a stable presence and company image, and thisinfrastructure has already created it by that D-A-CH team.
3 points,6 years ago
hello deepblue, I agree that in the situation we got right now funds should go to projects from venezuela, but it´s not the case that the whole budget needs to be spend in venezuela, I think. In my opinion it´s neccessary to be visible all around the globe, but sure.. we need to prioritize and venezuela should be prio #1 right now - as long as the teams do a great job over there. I hope that our materials and our learnings help them to do so. and that masternodes might overthink some other decissions and stop paying for integrations in online gaming for example ;-)
5 points,6 years ago
Voted yes. One of the most professional groups to join Dash nation so far. True leaders by example. I urge MNOs to vote yes even if there is no room in this months' budget. Show this team that they have your support despite the current financial conditions. The market will recover and there will be more funding to go around. It would be an absolute shame to see talent like this go elsewhere.
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks and great to see this support. Also by your GreendCandle Escrow initiative to help us surviving the unfunded August via Beneficences over :-)
-1 point,6 years ago
Head's up MNOs.

Green Candle / Vancoinman still need to answer why they decided to claim a large sum of DASH escrow funds as their own income, putting the DASH into their own pocket instead of returning them to the network via Dash Boost as promised in this video.
0 points,6 years ago
Please stop attacking people like the Green Candle guys doing an awesome job and helping unfunded projects like these
0 points,6 years ago
Respectfully, you also need to watch the video and do your own research into GC Simon.

Green Candle should come clean with the Dash network. Their broken promise (as seen in the video above) had stalled Dash Boost for months. A small community team have managed to revive Dash Boost in the last 2 cycles, but no thanks to Green Candle and their team. Just ask Vancoinman to explain his side of the story.
3 points,6 years ago
thank you for your support, vancoinman
2 points,6 years ago
Tight month. I hope you understand. Keep up the great work and see you soon :-)
7 points,6 years ago
I totally agree, but I also hope to reach the 10% to get the permission to go on. Of course in smaller steps without budget, but some things can be prepared without money. and of course I´d like to save us the 5 dash for a resubmit.
6 points,6 years ago
Meet our PR agents that helped us to make Dash more visible in the German-speaking media than Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin combined:

5 points,6 years ago
Amazing results!
7 points,6 years ago
I don't understand how anyone can vote no on the Embassy facing this mountain of achievements. Even if it doesn't get funding this month because of a full budget, why wouldn't you push it above the threshold so funding is at least secured for the following two months?

We can shoot ourselves in the leg and sabotage major Dash integration and education efforts in Europe or we can vote yes and continue the stream of good news from the D-A-CH region.
-2 points,6 years ago
Please don't simply read Macrochip's name and rubber stamp this proposal.

Macrochip is part of this proposal as an "Internal Advisor/Sparring partner".

He was also in the original DACH proposal which includes Macrochip under "Who we are?"

Basically he's saying Vote for me. Which is great. But let's not try and make a mountain of achievements out of a mole hill.

This team has had a large PR spend ($450K USD) and only 2 full integrations so far (one is a token ICO called CRWD).

1) Conda's CRWD token (currently ICO only)
2) Transformations Managers (small business? Just look at the Dash Watch report and then try and find the website)

Please see my critique on this page, do your own research and make your own decision.

Voting No.
3 points,6 years ago
Triptolemoose, how many comments have been posting on this topic... I stoped counting after answering them for round about... 1h?! I´ll stop answering them in future unless you come up with something new, I guess..
4 points,6 years ago
I agree, this is unlikely to be funded this month but that doesn’t mean Masternodes shouldn’t vote yes. At the moment we have a contractor here working their asses off and the Masternodes are signalling that they don’t really care about the work being done at DACH.

Maybe I’m wrong but I’d like to think that there are more than 340/4600 Masternodes out there that are in favour of this project?

2 points,6 years ago
New DFN Article about our work:
2 points,6 years ago
We are working with and have already signed a letter of intent (LOI) with them. Their platform offers a multi-coin wallet that currently supports ETH, BTC, BCH and NEM and they now want to integrate Dash because they see it as an important payment focused cryptocurrency. You can read more about their platform at:
2 points,6 years ago
Rafael Schultz has again visited the Audi Denkwerkstatt (Audi Innovation Factory) to talk about how Dash could be used by Audi once Evolution is released. The ideas that were discussed are not so much about Dash as a payment method but about how Dash could be used to fuel some sort of IoT system in the future.
The ideas are of course early stage but we are now more than ever excited about the release of Evolution.
0 points,6 years ago
I've looked at the list of integrations in the Dash Watch report and the list is impressive. But I was wondering if there is a strategy behind the integrations? Are you focusing on certain market segments? And if so, why did you pick those? Do you expect those sectors to most likely adopt Dash the fastest?

I've been thinking lately that we may need to refocus a little and set goals that deliver short term results. I don't like it and it is a little against the nature of Dash. But I'm afraid that otherwise we just won't be able to afford project like these any more because the budget is just too tight. That would be a real shame.
2 points,6 years ago
We focus on the early adopters and innovative companies. These are brave people and believe in the blockchain technology and Dash. So they want to have an advantage over their competitors and step into this very important future market asap. There are often very intense discussions inside these potential integration costumers about crypto and its potentials. We help them to make there wish come true to accept Dash :-)
2 points,6 years ago
We had our first Roadshow event at the beginning of this week. The event took place at the University of Mittweida and we had both students and professors attending. The university is unique because it has established itself as a pioneer in the German-speaking blockchain world. Our speakers were Jan Heinrich Meyer from the Dash Embassy D-A-CH, Alex Roos from BTC-Echo and Klaus Himmer from CryptoTax. The event was also featured in the local newspaper.

We are currently planning more events and have already confirmed the dates for events in Vienna, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Schleswig. For more information visit:
2 points,6 years ago
Today we want to introduce Benjamin Burde, a teacher who wants to bring blockchain technology to the schools. His project is called Satoshi School Club and he is partnering with the Dash Embassy to organize blockchain workshops at secondary schools. He is very well contacted in the educational world and has many years of experience as a teacher. The Whitepaper of the Satoshi School Club is currently only available in German:
The goal of the Satoshi School Club is to not only educate the students but to also educate the teachers, so that they can teach their students about the future.
2 points,6 years ago
in fact Benjamin is not a teacher... he was the General Manager of a school network which brought/brings learning content to schools.. most time for big players of the industry.. but no offense @simontheravager ;-)
2 points,6 years ago
We are glad to announce our first integration from the realm of charity. Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) is dedicated to the conservation of the endangered Bornean orangutan and its habitat through the involvement of local people.
They became interested in Dash because of the possibilities of instant, borderless money transfer to Indonesia. However, cryptocurrencies are still illegal in Indonesia and BOS can therefore only accept Dash as a fundraising method. They hope to explore the full possibilities of Dash once the regulatory burden has been lifted.
Dash will be integrated in their new website once it is finished.

BOS website:
2 points,6 years ago
In this video you can meet 6 of our 8 ambassadors who introduce themselves to the Dash community. We trained them during a weekend session in June that was also attended by Core developer Codablock to ensure the quality of our training. Every Ambassador will organize monthly meetups in his city or region.

You can find a map of their locations here:
1 point,6 years ago
As of now the budget is full. The reason for some No-votes is most probably to make sure the core-taxes proposal does not get bumped out (this is of course speculation, not proven fact).

This situation is less than perfect. You guys will need to keep things rolling for a month. I have no doubt that your proposal will be voted up as soon as there is room in the budget.

Stay vocal about your achievements and the things you have in the making to make sure your proposal does not get overlooked next cycle.
2 points,6 years ago
ty for your encouraging words, but we won´t give up to fight for our proposal :-)
4 points,6 years ago
Today we met representatives of the German Startupverband at the Haus der Bundespressekonferenz. We are planning to join the Startupverband and to host workshops for its over 600 entrepreneurial members. We are also still planning an event at the Haus der Bundespressekonferenz to increase our reach.
Watch our Update Video:
4 points,6 years ago
The Dash Embassy D-A-CH is proud to announce that one of Austria’s leading hardware retailers and IT solution providers will integrate Dash as a payment option. is famous for it’s high-end BOLD. systems and has received national media coverage for integrating Bitcoin and selling mining rigs. Just look in our forum thread for details:
4 points,6 years ago
In this video we are showing you some impressions from our integration outreach projects. We went to 12 conferences and talked with over 300 businesses and are currently working on 24 major integrations (#itsapleasure). A more complete update on our integration efforts is available in our Dash Watch report where they verified the late stage adaption integrations already:
2 points,6 years ago
The Dash Embassy is just getting started and already achieved great things. It would be a huge loss for DASH if they had to stop.
3 points,6 years ago
Dash Embassy Update: Klaus Himmer, CEO of CryptoTax (D-A-CH)
1 point,6 years ago
We are proud to show you our marketing material in more detail. We have created flyers, brochures, pencils, gum, notebooks, t-shirts, hoodies, bags and many more.
3 points,6 years ago
We created 4 of 8 design materials on - have you already seen the new 60 slide presentation for meetups?
0 points,6 years ago
Who has read Human Action? Our second office is in Vienna, so guess whose portrait is hanging on the wall. ;)
1 point,6 years ago
Dash Watch July 20th 2018 Summary Report on
1 point,6 years ago
ty Dash Watch Team for this excellent report of our work and again a Confidence Score at Maximum of 90 :-)
1 point,6 years ago
D-A-CH has my yes vote. The banking partnership they are working towards could prove to be worth its weight in gold. I believe they are one of our most important members of our community and deserve the funding they are requesting.
1 point,6 years ago
thanks for the motivating words :-)
1 point,6 years ago
We have created an office tour video for our office in Lübeck:

Here you can see the workplace of @essra and also the storage room where we keep our promotional articles for our events:

2 points,6 years ago
These guys have been doing awesome work and one of the best track records. And while they might not get funding this month it is important to show that they will in the future. So, please show them our support by voting yes and getting them to around 10%.

Letting such a vital project fail would be a significant setback.
0 points,6 years ago
The Dash price hit us hard, but we skipped the July proposal cycle last month because we managed our funds so well and we wanted to make place for other proposals too as long as we are funded. We payed old Q1 bills, payed all Q2 stuff and even funded one month more than planned. Another month without funding is not possible our plan B money is gone.

According to DashWatch we really have a flawless track record over the last 6,5 month. We stand at the forefront in Europe to fight for Dash against BCH and Ripple. Ripple is also starting to open offices here and IOTA is working with the German automotive car industry too.

Thank you for your support thesingleton.
0 points,6 years ago
Our brand new high quality Youtube Tutorial videos: How to install the Dash Wallet on your smartphone?

iOS Version:
Android Version:
1 point,6 years ago
I have had the pleasure to meet and talk to essra of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH personally.
These guys do a great job in a market that has a LOT of buying power. Just to re-iterate: D-A-CH stands for Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
It's an easy yes for me.
1 point,6 years ago
ty very much for the kind words :-) To strengthen Dash in this important European countries is key to the general mass adoption.
1 point,6 years ago
Join our Roadshow and Meetups all over the German Speaking Countries:
-2 points,6 years ago
Another expensive corporate Core team is the last thing we need. Wtf is HR? How hard is it to hire 12 people? My old company had 40+ employees and not a single HR person.

Why are people incorporating when persons could just be paid in crypto and some taxes and overhead be avoided that way?

No x12.
2 points,6 years ago
Hello 3d1409ae,

We are not high priced, we are very efficient in what we are doing as you can hear or read in our presentation for the last quarter and in the coming DashWatch report. You get a lot from us for this amount of money and we always work on bringing down the costs even more. "HR" means "Human Resources" and represents the costs of our total current employees and contractors together. We do not have a permanent HR hiring person, if you mean that, because that would be way to expensive and is not needed.

We have incorporated as a company, because in the European Union and especially in German speaking countries, Dash needs to have a reputable and legal voice and face in the form of a legal entity. This shows that we are professionells and in business circles no one trusts you if you are just a bunch of loose crypto people.

Paying taxes for crypto is a very new juridical field in Europe. Because of that we are doing legal groundwork here for the Masternodes. We are currently working on precedents to make things clear for you fellow Masternodes living here and paying your taxes. We do not have any tax overheat. We have just payed the German Sales Tax, because we want to build a precedent for this case for future proposal owners and masternodes. In fact we will get back the whole amount of sales taxes from the financial authorities, when they have decided that there is no benefit recipient, which is very very likely according to our lawyers.

I hope i have answered all your questions and you can always reach out to us on discord @essra or @simontheravager or on all our other channels. :-)

Would be great to get +12 Votes from you.

Best regards
Your Dash Embassy D-A-CH Team
1 point,6 years ago
Does Dash Embassy DACH have a YouTube channel so we can see your accomplishments in video format?
1 point,6 years ago
I just answered my own question by following your video to its channel. So, my next question is... why does your organization only have two videos on its channel, especially if there has been at least one event with people attending? 408 Dash per month is a lot for an organization that is not producing content to demonstrate clearly its accomplishments.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello ec1warc1,

I can understand your concern about the lack of videos on our YouTube channel. I would like you to have a look at our various social media presences, like twitter, FB, linkedin etc. where we present our numerous accomplishments through press releases, blogposts, interviews and fotos. I would also invite you to have a look at our website: where you can look at our blog and events calendar.
We are in direct contact with Dash-AI, who is the Dash Instagram Manager, and he has access to all our events fotos and is also posting them on a regular basis. We will ramp up our video reporting very soon with the start of our roadshow and ambassador events :-)

Furthermore you can always find our brand new news in our monthly forum thread:

Best Regards
0 points,6 years ago
Please provide links to your Twitter, FB, Linkedin, etc. I am searching on Twitter, and I don't find you. Thanks!
0 points,6 years ago
Here is the list for you:


My pleasure! :-)
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks! I just followed you on Twitter!
1 point,6 years ago
and our Steemit Account:
-1 point,6 years ago
hi ec1warc1 - additionally I need to say that most of our work is not about social media or creating content. of course we use those channels to publish our efforts (have a look at our blog on website) and upload our 3-monthly reporting. social media never was part of our proposals, but we will increase our visibility in those channels in future. for now we are only doing what is neccessary there. for creating high quality content we would need an agency or a professional employee. everything else would not fit our approach.
0 points,6 years ago
"high quality social media content" - who cares about that? Just film something with a camera to show that it really happened! Cost: $0

I must admit, @essra, I am worried about this proposal. It seems the DAO is paying for a bureaucracy to hire "ambassadors" who are paid to do meetups. Are these 7 ambassadors mentioned in the video salaried employees? How many meetups were completed? How many people attended?

How many employees are there in your organization? Do you pay rent for locations? What cost? How does having location(s) help Dash?

The video mentions a few "partnerships" - but to what end? What is the end result of any partnership? How does each partnership help Dash?

My recommendation would be to use Social Media to keep the masternode community informed about your successes. I would be much more inclined to vote YES if I could see successes that have a real impact. If a success is not obvious to MNO voters, then it should be explained in as brief, yet meaningful way as possible. Video is an excellent format for this, but keep it short.
1 point,6 years ago
hi ec1warc1,

Thank you for this excellent advise. We are just starting our Youtube Video Series "Dash Embassy D-A-CH Update". We will upload the first two updates in the next few hours regarding our two office locations in Lübeck and Vienna. So everybody will jave an inside view into the Dash Embassy daily work :-)

We are starting our Dash Roadshow on 23th of July on the college of Mittweida and the Meetups began with the first one on 5th of July in Regensburg. Here is the link to our website:
Our Events have a broad reach all over the DACH region from the north of Germany to the south of Austria and Switzerland . Our Ambassadors are young enthusiastic students burning to bring Dash in the minds of the students and ordinary people on the main street. The cooperation with colleges, universities and other educational institutions is key. We will provide all the data to our events to the public.

You can see all our employees in our presentation at the beginning of the proposal and all costs are public available as usual by us. Yes for sure we have to pay rent to have an office for Dash, which shows that we are a world-class cryptocurrency but don´t have golden palaces. We only pay € 600 for the office in Austria for example and for the German one not even the half. So you can be relaxed.

The advantage of an real physical office? Costumers can visit you, talk to a real-living crypto person. That sounds strange, ya maybe. But lots of people are stunned to meet people working for a cryptocurrency and that we are just normal guys fighting for the right side. I tell you a short story from yesterday. Someone knocked at my door and was stunned that Dash has an office in Vienna. I had no time for a long talk with him, but at the end i found out that they are opening an exchange in malta in the next 4 months and now they want to integrate Dash from the start. I would say that was an easy integration ;-)

Partnerships are one of the most important goals at all. I dont know if you are in professionell business circles, but here in the German speaking countries someone knows somebody and so on. Can you image the rest? To know people and do networking and partner with companies which have reputation is key and thats only possible if you have a real legal company. In our cases our partnerships and cooperations not just support our ideological objects, but also help us increasing Dash integrations. At the end, to be honest, the integrations count the most.

We will ramp up our Social Media efforts for sure. Thats good to know that we have to do more in this space :-)

Ty, you are always welcome for more advises and we hope for a YES from you
Your Dash Embassy D-A-CH Team
0 points,6 years ago
@DASH_Embassy_DACH "Partnerships are one of the most important goals at all."

To me a partnership means:

1) an agreement for two or more parties to work together to achieve goals
2) that the goals and responsibilities of each party are defined in the agreement
3) that the agreement is in writing and is signed by the parties
4) that all partners that adhere to the agreement publicly and support the agreement with information in the public domain (ie: press releases, notifications on each partner's website, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)
5) that those who support the agreement financially have access to the written version of the agreement

Other than claiming you have partnerships, how can anyone really verify what each partnership means?

@DASH_Embassy_DACH "At the end, to be honest, the integrations count the most."

What is an integration to Dash D-A-CH? To me, it simply means that a business accepts Dash as a form of payment. How do you define "integration" and how many integrations have you successfully completed?

Thank you.
0 points,6 years ago
1, 2, 3, 4 is absolutely correct. 5 is reviewed by Dash Watch for the network, the report for the 2nd quarter will be done very soon, there you can read that everything is fine and verified. Even more i don´t know where you live ec1warc1, but in Europe we have laws. I think you have heard of GDPR?

Regarding Integrations you just need to watch our presentation video, read our presentation, posts in the forum, dash central, reddit or follow us on our social media channels. DFN reported about all our integrations in articles and they will also all be presented in the upcoming Dash Watch report. Please just use the reports we are doing all the time, then you CAN NOT MISS ANYTHING, because of our massive transparency and reporting efforts :-)
1 point,6 years ago
Here the Dash Force News article:
0 points,6 years ago
July Reporting Forum Thread:
1 point,6 years ago
Can we rename DCG to Dash Core Germany - you guys know how to get sh1t done. Great work, yes from me.
1 point,6 years ago
wow ty for the praise, we will keep up the good work.
1 point,6 years ago
You have my support, thank you for your work
2 points,6 years ago
ty very much for your support :-)