Proposal “DASHATMHONGKONG“ (Closed)Back

One-time payment: 88 DASH (2128 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-04-20 / 2017-05-20 (added on 2017-04-16)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 436 Yes / 708 No / 51 Abstain

Proposal description

--------VOTE NO--------


I would like to convert a Robocoin machine to sell Dash and BTC using the Generalbytes Conversion Kit. It will be a two way machine. It will have a huge Dash Logo. Hong Kong is the crypto center in Asia. This is where the Silicon valley guys come to meet the Chinese miners. Where the Japanese and Korean come to buy their Bitcoin. A physical Dash ATM in Hong Kong will have a huge benefit to Dash.

About me
I am Robert from Hong Kong. I operate three Bitcoin ATMs in Hong Kong since 2014.

Why I want to do this project?
I encountered a customer who was using my ATM to buy and sell Bitcoin. They heard about Dash other interesting
cryptocurrencies but have no idea how to buy them. They have never heard of Shapeshift etc. A physical machine will make it easier for these people to experience Dash. Also because I am a big believer in Dash. I like to take this opportunity to promote Dash in my ATM shop. 

If Dash is to replace Bitcoin like I think it should. It needs to have Dash ATMs. So that ordinary people who never touched cryptos before can buy Dash directly using Fiat.

What is the funding used for?
The Robocoin Generalbyte conversion kit
Freight to transport the 350kg machine to my shop
Endless man hours of my time to setup the machine

Running cost of the Dash machine etc
I probably will charge 0% fees for selling Dash. I am already paying the rent of my shop so even if the profit from Dash is low it does not matter I can still operate it. I will still be a good thing to promote Dash in Hong Kong & mainland China guys visiting Hong Kong.

What would happen the proposal is declined?
I will still install the Robocoin but won’t spend the time to install the Dash software and setup server for it etc.

Why should Dash fund this? 
My ATM has a lot of customers everyday. Dash will have a physical location to promote itself. A beautifully rebranded Robocoin machine (i.e. one of its kind in Asia) will get a lot of attention. Unlike other one off marketing promotions, Dash will have a marketing foot step at a physical location for a long time.

88 Dash is a huge bargain for Dash team since the original cost of a Robocoin is $25K USD. 

A lot of media comes to my shop and take photos

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for being honest and up-front. I switched my vote from yes to no as per your request. Your actions so far suggest to me that you really are in it to promote the Dash ecosystem. You should think of another proposal that benefits Dash and You.
6 points,7 years ago
Dear guys,

Thank you so much for the supports in the comment section.

The Robocoin machine is very wide and deep. There is no way to fit it through the door(s) to inside the shops. There are two sets of doors the machine need to pass before it can get inside the shop. There is no way to take down the doors. Even if the machine can get inside it would occupy a whole chunk of space and feel uncomfortable inside.

I can see the votes are increasing and might very much get funded. I don't want to get the Dash funding and not deliver. So I like to withdraw the proposal before it gets approved.

Please kindly refrain from approving it anymore. The software / hardware upgrade were carefully thought through. However the weight and size was always a challenge.

I will stick a big A3 or A2 size Dash logo at my shop so not to waste your time.


0 points,7 years ago
Hi Robert, if you are interested, i think you should create another proposal to fund a sponsorship of some of your effort in a way that can help both your business and Dash as a network in the region.

An idea, perhaps you could contact local magazines or online sites in the area and negotiate with them on ad space that talks about Dash and mentions your atm (if you still want that idea) and business. We as masternodes can quantify that kind of ad reach and spend and you should see considerable foot traffic to your location from that kind of spend.

Or if you are interested perhaps we can find masternodes in the region who would be interested in privately partnering with you on something like this. I would think we could find a way to make the money spent measured against some industry ad metrics that help us enable you to profit on your investment in an atm machine.

Its this type of scenario why i was originally against funding specific profit opps, bc i think we can only really support the individuals doing the actual effort, ie. the individual and his specific implementation of an idea. But, the entrepreneur himself has to be able to deliver.

Masternodes should not be involved in the day to day operation of your business.

for instance it might be great for us to sponsor you as an individual via marketing Dash in the region and help u make a profit on this and other future projects with Dash. But, if we fund you for this specific atm machine and you end up not being able to deliver, it puts us in positions that are difficult to quantify and account for the spend.

By sponsoring a specific project we limit YOUR creativity. By sponsoring YOU, we let you free your own ideas and ability to solve a problem.

The flip side of that is that I think its up to you to show the network your deliverables.
2 points,7 years ago
Please put this in the propsal text section in giant letters!

TL;DR: --------VOTE NO-------- on this proposal. His Robocoin machine won't fit thru the doors.
0 points,7 years ago
GrandMasterDash TanteStefana and others thanks for the support and kind words
-1 point,7 years ago
I was there and the location is perfect But they need if the proposal pass some person check about when people come to the ATM and check i remember when i was there 3 people start ask what is this and i explaint they what is bitcoin and this time if the proposal pass need explaint what is DASH I support this proposal
0 points,7 years ago
Shouldn't an initiative like this be seeking investors rather than donations?
0 points,7 years ago
Tbh, when he says he's not driven by money alone, I believe him. He did, after all, withdraw from Eth. In any case, if we were consistent with that philosophy, we wouldn't of funded a bunch of other projects e.g. debit card that had $1M investment for other cryptos.
1 point,7 years ago
GMD, it sounds like Robert has got your trust. i will reconsider my vote. i would like to just try and have the MN network think in terms of deliverables for these DAO's... Getting involved in individual business opps is not easy to manage. If Robert isnt doing this for the money, how do we as MNO, track projects like this? what is the metric for success? Robert gets funded, what kind of trackable milestones are there for this? Money flows out and no actionable results are visible...
1 point,7 years ago
Last month we had so few great proposals, but I'm very happy to see lots of great ideas coming out this month! This is a big YES as far as I'm concerned. More fiat gateways the better!!
2 points,7 years ago
just to clarify, im against funding a specific profit center for a business. im not against sponsoring Robert for his outreach and time for the community, that then has different parameters to consider. i would vote yes for that
3 points,7 years ago
Yes agreed, it's profitable and a business and should remain that way without funding
2 points,7 years ago
Wow, I find this a very narrow minded attitude. First off, he said he won't charge fees to our Dash users. But that's actually besides the point. Having a presence like this in HK is a fantastic opportunity. Hell, it's another great solution to our fiat gateways problem. I'm voting YES!
1 point,7 years ago
I don't see how a Dash ATM could be profitable right now. Dash is just not used enough yet. Will it be in the future, most likely. But we shouldn't wait until it get's profitable and other people are investing. We have got the funds to keep the current growth going. Like babygiraff said money is not the issue growth is. And while that might lead to some inefficiencies overall it's worth it.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Robert,
Coincidentally I'm in HK until 25 Apr, so I'm curious to check out your place(s).
Abstaining for now, but inclined to support your initiative.
0 points,7 years ago
When you know the place sure changue the Vote! i know
0 points,7 years ago
More than welcome :-)
2 points,8 years ago
Unfortunately, this wasn't mentioned in Robert's proposal so I'm going to make this clear because everyone who's voting no on this clearly knows nothing about HK.

HK has a _massive_ OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) population. Right now, many of them are using bitcoin to send money back home. Where do you think they get their bitcoin from, and why do you think Robert already has three machines?

At the moment, - a major Filipino bitcoin-peso exchange - does not support dash, but there are people like myself trying to inform them that there is such demand. After all, dash is cheaper and faster than bitcoin, right?

By saying yes to this proposal, we put dash one step closer to capturing that market.
1 point,7 years ago
You can use dash on they have "pay with alt coins" button it works thru shapeshift. And support there much better, too snobbish, they act with clients like a big bank not like startup. And yeah, okay, you convinced me to change my abstain to yes.
0 points,7 years ago
I'll support anyone that can get accepting dash!
0 points,7 years ago
GMD, are you in HK? have you been to the location?
0 points,8 years ago
I did not know that. Thanks for sharing this info.
3 points,8 years ago
Re: "My ATM has a lot of customers everyday."
Could you be more specific? How much traffic do you get?
0 points,8 years ago
and btw, how much would it cost to put up a huge billboard with the Dash logo in the middle of a busy area in HK? bc that would be a better use of the money. then ur Dash atm would be profitable, and the budget would have done what its supposed to do, enable business... not fund private businesses.
3 points,8 years ago
This is socialism!! We should not be handing out free money to people to make money. This proposal system is not meant for it! We either need to change the system to make people pay us back or stop voting yes on these proposals
2 points,8 years ago
i agree. the treasury system should be about enabling business opps, not starting businesses for people.
-1 point,8 years ago
I disagree we should be handing out money even to profitable businesss as long as it's beneficial to Dash. In the end all that's really needed for this to be beneficial is for the ATM to do a little more than 88 sales in dash. But we have to know this is going to happen or maybe have an agreement in place for if it doesn't happen
0 points,8 years ago
Think about how you came into crypto. Did you buy Dash directly? Answer is probably not, you bought bitcoin then traded for what you thought was valuable . That's exactly what anyone will do with buying from an ATM. Odds are those are not going to be their choices of what they want honestly. It's not helping us at all it's not a marketing tactic, it's a business!
0 points,8 years ago
This would only reinforce the need then for we want to disconnect from price swings of Bitcoin become independent and have direct fiat to Dash.
1 point,7 years ago
when you fund one business you do so at the expense of every other business that was willing to put in the effort to do this for the profit motive.

If you get something for free, u dont value it.

if there is an entrepreneur in HK who wanted to open up his own atm and put up his own capital to capture the profit that comes with it, and we fund this project, we have essentially handed the business and profit opp to someone who put no effort into it.

A non subsidized entrepreneur cant compete against a subsidized individual.

atm's are a business. if there were profit for him, why is he not funding it himself? i dont like this concept of im doing it for fun, hand me 6kusd.

6k would be better spent doing awareness campaigns or sponsoring youtube broadcasters outside the crypto space or running full page ads in magazines in HK or other geos to bring in more non crypto folk...
3 points,8 years ago
"What would happen the proposal is declined?
I will still install the Robocoin but won’t spend the time to install the Dash software and setup server for it etc."

im voting no, if u want to add Dash and make a profit from a machine you already have... thats ur business expense. obviously ur customers are interested in buying Dash, so im betting u will install Dash yourself to profit from the customers you already have. if not, another entrepreneur will
3 points,8 years ago
I will still install the Robocoin but won’t spend the time to install the Dash software and setup server for it etc.

So you want 6500 for a day's work setting it up? Your not that bothered about Dash... No from me.
0 points,8 years ago
if anyone can get it done in a day I am glad to pay for it
1 point,8 years ago
I apologise my comment was a bit harsh. Maybe you could offer a garuntee such as if you do not reach at least 88 dash in sales within say 4 or 5 months you will return the difference. Therefore if you make no sales at all you will return the full sum meaning you make a loss on your time. Or we need to come up with some system I feel for all these ATM proposald rather than just spending someone an arbitrary amount.
1 point,8 years ago
Btw, I've done my due diligence on this guy and I'm very confident he's legit (I have local contacts that have dealt with him directly).

Imo, it doesn't matter if he profits or not, this guy will get the job done. He does a lot of local bitcoin education and I'm sure he'll do the same with dash.
2 points,8 years ago
you intend to make money on this, correct? why arent u funding this yourself if its a good idea? i mean if there is traffic at this location u should easily be able to make profit on it. i think Dash is past the stage of paying for atms... atms are a business and a profitable one at that... u should be able to fund this and profit from it yourself.
1 point,8 years ago
Generally I would agree but in this instance, what he didn't tell you is that he likes to educate and help people with crypto. You're not just paying for dash integration, you got to look at the person, and this person will be actively engaging with local people and educating them.
0 points,8 years ago
I don't intend to make money from the Robocoin machine selling Dash. I already have a Lamassu running there. It would be nice to sell Dash with the Robocoin. Other ATM that had sold ETH had retracted them. Claiming little vol and not worth the effort. So I am doing this more for fun than making profit.
1 point,8 years ago
This has to be a completely false statement 100%.
1. You need to pay for somewhere to put it... it's like a vending machine you rent out space. And even if it's free that thing eats up a tonnnn of electricity
2. The machines arnt perfect and you know that, they need maintenance no ones going to fix it for free
3. Transaction fees
So without taking profit you are somehow going to pay for these yourself ?
2 points,8 years ago
I think he means he can still make profit from the Bitcoin side, but not the Dash side due to small volume and of course no fee.
0 points,8 years ago
Curious about this as well.
2 points,8 years ago
ive run atm's at gas stations and grocery stores before.... those things are cash cows... 3eur/usd minumum fee/transaction and a 5 percent sales commission depending on where u get ur data feed. for the money why wouldnt we just buy ad space in hongkong and get the word out... im against building up a business for people that can easily integrate something like this themselves and then ask us to fund something that the whole network doesnt benefit from. this is hongkong specific. if he wants to he can partner up with a masternode in HK and fund this together as a business venture.
2 points,8 years ago
Hi, I generally like the idea, but it is unclear to me what the funds are actually spent on. Could you specify the following points?

1) Cost of acquiring ATM

2) Cost of "converting" ATM

3) Monthly operation costs of ATM

4) Where will this ATM be located at?

Voting NO until you clarify these points.
0 points,8 years ago
+5 Dash spent on the proposal
0 points,8 years ago
1. Small cost of acquring the ATM
2. Cost of the conversion kit is $1500 USD + Postage
3. Cost moving the actually machine which weight over 350KG to the shop. I am waiting for a quote but won't be cheap.
4. Monthly operation cost ? - I do it for my own interest
5. I have 3 locations in HK. I think I will put it in my ATM shop in Mongkok next to my Lamassu machine.

I already have a lamassu machine which is two ways and had been working fine for years. I don't need to Robocoin machine to give me any extra business. I just thought a Robocoin machine selling Dash is nice in the shop just like btc miners I have in the museum box in the shop.
0 points,8 years ago
P.S. I was planning to sell ETH on my Lamassu but after the Dao incident I lost faith on ETH. However I believe in Dash which is why I am doing this.
1 point,8 years ago
what I understand is he already has the original ROBOCOIN ATM (which is worth $25000) and his project is to buy a conversion kit (which is worth $1500).

However I guess he already has such a conversion kit otherwise his ATM would not work, because ROBOCOIN closed their business in 2015 and the ATM would not work without a conversion kit.

Anyways I vote NO because 88 DASH is too big money for this.
0 points,8 years ago
I have not purchased the conversion kit from Generalbytes nor the Robocoin in my shop yet.
0 points,8 years ago
Do you already Robocoin ATM installed, and you upgrade it for Dash support ? Or you want to buy a new model with Dash support?
0 points,8 years ago
Excuse me, but where do you find Robocoin firmware with Dash support? Link please.
0 points,8 years ago