Proposal “DASHFTLSEPT2024“ (Closed)Back

Title:Continuing DASH Promotions On National Broadcast Radio Through September 2024
Monthly amount: 32 DASH (714 USD)
Completed payments: 11 totaling in 352 DASH (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2023-09-10 / 2024-09-02 (added on 2023-08-28)
Votes: 536 Yes / 105 No / 15 Abstain

Proposal description

Thank you Masternodes for voting to continue DASH as a major sponsor of "Free Talk Live"! This is a proposal to continue the live sponsorship
as described here in the original proposal made in April. Since you seem to be happy with our promotions, let's lock in this super-low price for a full year. Of course, you can vote it down any month in the future, if you change how you're feeling about our relationship.

We will continue to honor the original 32 DASH per month rate, despite the drop in the DASH price since our original proposal was made.

If you haven't caught the show since we started the sponsorship on April 23rd, here's a video showing the first two live ads we did, to give you an idea of what they are like: The DASH live endorsements generally happen at different times each night, so as to ensure we hit different radio listeners with it each night.

Here's a lengthy interview we conducted earlier this Summer with DASH Incubator's Rion Sovereign:

We recently started mentioning that DASH is now available on Maya Protocol and will likely mention Spritz Finance as well.

To summarize the sponsorship:
  • Our hosts are experienced DASH users and believe crypto should be used for payments.
  • We will discuss various aspects of DASH every night - all seven nights per
    week - on broadcast radio, live streaming, and podcast and drive
    listeners to
  • Our radio show is heard on over 170 radio stations across the United States.

Here is the pre-proposal discussion from the forum, if you want to ask any questions or weigh-in there. I regularly keep up with DASH's social media posts, so I'm pretty aware of news as it comes out, but feel free to bring something cool to my attention if we're not already covering it on-air! Posting to the forum thread is the best way to get our attention, as opposed to posting here, as Ian gets email notices from the thread. Thank you!

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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-1 point,1 year ago
How do we know you dont buy fake listeners with the money you get from the budget?

Will you organize an Encointer meeting, or any other proof of personhood protocol meeting, in order to prove that your listeners are not fake?
1 point,1 year ago
I see that in the past Free Talk Live talked a lot about Dash and it seems that this was much appreciated. You could maybe organize some new interviews with TheDesertLynx, Marine, Rion, or others and then bounce it around and get some numbers back. It's just an idea of course. I think it's always useful to have someone talk about Dash without being in front of a graph, especially now, after years of work but during which "media" interest in Dash has been lost. For me it's YES.
1 point,1 year ago
I just looked at their exposure numbers and was severely disappointed. YouTube, Odysee, Twitch, ... view counts are typically below 100. That's basically friends and family. On SoundCloud it's between 500-1000. Abysmal.

They keep pointing to the 170 radio stations where they are supposedly broadcast via AM / FM radio, but refuse to offer any data for actual listener numbers and what their target audience looks like. I know that broadcast, where anyone can tune in and out without any feedback to the broadcaster, can't be counted precisely. But there are firms like Nielsen Media Research that use audience samples and other methods to at least provide estimates. The advertising industry uses gross rating points (GRP) to measure ad effectiveness in broadcast. This data is usually shared by any media org asking for advertiser money. Why not with us?

The answer is probably that it's too embarassing or they truly don't know themselves. I don't know which is worse.

Besides the low listener numbers, I'm also very doubtful about the how their target audience matches with what Dash needs. I imagine their listerns as mostly as a niche of 40+ mostly male die-hard libertarians with an axe to grind. Most of them probably already know about crypto and Dash. Is that what Dash needs the most right now? I'm not a marketing expert, but I'd say we need to get young folks on board, the TikTok generation, the ones who carry us over into the next decade. If we want Dash to be back among the top 10, we need mainstream, not a small old-boys club.

No from me.
3 points,1 year ago
FYI very unfortunate result for Ian. :(

> Ian Freeman has been sentenced for 96 months for the “crime” of selling Bitcoin without the proper government paperwork.
2 points,1 year ago
In this 12-mo proposal request you noted, "We will continue to honor the original 32 DASH per month rate, despite the drop in the DASH price since our original proposal was made."

But I see no mention of the fact that during the last 3-mo, when your previous proposal was funded, Free Talk Live (FTL) stepped-back its deliverables. It had for years been a seven-nights-a-week show. But in July, a scale-back was announced -- that FTL would not air on Mon. ( And it was reported elsewhere that other nights may be dropped as well ( What is the current status of that? Which nights does FTL air? What is in the plans for the next months, on this front?

I have crossed-paths with you in-person Bonnie, and I have long known Ian and other co-hosts of FTL. I have no personal beef, in fact, I have a lot of love, I just think, under the auspices of transparency, that it would have been fair to MNOs to mention this change in y'alls deliverables.
4 points,1 year ago
Thanks for asking, we are still providing fresh content to our radio stations and podcast listeners all seven nights per week. Monday, Tuesday, and Friday are recorded shows performed by different hosts, like Ernest Hancock, and the guys from Good Morning Liberty. All of those other hosts are doing the DASH ads, so DASH continues all seven nights per week, as agreed. Definitely would have changed the proposal if we weren't delivering.
1 point,1 year ago
That is valuable information for MNO's and indeed deserves clarification from proposal owner.

Now just imagine this 12 month budget proposal was already approved by MNO's, was in fact a few months further ahead in its funding cycle and this information was passed along as a new comment....

How many MNO's would even bother to read comments of long running proposals on Dash Central, that they already approved and would just let the proposal run its 12 month course, regardless of any new comments ?

The difference between 3 month running proposals and 12 month running proposals, is the affect it can have on Dash budget, while taking into account the unwillingness among MNO's to participate on Dash Central and read up on the budget proposals. Then there are MNO's that are voting through other sites then Dash Central and would not even see any new Dash Central comments.
2 points,1 year ago
>Now just imagine this 12 month budget proposal was already approved by MNO's, was in fact a few months further ahead in its funding cycle and this information was passed along as a new comment....
>How many MNO's would even bother to read comments of long running proposals on Dash Central, that they already approved and would just let the proposal run its 12 month course, regardless of any new comments ?

Thats not a problem of the long standing proposals. It is a problem of MNOs behavior!

If you put an employee in a business , will you check his performance only once and for ever. And if you do so, are you a good businessman, or a loser?

If the MNOs are such losers, their government power should be seized and pass to the community.
1 point,1 year ago
Not to mention that qwizzie's underlying fear against the long standing proposals roots on the possibility that, after the long standing buisness proposals are established, the long standing governance propposals may follow.

And if we have long standing governance proposals, the decision tree (also known as knowledge tree) may flourish.

And qwizzie is very afraid of the knowledge tree, because he is a bloody agent.
1 point,1 year ago
For the long standing governance proposals that define or challenge the Dash status quo, read here:
1 point,1 year ago
For example there is that scam proposal where someone inpersonated the_desert_lynx and requested 50 dash for 10 months.

Right from the start questions were raised about that proposal in the comments and it became very clear pretty much right away, that the proposal in question was indeed a scam proposal.

Yet to this day 68 MNO's have not changed their yes votes, despite overwhelming comments showing that proposal is indeed a scam proposal.

That shows that a large portion of MNO's either do not do not read up on comments in Dash Central or do not read comments on Dash Central at all.
1 point,1 year ago
Or it could be something else, don't jump to conclusions why someone might vote.
-1 point,1 year ago
your evidence does not support your claim. Those 68 votes came from the first cycle, right? MNs that voted for it not only didn't read the comments but didn't seem to have read the proposal either.
3 points,1 year ago
How are you documenting/capturing the results of your efforts? Thanks.
2 points,1 year ago
Our shows are recorded and available on demand. We keep track of when we do the promotions each night. If there's a specific night you want to audit, let me know and I can get you the time at which we did the live ad. Or you can just listen and find it on your own!

Wednesdays in recent weeks have been missing, due to errors by our host (me), but Ian has been doubling up on Thursday as a makegood. Otherwise, all other nights are good.
2 points,1 year ago
Thanks Bonnie. Those are your efforts.

How are you capturing the results of your efforts?
2 points,1 year ago
This is a branding campaign. We want to get people familiar with DASH so when they buy crypto for the first time, they think of DASH. Or, if they are already into crypto and haven't looked into DASH, they will.

It's difficult to gauge the effectiveness of a branding.awareness campaign. All we can really do is show you on which stations and when the ads are being heard. 170+ broadcast stations in a week for 1 DASH a night is an unbeatable price for "old media".
1 point,1 year ago
I hope that if he does not answer, you will regularly start asking for metrics until he answers, as you successfully did to the desert_lynx case. Won't you?
0 points,1 year ago
What's the metric that is relevant?
# of listeners?
# of listeners that buy dash?
# of listeners that sign up for some dash-related service?
0 points,1 year ago
The more metrics, the better it is.

I think the best metric is:

#listeners that decided to work for Dash, and started doing their transactions (buying or selling) in Dash (without fiat money be an intermediate payment method).
0 points,1 year ago
In order to measure that, the app would need to have some sort of a referral link
2 points,1 year ago
You have my support, keep on talking !
-1 point,1 year ago
What do you mean keep talking? Are they allowed to tell whatever they want for Dash?

They are supposed to advertise Dash!

So they are supposed to primarily talk about things that most of the Dash masternodes agree with, and not to promote private initiatives introduced by some obscure Dash members!
1 point,1 year ago
The fucking show is called Free TALK Live, fucking get a personality!
2 points,1 year ago
We do advertise DASH, and its various aspects, every night. Have you listened to our ads?
0 points,1 year ago
No. Could you please post the text of your ad here?
2 points,1 year ago
Sure, but there are several, so I've attached a PDF of them here on the forum:
2 points,1 year ago
Rather than simply shill Dash, I would prefer they have actual conversation around Dash and introduce people to it. I don't think we as MNOs should direct too much what they say about Dash, rather let it be known that the Dash community supports free speech of all kinds including yours.
4 points,1 year ago
This is what we do. We are not just an ad venue, we are DASH users in real life. We've recruited local business owners who accept DASH and even ran DASH vending machines, before the fed gang stole them in a massive coordinated raid in 2021.
-1 point,1 year ago
How silly! Pay someone in order to speak freely about dash, no matter what he says? And what if he discredits Dash?

I am paying someone in order to ADVERTISE Dash, not in order to speak freely about it!

Free speech does not require payments! Actually if it requires payments, it is not free speech!!!
4 points,1 year ago
Or instead of speculating wildly, you could go listen and see for yourself. This is advertising. We're consulting with DASH people about what to cover and we are DASH users ourselves, not just some random radio show.

We even had Rion on from DASH Incubator for two hours:

You also might want to know we first advertised for DASH in 2017, so we are simply renewing our sponsorship.
-1 point,1 year ago
I dont listen to talk shows. I only read. sorry.
1 point,1 year ago
Define discredit, if it is a FUD, then we would de-fund the proposal, if it were constructive criticism, I think that is fair and on us to address. This proposal is good for Dash's brand and gives us some lite advertising for cheap, it also supports a independent, community run radio station which is pretty rare and IMO worth protecting.
0 points,1 year ago
Do you have metrics on this radio broadcast?

How many people are listening to it?
4 points,1 year ago
There is some information here. It is available across the USA and so focuses on topics relevant to them mostly, I have watched a few shows and it is good banter and good topics covered, I wish there was something like this in other countries too.
0 points,1 year ago
Map of stations here:

If this is true, thats impressing.
3 points,1 year ago
Text list with many details is here:
3 points,1 year ago
Ian recruited almost all of those stations personally. If the list is inaccurate, please let him know on the Forum or via email at ian at and he'll reach out to the station directly to confirm, as sometimes they make programming changes without informing us. He's certain it's the most accurate affiliate list in the business.
-1 point,1 year ago
Yet the primary goal is not to protect rare communities, but make Dash benefit from them.

And the question is, how comes and Dash benefits from the talk of this community, when these people tend to advertise some obscure Dash projects (Maya e.t.c) rather than the projects that the majority of the Dash masternodes like and promote (as proven by the rank of the proposals in the dash budget) ????
-1 point,1 year ago
Decided to vote NO for the first time on your budget proposal, due to the 12 months time period that you introduced out of the blue without any form of prior consultation.

There is a reason why so few proposal owners (even well established proposal owners) are requesting funding for a whole year and i think it is a good one.

In my opinion that reason is to balance the requested funding amounts, to a fluctuating crypto market. We are now in a market phase where every dash in the treasury matters, as Dash fiat price is currently so very low. Which unfortunetely means proposal owners are requesting more dash for their projects, then they requested in the past. Which means MNO's now more then ever, need to do their due diligence on what to allocate that treasury on. It is far more easy to do due diligence on a budget proposal with 1-3 months, then it is to do due diligence on budget proposals of 12 months or more.
3 points,1 year ago
And what prevents you to the balance the requested funding amounts in a long standing proposal? You can vote in favor of it this month, then vote against it the next month.

Your way of thinking does not make sense.
2 points,1 year ago
Hi qwizzie, I certainly didn't expect this to be controversial. We asked for 32 DASH a month back in April when it was $50+ per DASH. It's now half that, but we have not increased our proposal at any point. We're getting approximately one DASH per night for a national radio sponsorship. Currently we're riding it down, and hopefully we'll ride the price back up too. Others may be increasing their requests, but we are not. I only did a 12 month so I don't have to keep re-proposing. As I understand it, y'all can shoot the proposal down after some months if you want, so this didn't seem like a big deal. I hope you'll acknowledge we are not increasing the amount and change your vote, thank you!
-2 points,1 year ago
Sorry, but i said before on other budget proposals with large multi-month periods (see : that those form a red flag for me.
1 point,1 year ago
See :
-2 points,1 year ago
Or in this case, a line that i do not want to cross.
0 points,1 year ago
You have better cross the line of paranoid, and come to logic.
-1 point,1 year ago
With due diligence i also mean evaluating the results / outcome of a budget proposal. To see if its successfull in the past and worth renewing or not.
3 points,1 year ago
This is so disappointing from you! Why don't you vote NO on their proposal later if/when it becomes shit, or the price of Dash is back at $400 and the value is not there! This pre-emptive NO shit is really disappointing for you and I hope you do reconsider. My vote is YES, I can always change it later if things sour, easy peasy!
1 point,1 year ago
I have told a number of times after demo started to spam the Dash budget system with his multi-month spam proposals that budget proposals with long time periods form a red flag for me. Not sure why you are now suddenly disappointed in me.
1 point,1 year ago
I even pointed to the risk of putting the door wide open for spam proposals with long time periods, during the decision proposal discussions to lower the Dash proposal fee to just 1 dash.
1 point,1 year ago
I am not saying this is a spam proposal, but it is a proposal with 12 months where the proposal owner is doing this more out of personal convenience then anything else (easier to administrate).

What if more budget proposals get long time periods and masternode whales only need to vote once a year on budget proposals, what will that do to voting participation and voting discussions ?
0 points,1 year ago
You can change your vote whenever you want! Remember?
0 points,1 year ago
This can be easily solved with a filter.
0 points,1 year ago
So I am the reason of your paranoia.

You have been shocked, when I allowed you to vote a number!

Dont worry, this happens to all that are not initiated to the number theory.
0 points,1 year ago
It is not disappointing from qwizzie.

It was expected. He is well known for his irrational way of thinking.
-1 point,1 year ago
>Coming up, once trading has begun, we'll start talking about Maya Protocol's addition of DASH.
>Also, a co-host has just signed up for so we may give them some love once someone has some familiarity with it.
>Any other exciting new things I'm missing?

Maya Protocol's addition of DASH? Who decided that shit? This is an initiate (can be considered almost private initiative) that was introduced by a Dash strategist of Incubator.

What is missing? You shoud first start commenting the proposals of the dash budget system (including yours) that have passed the 10% threshold.

I mean, you commented this Maya shit that (almost) nobody decided about it, and you tottaly ignore that has the majority of MNOs agree with it! Are you a bloody agent or what?
2 points,1 year ago
We've been talking on the Forum thread about mentioning Maya Protocol for months and it seems people were supportive of it. There's a longer reply to your post there:
1 point,1 year ago
Ok...lets continue there.
0 points,1 year ago
As Socrates said:
>Maya Protocol has 93 members on their subreddit and 5,141 Followers on twitter.
>I like the idea of pushing Dash and Defi. I don't like DAO funds being used to provide the marketing for another project, especially one this small.
>Add into the equation that this is being ask is to be performed by a team that can't market dash effectively, and the whole thing seems rightfully absurd.

Either reconsider and align you talk to the will of the Dash masternodes (as appears into the budget) or your proposal is a big NO from me.
2 points,1 year ago
It's brand new. Decentralized L1 exchanges are a new concept, but Thorchain has been taking off and Maya is its first fork. We can talk about a lot of stuff. Why not suggest specifically what you think a general audience should hear about regarding DASH?
-1 point,1 year ago
But I suggested it.

Why dont you talk about mnowatch features?
1 point,1 year ago
We talk about the DAO in general and how it works. I don't want to go far into the technical "weeds".
-1 point,1 year ago
For example, why dot you advertise that the masternodes can vote the numbers?
-1 point,1 year ago
If you are one of these guys who are suffering from dyslexia and cannot read, you may watch the below video where a typical "general audience" guy is trying to explain the "vote the numbers" theory.
-1 point,1 year ago
Why suddenly ask for funding for 12 months ? Your previous budget proposals were either one month or three months. Now you are asking funding for a whole year ?
1 point,1 year ago
Maybe they got bullish? Maybe the bottom is in !!!!
-1 point,1 year ago
I went through your pre-proposal discussion thread and found no mentioning of a new budget proposal request for 12 months either. This is pretty much out of the blue.
2 points,1 year ago
We started monthly and someone encouraged us to do a three month given it can be voted down in months 2 or 3, so we figured keeping it simple and commit at this rate for a year. If DASH price keeps falling, we're locked in. If it goes up, hopefully y'all will keep it going, but it's up to the MNOs!
2 points,1 year ago
I dont see any suspicious thing when someone adds a long term proposal.

I actually prefer long term proposals rather than shor term.
-1 point,1 year ago
I know, which is why we have so many 25 months spam proposals from you, that MNO's downvoted in force, but are still in our face.
1 point,1 year ago
They are easy to ignore, no need to get bent out of shape over a long running proposal!
0 points,1 year ago
Not only the long standing proposals are easy to ignore, but also can be filtered too.

Qwizzie blames the long standing proposals, instead of blaming the dashcentral GUI that does not support filtering.

The well known irrational qwizzie, the man we all know and love!
-1 point,1 year ago
What are you talking about?

My first proposal (mnowatch) is the best loved proposal ever! My second proposal (encointerUBI) has currently 7.9% participation! It will soon reach 10% participation, and will be eligible for a UBI to be asked!

Where is a proposal of yours that succeeded? There is none!