Proposal “DASHCYCLINGAFRICA“ (Closed)Back

One-time payment: 341 DASH (7720 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-01-17 / 2018-02-16 (added on 2018-01-09)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 35 Yes / 458 No / 52 Abstain

Proposal description



Aims to provide a 3 time return on investment for a nationwide 10 month  education, awareness and adoption campaign including meet-ups, activations, training of marketing activators, Activating DASH wallets on Race day  exhibitions, branding and media attention from the cycling peloton. Our marketing team will develop DASH branded content for every race day activation. This will be used for social media and to develop promotional stories for TV, Radio and print editorial.

DASH CYCLING AFRICA will generate content around the use case “Send money home” and how capital inflow to the rural areas has the ability to change lives, create entrepreneurial opportunity through the DASH’s utility that makes cash remittances more effective, lowering cost, increasing speed and improving security of transactions.

Please follow the links for more detailed information:

Project Budget and Presentation
Pre-proposal discussion
DASH Cycling Africa – Team Profile
Cycling kits options


List of 28 DASH Events
5 million Africans will be reached through a 6 city nationwide cycling tour & campaign. We will interact with cycling enthusiasts to promote awareness of DASH, educate them about the utility, speed, lower cost and security when used for cash remittances.  

Cycling and Crypto are a common phenomenon among 25-59-yearolds of High LSM. This presents a great opportunity to use our cycling community and media network to expose the DASH brand and promote DASH as the most effective currency for cash remittances. We will embank on DASH awareness and education campaign to an audience of 5 million. 5 million of the right clientele thorough our interactions  at meet-ups, training sessions, race day meets, peloton racing in all 6 cities,  social media TV, radio and print.


 I.             MEETUPS (Evening before the race)

We will host meet-ups in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban,Sun City and Pretoria when cycling enthusiasts are in town, inviting them to join DASH CYCLING AFRICA. The cycling community attracts participants from all around world to compete in prominent marathons, these race days create a common bond and an opportunity to merge these interests, talk about cryptos, cycling
and most importantly educate them about DASH, its use, cases and adoption.The sessions will also be used to train our DASH Ambassadors. These are temporary staff employed in each of the 6 cities to educate cyclists and spectators on the ease of opening a wallet, transactions and effectiveness of using DASH as a cash remittance utility. 


A team of 15 ambassadors will interact with spectators and riders that queue at our stand for a “free massage” for those tired legs, while they wait they will be surrounded by DASH branding and trained DASH Ambassadors that will educate them about all things DASH and the ease of use.The Race Village is where the traditional media is assembled, this is at the finish line of the cycling marathon. The traditional cycling media following is healthy and growing due to the recent explosion in cycling popularity. We will setup our product activation gazebo at the race
village, which is the main hub of media and the cycling community.

III.           CYCLING  PELOTON (20+ rider marathon 100km)     

20 core riders will lead our peloton at all the races below.This presents a tremendous opportunity for exposure for the DASH brand, as
these events have a strong mix of support from traditional media, TV, radio, print, social media and thousands of spectators.


TV, radio, print, social  Our collaboration with ITPR Consultancy offers a team that is well versed though its niche leadership is in the IT services market. Their
established network of journalists and media houses will help to drive the DASH brand, bring awareness and effectively run the adoption campaign, through tools
such as, interviews or Dash discussion. We will also engage our other media channels in terms of the writing and editing of media releases, pitches and briefing documents to create
a great STORY. This media hype will give us access to millions of Africans. Each race day will be supported and organized by our public relations team that
will follow a strategy that targets media channels, including Cycling SA, print media and other websites with coverage exceeding 5 million viewers… as well as
DSTV with 8 million subscribers.


We have an established community that is built around the communication platforms of Linked In, Facebook, Google +, Twitter, YouTube and Direct Mail. We will drive the message Join DASH CYCLING AFRICA, a cycling recruitment campaign that aims to bring DASH brand awareness and education of DASH use cases. “Did you know” DASH is an efficient form of cash
We have 2 administrators that are permanently working on the DASH project and will coordinate communications with the team and the DASH community through, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, Direct mail, DASH Nation discord & DASH forum. The project team members will meet weekly or as many times as required throughout the duration of the project, project status reports will be given by each team member at these meeting and alterations and changes to the plans will also be addressed depending on the reviews from past events.  

VI.          Our community XTC

Xperien Team Cycling consists of employees, family members, customers and friends all bounded together by the love of cycling. Xperien team cycling has competed and participated in events all around the country, on an ongoing basis, since 2014.  The 28 events listed below should see us reach 1 million people face to face, and the remaining 4 million will come from our public
media relations drive, social media and direct mail.


  1. Videos professionally produced for social media 
  2. Cycling Kit: Jersey, Bib, Helmet, Gloves and Socks
  3. Staff Uniform: Caps, T-Shirts and Rain Jackets
  4. Marketing Activation Stands: Gazebos, Side Panels
  5. Pamphlets: Printed fliers describing “How to open a DASH Wallet” and where to exchange your DASH.

  1. SuperSport Cycling on DSTV which has 8 million subscribers
  2. Cycling SA
  3. A social media “join our team” campaign
  4. Video and photos from events, interviews, social media, TV and Radio
  5. Xperien Team Cycling (XTC) Community

We will provide evidence of TV, Radio, Print, Direct mail and Social media incidents that will demonstrate a value of approximately $2 million USD.

  1. Increase the subscriber base to 500 DASH CYCLING AFRICA community
  2. We reach 5 million viewers
  3. Help download 2400 (16x15x10) wallets through our 16 activation site
  4. Direct engagement with 5000 people
  5. Collaboration with other DASH promoters

The project team consists of 81 members with relevant experience and reputations, who have developed 2 niche IT industries in South Africa. For the 28 events above our team will develop strategies to best promote DASH adoption, our creative director that will develop story boards around “Send Money Home” the benefits for rural development and DASH and our public relation consult will ensure that we get exposure from our established media channels, with special focus on TV and radio to ensure we reach our predicted viewers target.
55  trained DASH ambassadors will show people how to open wallets on their smart phone and  information about local exchange and “send
money home” use case.

Wale Arewa - Project Producer -
Kevin Bird - Creative Director
Ivor van Rensburg - Public Relations
Alvin Peacock - Strategic Director
Bridgette Vermaak - DCA Ambassador
Thabang Moye - Marketing Executive
Isobel Chaura - Executive Assistant
Simbiat Adeyemi - Research Assistant

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
While promoting Dash in Africa is a worthy endeavor, sponsoring a cycling team may not be the greatest way to challenge western union.

We are voting NO

Opera Node
0 points,7 years ago
- Too expensive, poor ROI
- Voting NO mainly due to the 10 month long proposal, needs to be a much shorter duration
0 points,7 years ago
I see a lot of parallels to the Scott Farnsworth Aerosports proposal. I think this particular project has the potential to reach a lot more people. I'm sticking my neck out as usual and saying I am voting for this project. Please do me proud.
0 points,7 years ago
We will definitely do you proud and we are in communication with Scott/DEMOincubator_Escrow to get escrow for this project. Thank you
2 points,7 years ago
You should resubmit next month after taking feedback into account. The execution needs to be better communicated.
0 points,7 years ago
We are currently looking into escrow and taking all feedback into consideration.
1 point,7 years ago
This would be an inefficient use of 300k.
0 points,7 years ago
The 10 Month Tour will be filmed & photographed by our videographer to put on social media etc, Radio and TV interviews talking about Dash ease of use in sending money and as an investment, Gazebo set-up and dash promoters to educate and help people open dash wallets, dash t-shirts/caps give-aways, these events also attract a lot of international participates so we will have a reach beyond just South Africa.

Date Location Activation - events Location Media Spectators
25 Feb Johannesburg Biden Bistro Maropeng Social 300
25 Feb Johannesburg Training 60Km Maropeng Social 1000

10 Mar Cape Town Meetup Hotel Social 100
11 Mar Cape Town Cape Cycle Tour Race village TV 15000
11 Mar Cape Town Cape Cycle Tour 105Km Peloton TV 20000

25 Mar Johannesburg Emperors Classic 98Km 98 Km Print 10000
25 Mar Johannesburg Emperors Classic 98Km Race village Print 2000

08 Apr Johannesburg Biden Bistro Maropeng Social 300
08 Apr Johannesburg Training 60Km Maropeng Social 1000

28 Apr Durban Meetup Hotel Social 100
29 Apr Durban Aquelle Tour 105 km Race village TV, Radio 5000
29 Apr Durban Aquelle Tour 105 km Peloton TV, Radio 10000

6 May Johannesburg Biden Bistro Maropeng Social 300
6 May Johannesburg Training 60 Km Maropeng Social 1000

19 Aug Johannesburg Biden Bistro Maropeng Social 300
19 Aug Johannesburg Training 60 Km Maropeng Social 1000

25 Aug SunCity Meetup Hotel Social 50
26 Aug SunCity Bestmed Classic cycle4cansa Race village Print 2000
26 Aug SunCity Bestmed Classic cycle4cansa 103Km Peloton Print 3000

20 Oct Pietermaritzburg Meetup Hotel Social 50
21 Oct Pietermaritzburg Amashova classic 106 km Race village TV, Radio 2000
21 Oct Pietermaritzburg Amashova classic 106 km Peloton TV, Radio 15000

03 Nov Pretoria Meetup Hotel Social 100
04 Nov Pretoria Tshwane classic 98 Km Race village TV, Radio 10000
04 Nov Pretoria Tshwane classic 98 Km Peloton TV, Radio 10000

17 Nov Johannesburg Meetup Hotel Social 150
18 Nov Johannesburg Telkom 94.7 94.7Km Race village TV, Radio 10000
18 Nov Johannesburg Telkom 94.7 94.7Km Peloton 25000
0 points,7 years ago
We aim to get hours of TV exposure, however minutes of TV exposure would normally cost $100,000's. Can you explain why you think this is inefficient.
0 points,7 years ago
Seems very expensive. Like others say do it for 3 months or better yet use Green candle as escrow and work on bring the price down as much as possible.
0 points,7 years ago
What is the process to change to monthly payments at this stgae of the submission or handover to escrow ?
0 points,7 years ago
Is it possible to put the project into escrow at this stage and if so the cost will increase, i have stated that most of the cost is for travel and booking inadvance can reduce cost by upto 100%
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for contacting DEMO-Escrow. We have responded to your Forum request.
-1 point,7 years ago
The 10 Month Tour will be filmed & photographed by our videographer to put on social media etc, Radio and TV interviews talking about Dash ease of use in sending money and as an investment, Gazebo set-up and dash promoters to educate and help people open dash wallets, dash t-shirts/caps give-aways, these events also attract a lot of international participates so we will have a reach beyond just South Africa.

Date Location Activation - events Location Media Spectators
25 Feb Johannesburg Biden Bistro Maropeng Social 300
25 Feb Johannesburg Training 60Km Maropeng Social 1000

10 Mar Cape Town Meetup Hotel Social 100
11 Mar Cape Town Cape Cycle Tour Race village TV 15000
11 Mar Cape Town Cape Cycle Tour 105Km Peloton TV 20000

25 Mar Johannesburg Emperors Classic 98Km 98 Km Print 10000
25 Mar Johannesburg Emperors Classic 98Km Race village Print 2000

08 Apr Johannesburg Biden Bistro Maropeng Social 300
08 Apr Johannesburg Training 60Km Maropeng Social 1000

28 Apr Durban Meetup Hotel Social 100
29 Apr Durban Aquelle Tour 105 km Race village TV, Radio 5000
29 Apr Durban Aquelle Tour 105 km Peloton TV, Radio 10000

6 May Johannesburg Biden Bistro Maropeng Social 300
6 May Johannesburg Training 60 Km Maropeng Social 1000

19 Aug Johannesburg Biden Bistro Maropeng Social 300
19 Aug Johannesburg Training 60 Km Maropeng Social 1000

25 Aug SunCity Meetup Hotel Social 50
26 Aug SunCity Bestmed Classic cycle4cansa Race village Print 2000
26 Aug SunCity Bestmed Classic cycle4cansa 103Km Peloton Print 3000

20 Oct Pietermaritzburg Meetup Hotel Social 50
21 Oct Pietermaritzburg Amashova classic 106 km Race village TV, Radio 2000
21 Oct Pietermaritzburg Amashova classic 106 km Peloton TV, Radio 15000

03 Nov Pretoria Meetup Hotel Social 100
04 Nov Pretoria Tshwane classic 98 Km Race village TV, Radio 10000
04 Nov Pretoria Tshwane classic 98 Km Peloton TV, Radio 10000

17 Nov Johannesburg Meetup Hotel Social 150
18 Nov Johannesburg Telkom 94.7 94.7Km Race village TV, Radio 10000
18 Nov Johannesburg Telkom 94.7 94.7Km Peloton 25000
-2 points,7 years ago
Cycling events attract a well-educated and affluent audience,
Close to 70% have some college or University education,
Majority are from the corporate world and therefore the right Dash clientele,
This proposal is well researched and detailed, all costing are available and clear.
After looking at the other proposals that have been passed, i have to ask... Is it Africa that it is holding MNO back?
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your feedback and concerns we do understand there is a risk of non-delivery but it would not be fair to tarnish Xperien with the same brush as of those that have failed, we hoped the community would research and confirm that Xperien is an established company with the outmost prestige in our industry. We have worked for IBM & Nestle and could provide their references on request and the consultants we are employing also have established reputation’s in their industries.

What we propose is not a hit or miss, we have been doing this promotional work for the last 4 years and it has promoted Xperien to be No1 in our industry. If you look at our presentation you will see that our team has competed in these events before, we competed last year and also plan to do so this year but hopefully under DASH should our proposal be approved.

We also did consider using escrow but the majority of the cost is for travel and as you know with travel, the closer to the event you book, the higher the costs. Especially with events that attract large international participates as these. These costs will double the budget and our aim has been to keep it as low as possible.

Our research into Dash proposals and what the masternodes wanted also revealed that they preferred larger projects that will create impact and we believe this project will achieve just that! 341 DASH is a lot of money and considerable effort has been put to lowering costs during the planning that started in October 2017.
Please follow the link to see the detailed quotations we have received for the project.
We are committed and ready to proceed and the only way it will be possible to implement this tight budget and carry out our day to day job is to pay for the outsourced resources in advance.

Our milestones are the actual 28 events that are proposed, nationwide promotion of dash and our resident videographer will provide the evidence for each event. We are more than willing to work alongside Dash staff to achieve all that is proposed.

Xperien was established in 1999 and is a company composed of established professionals with undisputable integrity, our reputation is also on the line.

Thank you.
2 points,7 years ago
I vote no this time. I would vote yes next month with monthly, or even 3-month proposals, using escrow and well-defined monthly milestones. Too many proposals are not being completed as promised. We are tossing out large amounts of money with little follow through, This results not only in not carrying Dash forward into the world, but leaves a black mark on the entire treasury/proposal system.

Monthly proposals, well-defined milestones, and escrow should be our gold standard for any proposal. It is not too much work when requesting such large handouts.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your feedback and concerns we do understand there is a risk of non-delivery but it would not be fair to tarnish Xperien with the same brush as of those that have failed, we hoped the community would research and confirm that Xperien is an established company with the outmost prestige in our industry. We have worked for IBM & Nestle and could provide their references on request and the consultants we are employing also have established reputation’s in their industries.

What we propose is not a hit or miss, we have been doing this promotional work for the last 4 years and it has promoted Xperien to be No1 in our industry. If you look at our presentation you will see that our team has competed in these events before, we competed last year and also plan to do so this year but hopefully under DASH should our proposal be approved.

We also did consider using escrow but the majority of the cost is for travel and as you know with travel, the closer to the event you book, the higher the costs. Especially with events that attract large international participates as these. These costs will double the budget and our aim has been to keep it as low as possible.
Our research into Dash proposals and what the masternodes wanted also revealed that they preferred larger projects that will create impact and we believe this project will achieve just that! 341 DASH is a lot of money and considerable effort has been put to lowering costs during the planning that started in October 2017.

Please follow the link to see the detailed quotations we have received for the project.

We are committed and ready to proceed and the only way it will be possible to implement this tight budget and carry out our day to day job is to pay for the outsourced resources in advance.
Our milestones are the actual 28 events that are proposed, nationwide promotion of dash and our resident videographer will provide the evidence for each event. We are more than willing to work alongside Dash staff to achieve all that is proposed.

Xperien was established in 1999 and is a company composed of established professionals with undisputable integrity, our reputation is also on the line.

Thank you.
1 point,7 years ago
I like all the details and images on the pre-proposal however, I think the budget looks expensive for what is promised. Also as a starter, if you haven't run a proposal before, I advise you consider something with a low budget then let your work speak for you in bigger budget proposals like this. I think people are scared if good ROI will be realize looking at your budget.
0 points,7 years ago
So there was a pre-proposal discussion, but not many people chimed in there. And now you probably wonder why people will vote no. This biggest problem I see is that I don't understand how the budget is so high and I'm sure others are the same. Could you decompose it better so we have a better understanding of actual costs? Here is an example of what I think a good decomposition looks like : . You can clearly see why each thing costs the thing it costs.

I can easily see how this could come to 350K usd, which is 35K/month. But I think you did a bad job communicating that to MNOs. Have you done a proposal before? I feel like there was another cycling proposal a few months ago from Africa.
0 points,7 years ago
There was another cycling proposal but that was for France not South Africa/Africa. And in the comments on that proposal most maternodes expressed a desire for it to be bigger and have more impact and I feel like this proposal took all that into consideration.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, we do have detailed budget follow the link
We are have difficulty with the site formating and was unable to show it earlier.
0 points,7 years ago is not good enough, I actually did find your detailed budget here :

Your detailed budget looks good, however it's so hard to find, most MNOs really don't know you so there is a high level of distrust when asking for so much money. I think you would have heavily benefited from an escrow service.

Then comes the question if this is a good ROI. It's hard to tell. I'm not sure if 400k should go to cycling tours in south africa. I believe that money could most likely be better spent. I will abstain till end of month and then see what we have left in funding.
1 point,7 years ago
It seems pretty expensive for what we are getting in return.
0 points,7 years ago
Yes it is considering its a 10 month long activation proposal which includes, tv and radio interviews, meet-ups all over South Africa and a dash cycling team competing in all the major races.
3 points,7 years ago
You should better put 3x3month proposals if that's the case. That way, you can show community that you can deliver and also lower the budget in the same time.
0 points,7 years ago
The reason we couldn't break it down to monthly or 3x3 months was to avoid high costs, as you know with travel the closer to the event you book, the higher the costs so we got quotations at much cheaper rates than we would have had it been closer to the dates. These events attract a lot of international participates and prices go up around those times.
0 points,7 years ago
Interesting proposal, but given your ROI and scope of the project, your offering seems too expensive. Given your ask, make sure to interact with the community and post some updates for the following 20 days.
0 points,7 years ago
This proposal is for 28 different dash events, will be run from February to November, it includes meetups, dash wallet activations, dash branded cyclists and promotional staff, our top managements giving TV and radio interviews on dash, plus video evidence of each even for social media promotions. 341 Dash for 10 months that's 34.1 Dash per month for 2 to 3 events per month. We even want to work with Dash staff and do dash coin giveaways at these events, that means following the rules in terms of event promotion and feedback. So pictures will be uploaded.
0 points,7 years ago
It's not Dash coin, it's Dash.
1 point,7 years ago
Seems Expensive and no Budget?
0 points,7 years ago
There is a link to a detailed budget
summary budget
0 points,7 years ago
Having some trouble editing the proposal, only the first few lines uploaded, trying to upload the rest now.
0 points,7 years ago
apologies, Just seen the budget but the link is misformed so missed it