Proposal “DASH-Venezuela-13-cities-1600-people“ (Closed)Back

Title:DASH Venezuela - 31 EVENTS = 13 CITIES = 1600 PEOPLE​
One-time payment: 337 DASH (7579 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 337 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-05-18 (added on 2018-04-16)
Votes: 720 Yes / 134 No / 28 Abstain

Proposal description


Hello, everyone. 

We are getting prepared for our biggest proposal ever. We are going to be present in 13 cities of Venezuela, producing 31 events and reaching 1600 people in May 2018.  You can see our pre-proposal HERE!!!

This is possible thanks to the evolution we have been experiencing since the first time that MNOs and the community trusted us with our first proposal. We began as a community in one city (DASH Caracas), and now we are becoming an organization (DASH Venezuela) that conglomerates multiple communities and projects in Venezuela, and soon in LATAM.

I invite you to watch this video (in Spanish with subtitles in English) where I present part of the team of  DASH Venezuela

If you want to know more about what is DASH Venezuela and what are our programs, our allies and our perspectives, I invite you to follow our thread:

Now, I will present to you what we want to achieve in May and part of June:

    that will take place on saturday May 12th in the Pestana Hotel Caracas. 

    We will be providing guidance and supporting financially for the communities of: Falcón, La Guaira, Los Teques, Maracaibo, Margarita, Mérida, Puerto La Cruz, San Antonio de los Altos, Táchira, Trujillo, Valencia, Valle de La Pascua.
    If we did a car trip from the easternmost city to the westernmost one, it would be a 35 hour road trip, we would have to drive + 2.2K Km. Here you can see the route.

    After 7 months of work, our team has grown considerably, and for our meetings and for the training sessions we organize to the team members and the entrepreneurs, we used to rent different venues for the day. Because of the increased volume of the work, now it is cheaper to rent an entire office for the whole month than the individual rents. 

    When price went up in november and december, we had a surplus of our budget. That is why we did not submit a proposal for january, and we organized that month’s event using that residual budget. But in february and march the price fall was considerable, and that affected our budget really hard. In the end, the directive team of DASH Venezuela had to lend from their personal funds in order to get everything done. That is why we propose to make this analysis every month. 
    We will compare the DASH price at the moment of proposal submission with the average of DASH real price during the execution month. If there is a surplus, we will deduct the difference from next month budget. But in case of deficit, we will ask for a reimbursement.  

    TOTAL: 337.18 DASH

    Dear MNOs... Please read + Comment + Vote!


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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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5 points,6 years ago
One of the biggest potential catalysts for Dash in 2018 is Venezuelan adoption of Dash. Funding this proposal is sending the Dash to a place with high-adoption potential. We cannot afford to not fund this. Vote yes!
8 points,6 years ago
Eugenia has answered all questions posted in this proposal regarding costs. We need to remember she was not able to answer these questions earlier because she was involved in supporting 2 major DASH conferences. If Eugenia had the chance to answer earlier we would not have had so many questions.

We also need to observe that Eugenia has been totally transparent and listed all the costs including any consultation fees so that it is open for everyone to see. Those costs could have been easily disguised amongst other costs but they were not. Eugenia showed them totally transparently.

If you take a look on youtube at these conferences you will see they are premium quality events on a par with any top crypto conference in the world. These are just a few points to consider:

1. The event locations themselves are premium quality venues.
2. The speakers are highly educated and respected professionals.
3. There is professional catering available for the attendees.
4. The event is supported by Dash Help Tech support answering hundreds of questions and issues people have (see the youtube videos with queues of people lining up for tech support)
5. Attendees have practical hands on experience with merchants selling goods in DASH at the event.
6. Each participant is given $10 DASH to get started using the currency.

I don’t know any other crypto show in the world that even comes close to that level of quality and care for its participants.

The quality of these conferences reflects in the quality of DASH as a product and the community behind DASH and what we are about. We are supporting Venezuela to establish a new stable currency. We can do it if we all stand united. DASH behind these Venezuela projects. We will establish DASH as the working national currency of Venezuela.

These conferences are picked up by mainstream TV and Radio in Venezuela. It is critical we give the best possible impression that DASH is about quality and we are about supporting causes that improve people’s lives. The DASH values to promote freedom to individuals.

When we are talking about the security of people’s money it is critically important that we demonstrate high quality in everything we do. These conferences reflect on the quality of the DASH as a service.

Remember these conferences are not only impacting the immediate attendees but also the nation as a whole because these conferences are picked up mainstream media attention. In addition the people attending the events become ambassadors for spreading the word about DASH through their communities. Therefore these events not only impact the immediate participants of the conference but many thousands of others throughout Venezuela.

Eugenia’s team are going to prepare smaller videos of the conference ordered by subject and posted on youtube with tight themes these will also increase further the reach to many more people that could not attend the events and the keywords will be picked up at Youtube and Google search.

I would request that these events also provide some training for the participants on how to actively promote DASH within their communities e.g. I am constantly asking everyone I meet "Do you accept DASH?" , "have you heard of DASH?" I know I've influenced dozens of people to start using DASH simply by doing this.

In exchange for the $10 free DASH to the participants it would also be good if they could agree to create a email signature and to use this signature whenever they send out email to anyone. The signature would says something like

"DASH digital Cash the solution to Venezuela's currency crisis. To learn more visit "" If the participants want the $10 free DASH they could agree to send out an email to at least 5 people / friends / family they know at the event and then agree to use the email signature for at least 1 year. In this way the participants are becoming active ambassadors to spread the word of DASH.

These are just a few ideas on how the participants could be initiated to become active agents to spread the word of DASH through Venezuela.

Eugenia is integral in sharing her experience to co-ordinate all the activities that make these conferences a success. She is a fully qualified psychologist. How much does a fully qualified psychologist ask per hour in the USA for their services?

What question is the right question to ask about how much someone should be paid to do a job. Is it what is the minimum wage, what is a normal wage or what is a rate that would have someone highly motivated to do the job? Which question should we be asking? We cannot use the standard rates in Venezuela as a fair rate, because there is a crisis there. We need to ask are these rates a fair rate for the person’s contributions, what they deliver and their level of expertise? I think without any question Eugenia has over delivered on all these aspects.

Eugenia has received funds directly from DASH treasury for organizing the DASH Caracas conferences not for taking time to assist other conferences. Is it fair to ask someone to work overtime on a different project for free just because the sponsor is the same for different events? That surely is not a fair arrangement. Anyone raising doubts about this think for a moment - are you prepared to work overtime for free on work that you have not been paid for? The Caracas conferences do not include funds for Eugenia or her team to be supporting other conferences with their time, expertise and contributions - that is why there is a charge for the consultations and I think that is perfectly fair and reasonable.

Eugenia has attended the Maracay conference and was giving talks at that event along with support in the background. I don’t see her time for that on the books. That event would not have been such a great success without Eugenia’s expertise.

We need to stand behind and support these Venezuela projects. If we do this Venezuela will convert to DASH as it’s national currency very quickly because DASH is solving so many problems in Venezuela. When Venezuela converts to DASH would you say it would be worth it? 32 million people using DASH on a day to day basis. DASH would have helped a nation and all its people to get back on their feet again. That is something we can all be proud of. Not only this when a whole country is using DASH as its primary currency imagine the stability that would bring to the DASH price. It would then be used as a fully functional currency and not an hodling investment as it is right now. The GDP for Venezuela in 2017 was 346 Billion USD. All of that could be DASH.

When Venezuela has DASH as a stable, safe and sound currency the country and all its people will prosper again. When this happens the rest of the world’s media will sit up and take note. This would then start a world movement for other countries to adopt DASH to solve their economic issues.

These conferences and the other projects like DASH Merchants are critically important for this process to occur. The time is now people. It is now or never. Let us put our full support behind these projects.

Let us support Venezuela now and in a very short time Venezuela will be supporting us.

1 point,6 years ago
Good afternoon to all this great community.
My name is Jahlexis Lugo, I am with the Dash Caracas team from the beginning of this great dream and hard work. Eugenia opened the doors of her community when there were barely 2 people at the beginning of August 2017, giving me a place both in the team and in her heart because she is one of the best people I know and my best friend. When we started with the first conference in September, my work was as a photographer and user attention.

For several months I have worked as IT Coordinator and National Coordinator of Dash Venezuela Communities.

Through the great work of monthly conferences and through the increasingly numerous and committed communities, we get every day entrepreneurs from all over Venezuela to adopt Dash as a method of payment and teaching them a new way to find financial freedom.

More than 1000 attendees to each conference enjoy a great technical deployment that we carry out from all the coordination, and being an event with great emphasis on technology, in the coordination of IT we take care that the technical deployment is carried out for meet all the requirements of connection to the internet of the central team, streaming, communications, entrepreneurs and all our guests, integrating the best ISP and WiFi infrastructure services that can be contracted in Venezuela, which translates into a double p2p connection link internet radio ensuring the main connection and a backup to avoid loss of service, simultaneous connection of more than 2,000 mobile devices in simultaneous transit during the event, live video publication with minimum quality of 1080p, apart from my fellow Leonardo "Griz "Ytriago, Gabriel Pernia, Carlos Ytriago and Myself provide high quality specialized attention to all entrepreneurs while our Dash Help Support Center allies provide first level support to all guests.

All this technical deployment gives all the guests a high quality experience allowing at the end of the day they have made more than 3500 transactions, demonstrating the great financial and technological tool that is Dash.

Beyond this, in the National Coordination of Communities, having been born as Dash Caracas, the first Venezuelan Dash Dinero Digital community and having collected a large cache of good practices, we want to support and accompany each of these leaders in a regional manner. They want to replicate our work in their cities and states.

This work has been carried out since the beginning of Dash Venezuela, obtaining great results and forming allied communities that have already had great successes, such as the case of Dash Maracay in the state of Aragua, who recently held their first conference with 500 attendees and the first Dash fair experience, both totally successful. Dash Puerto La Cruz in Anzoategui, doing meetups with more than 30 new guests each time, Dash Guayana in the state of Bolivar with presentations in the largest universities in the state, Dash La Guaira with great projection in the adoption of businesses with more than 35 businesses accepting Dash on their list ... They are good examples of what is being done in the interior of the country with the support of Dash Venezuela.

At this moment we have 17 allied groups in various cities of Venezuela (Maracay, Valencia, Baruta, La Guaira, Easter Valley, Puerto La Cruz, Lecherias, Trujillo, Tachira, Guayana, San Antonio de los Altos, Los Teques, Falcon , Barquisimeto, Merida and Maracaibo). Communities with geographical and demographic particularities, which make them unique among them, with different strategies, unique ideas but with the same objective, to promote Dash. This can be seen and felt in the social networks where each community lives, drives and informs many people about our cryptocurrency ... Bring Dash to every city in Venezuela and present this solution to each of their countrymen.

All lined up in order to form the first Dash Nation in the world in Venezuela.
1 point,6 years ago
Dash Watch February 28th Report on
DASH CONFERENCE - VENEZUELA by algodonfranelas
3 points,6 years ago
If I have to choose between this proposal, and the Strike Social proposal, I have to choose this one.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank You to all the MNO whom voted on this proposal , this is very important to keep this project on the top of he news and I am glad I’ll also be part of this helping Dash Venezuela. A big Thank You from Dash Brazil
0 points,6 years ago
Hello everyone,

Since I joined the Dash community in Venezuela, I was able to see the quality of Eugenia's and Dash Venezuela's work. I am sure Venezuela will be the very First Dash Nation with the joined work of Dash Merchant Venezuela, Dash Venezuela and the rest of the alliance. We have the team, capabilities and more important the passion to make it happen. You have my full support.

Alejandro Andrade (andrade92)
Dash Merchant Venezuela
0 points,6 years ago
Hello, everyone. I invite you to watch this video (in Spanish with subtitles in English) where I present part of the team of DASH Venezuela
3 points,6 years ago
voting YES. You conferences look impressive, and I see Edward (ec1warc1) has a lot of faith in your abilities. Most of all, we need more PEOPLE WITH DASH IN THEIR WALLETS.
-2 points,6 years ago
167362 USD to reach 1600 people. That's $100 per person. In Venezuela that's 2 years of salary.
2 points,6 years ago
Hello, Masternube. Thank you for reading and expressing your concern.

Please, read the answer I gave to jeremy54, where you can see how we are at an aproximate cost of USD 49 per person, not USD 100.

Also, I would like to clarify that a person cannot live of 4 USD a day in Venezuela. With this amount, a person could barely survive.

In this link ( you can consult the monthly analisys of the purchasing power of Venezuelan people.

I will translate and excerpt for you here:
<<<<The Basic Basket of Food, Goods and Services (FOOD + ARTICLES OF PERSONAL HYGIENE AND HOUSEHOLD TOILET + BASIC PUBLIC SERVICES + HOUSING + DRESS AND FOOTWEAR) for the month of January 2018 had a cost of Bs. 16,576,384.17. A family requires 67 minimum wages to cover their basic needs. The purchasing power of hypothetical family income (minimum wage x 2) is only 3.0% of the basic basket.>>>>

This does not includes, however, the education expenses, health expenses or recreational expenses, and works with official prices of regulated items. What it does not reflects is the real prices in the black market of food, goods, and services, because of the scarcity of this products in the legally established bussiness, the price difference can be as high as 900%.

Today, the minimum wages in Venezuela ( equals USD 2 a month (

I know it is difficult to understand the Venezuelan economy, but the category and quality of the events we are producing every month for a year, such as we promised initially, really cannot be done for less money, because a lot of products and services are "dolarized".

Please, if you have any other questions, let us know.
2 points,6 years ago
Dear masternube,
this is an incorrect figure, please see Eugenia's response. It's less than half that cost per person.
5 points,6 years ago
This was answered already, please see other comments in this thread.
-1 point,6 years ago
It is nearly impossible to spend $100 per person on a conference in Venezuela. The budget needs to be investigated, many complaints by ex-employees against Algodon Franelas and accusations of foul play with budget inflation.
1 point,6 years ago
This complaints and accusations are lies told by a small group of people who don't show their face, when my team and I have been open for everyone to reach and contact in case of doubt.
0 points,6 years ago
Their/her name is Julia Gonzalez and she tried to contact Tungfa. In my country we say, when the river sounds it´s because there is water in it. So, it is fine you be transparent in what you are asking for.
2 points,6 years ago
Dear Jeremy54. You're right, it is impossible. This is not the cost per person. Please (again) see Eugenia's response. The true number is less than half what you claim. Asked and answered (again).
1 point,6 years ago
I remember each conference in for example caracas has around 1600 people (600 seats+1000 more in expo after).. so it is PER CONFERENCE I highly think.
-2 points,6 years ago
The cost is minimum 4-5x higher than what it should be. I have been part of organizing many conferences and can safely say that spending $80-$100 per person in venezuela is at least an order of magnitude higher than what it costs. I am baffled that this has not be taken up with the proposal owners despite all the complaints on the forums.
5 points,6 years ago
Hi MN , please help us accomplish this proposal DASH BRAZIL ?? and DASH VENEZUELA ?? are working together on this as I had the pleasure to be invited by Eugenia from Dash Caracas to be a SPEAKER in those upcoming conferences and I’ll be providing all the video support for Dash Caracas to create content in Spanish. Thank You From Dash Brazil
4 points,6 years ago
Hello, Rodrigo, thanks for your support. We are really excited to have you here in Caracas so soon.

We could arrange so you can visit our other communitties as well, kind of like a tour, so you can speak in those events and register in your great videos all that is happening in our country.
2 points,6 years ago
you have my support
3 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much! We appreciate it very much!
3 points,6 years ago
Hello everyone, we are I&W Consultores, DASH Venezuela strategic partners.

We are very familiar with all the initiatives DASH Venezuela is doing in our country, working very closely with them as one team during the planning and execution stages for all the conferences they have done in Venezuela.

We know all the support DASH Venezuela has provided to the local DASH communities. To mention one, we recently attended to a great first conference organized by DASH Maracay, a local Dash community created in the city of Maracay in the Aragua state of Venezuela. It was a very well organized and executed event including high level professional speakers, very well known in our country.
As for all the events organized by DASH Caracas, we asure as well that all speakers involved have a solid reputation and knowledge in the cryptocurrency context.

We can confirm the high quality of the events and the large number of attendees.

Dash Venezuela has always been very careful with all details so that every conference results in a high quality experience for the attendees, handling everything in an honest and transparent way.
We are witness in how everyday more and more entrepreneurs join the DASH communities and start accepting payments using DASH.

We are sure DASH Venezuela is achieving its mission of “Generating opportunities for the evolution of all the venezuelans” and DASH will be the most popular crypto in our country, becoming the first nation to adopt DASH massively.

I&W Consultores team
7 points,6 years ago
At a glance I also thought that the cpp for the conference was expensive, however, after seeing @algodonfranelas of why it's more to $49 per person I think this is totally reasonable when comparing with CriptoLatinFest in Colombia, for instance, that costs $79 to attend and when taking into account that some services like good internet connection are more expensive in Venezuela than elsewhere due to the scarcity of good services offered by rare private companies.

I had the opportunity to fly to Caracas and participate in the 5th Dash Caracas conference. They put a really good structure for the event, on par to another BIG crypto conferences that I attended across US and Asia, however, this one is FREE to attend and provides real value to our network, they are making impact in our download and transaction numbers.

Correlation does not imply causation, however, if we observe the Dash transaction chart ( we can clearly see a bump in transactions amount for each conference day:
- 02/24: 10k tx compared to ~6.8k to other Saturdays of same month
- 03/24: 13k tx compared to ~7.4k to other Saturdays of same month
- 04/21: 12k tx compared to ~7.8k to other Saturdays of same month
*The Dash Venezuela team is making a study to count the number of transactions happened in each conference (Due to Dash City) and I believe that this assumption will be confirmed soon.

Besides all that, the conferences serve as a huge testing ground for our Apps and Network, the Dash Help Venezuela team gathers really valuable feedback from hundreds of attendants and some of it are even coming as features and bug fixes in the next release of our Android Wallet (in the next few days).

This is one of the most important proposals that we have and unfortunately it's being voted no.
3 points,6 years ago
Thank You Sam , this is great info speacilly from someone whom have been there and saw how those conferences are well organized. I am looking forward to be part of this proposal as well.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you, Sam, for this comment. This gives more understanding of the impact of our events in indicators other than number of participants. This will be confirmated when we present the results of our investigation.

Looking forward to the new release of the wallet :-)
6 points,6 years ago
I have personally met Eugenia and Francisco. I spent a few days with them in Bogota in December for the LaBitConf event. I believe in these people. They have delivered on their proposals in the past and they have helped others create successful proposals.
This time around, I have read some criticisms of their proposals, especially regarding costs. But look at what they are providing us: 31 events! That is a TON of work!!! If they don't ask for 337 Dash, they can't do that many events. 10 Dash per event! Not unreasonable considering the quality of the events they have put on in the past.
Voting YES.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you Edward. We hold you in high esteem as well. I hope sometime we have the opportunity of bringing you to Venezuela, to speak in one of our events.
0 points,6 years ago
That would be cool! :)
1 point,6 years ago

I am the leader of the community of San Antonio de los Altos in Venezuela and the work that Eugenia has been doing first with Dash Caracas and now with Dash Venezuela, can now be seen much more than before.

We were the first community that joined DASH Caracas after its first conference in September and we started to hold the first meetups with DASH Global support, however the work was difficult, because people were afraid of this innovation, especially in my city

After 8 months of work in which @algodonfranelas has brought knowledge through her conferences in Caracas, we are getting more and more entrepreneurs and businesses that want to know about DASH and learn how to use it as a payment method in their business in our city San Antonio de los Altos

This support that DASH Venezuela now wants to give to small communities is very valuable because we believe that this is the way to help Venezuela overcome economic stagnation due to the lack of foreign exchange and production. DASH can help, for example, to that businesses and companies see in DASH the way to import raw materials that they require for the production of their products without the need to use foreign currency (to which we do not have access in our country) and that is why this knowledge we want and need that I arrived at all in Venezuela.

The support of MNOs to @algodonfranelas has been incredible in all these months and we thank you! really have no idea how people who know DASH is starting to hope for the economic recovery of our country.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you dear Aymara. You are an example to a lot of people, leader of the first new community to have join us in our alliance!!!
3 points,6 years ago
Hello my name is Edgar Caballero and I am the leader of the Dash Valencia community. Dash Venezuela's proposal supports the first activities to perform of this community.

Valencia is a metropolitan city located in the center of the country, with a population of over 2 million people, making it the 3rd big city in Venezuela.
Also from the 50s, it has become the industrial center of the country, and the most important harbord in Venezuela

Many businessmen are interested in how Dash, can help them to export or import, raw materials and finished products.

Entrepreneurs are also seeking alternatives that guarantee their savings and can easily make transactions, because there are cash shortage nationwide and that has paralyzed trades. Dash is a great alternative to solve these problems.

The Meetups and workshops will be the first steps to demonstrate the advantages of using dash to businessmen, entrepreneurs and all Venezuelans interested in improve their economics
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your comment, Edgar. We in DASH Venezuela are looking forward to helping you get DASH Valencia going. Thanks for your confidence in our experience.
6 points,6 years ago
The work in Venezuela is the only place in the world where people and businesses are actually interested in learning about Dash for transaction. The entire Western world could really care less about transacting with crypto, and the belivers in crypto would rather promote their own favorite crypto than Dash.

Just read the comments on the Ben Swann videos or the MMA news articles. The people are skeptical of crypto or they try to peddle their own favorite coin. No one wants Dash.

We have the opportunity to become the first crypto being used as a means of actual transaction for on-the-ground business only because the alternative no longer exists. This gives crypto, specifically Dash, the opportunity to show how powerful decentralized cryptocurrency really is. I implore the MN, continue to fund this movement. This is a growing movement and we need to support it. People and business transacting with Dash is why we exist.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you RobbyDash01!

I am confident that working in alliance and with the support of the MNOs we will make of

Venezuela: the first DASH Nation!!!!
1 point,6 years ago
Best regards to all, I am Joney Castellanos (@bitcoinroute) and I speak on behalf of the team that promotes the adoption of Dash as digital cash in Maracaibo-Venezuela, we are part of the communities included in the proposal that Eugenia Alacalá (@DashVenezuela) presents, hoping to respond to the requests of information that the MNOs make about the planes that we have to carry out these events that represent an exchange of real value for the community in general.

We want to focus attention on the questions that revolve around the costs of the event and its implications. The quality of the conferences that he promotes with the sponsorship of dash's treasury Eugenia, has been relevant and determinant for the audience in Venezuela and Latin America in general.

* +111 Merchants registered in CriptolugaresVE and Discoverdash, which accept payments in our cryptocurrency.
* Relevance in the media with the highest audience and prime time for the promotion of Dash digital cash
* Model City in Caracas with more than 88 merchants that sell their merchandise in exchange for dash
* City model in Maracay with more than 40 companies and entrepreneurs that made an exchange in Dash.
* Model City replicating in other major cities with growth prospects.
* Meetings on a smaller scale with journalists, businessmen, communities in general with which the advantages of Dash are debated
* Development of projects in the Dash platform that provide added value to the ecosystem.
* Promotion of dissemination and information projects in Spanish, providing an extraordinary reach to the knowledge of Dash in the Hispanic community with a potential advance to Latin America.

All this has been achieved in a few months thanks to the coordinated strategy of Eugenia Alcalá and all that team that can be followed by a country backward from the severe crisis we are going through, trusting that the demonstration of a decentralized economy in the real solution to The challenges facing the world economy and Venezuela presents the model with all the elements that are required to calculate its effectiveness.

31 Events for the month of May is a challenge that only with organization and teamwork could we achieve.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you, Joney. We are very lucky of having such a well prepared, professional and passionate woman leading the DASH community in Maracaibo!!!
5 points,6 years ago
Hello, as provider and ally of Dash Venezuela conferences (help and support for attendees - Dash Help Venezuela), I can confirm the high quality that these events have, and also the amount of people that attends is very impressive.

Dash is getting real in Venezuela, I see like a "Dash revolution". Everyday I am more sure we will become the very first Dash Nation we always talk, it is already happening. This team is doing a very great job and if the MNOs have suggestions to Eugenia, I am sure she will address them and make improvements to their proposal/project/events.

Numbers speak by their own, for example: has aprox 900 merchants and +120 are from Venezuela (13-14%). Dash is Venezuela has a big moment, and we will keep the hardwork.

Dash Help Venezuela & Dash Merchant Venezuela
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks, Alejandro.

I feel the same about the "DASH Revolution". I am confident that we are only at the tip of the Iceberg here, and the contribution of all DASH communities and all new DASH projects in Venezuela is vital to capitalize the momentum we have gained so far thanks to our big events.

I feel lucky that you and your team are part of this big alliance.
1 point,6 years ago
Hello everyone, my name is Richard Jerez.

I am a trader from Los Teques, capital of Miranda state, Venezuela.

I have participated as assistant of the conferences of Caracas. Also as an entrepreneur, I must say that the scope has been great.

Today I am the leader of the community of Los Teques, a large number of businesses, businesses and users, we have managed to sow the seed of dash.

We consider that conferences, similar to those in Caracas, would provide the necessary impetus to finish adopting dash in their businesses and lives.

Therefore we ask the mno, the greatest possible consideration, to give us the vote of confidence and to turn Venezuela into the first Dash Nation.

Thank you, Sincerely
Richard Jerez
Dash Los Teques
Digital West, C.A
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you dear Richard. We are delighted to count with communitty leaders and entrepreneurs with such enthusiasm as you always demostrate.
-2 points,6 years ago
Hi Algodon

There unanswered complaints on the forums from disgruntled employees who claim they have not been paid their promised salaries by you and alleging inflating costs of items. Can you confirm if these salaries have now been paid and explain the issues that led to this?

Also if you could provide a detailed budget on the proposal, it would be helpful to understand how you have arrived at a cost of spending $100 per participant.

Best regards
Jeremy Scott
1 point,6 years ago
Hello, Jeremy. This complaints are based on lies and have been answered, all of the people we hired for each one of our activities have been properly paid their professional fees. We do not have any employees, we only work with freelancers.

If you take the time to read carefully our proposal, our pre-proposal and the explanation I gave in the comments in this thread, you will see the detailed budget and you will be able to understand that the cost is NOT as high as you think...

In our pre-proposal threads you have the names and often the contact information of our providers. The community members are free to get in touch with them and validate the information we are posting in our reports.

The cost per person is of USD 49.

That without taking in consideration the thousands of people we reach through TV, radio and the press.

Please, read carefully, I think you will find all the information you need to know here:
3 points,6 years ago
This is the most effective outreach we have in Venezuela. Let's get some yes votes rolling in.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank You , I am glad to also be part of this project and help dash Venezuela
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you, Solarguy! I hope we make it!
1 point,6 years ago
The work of Dash Venezuela has been impeccable and has led many other communities throughout the country to develop and this implies a considerable increase in the circulation of Dash throughout Venezuela.
Inside Venezuela, both cryptocurrency connoisseurs and those who are not are talking about Dash's work in Venezuela.
From Dash Guayana-Venezuela we support this type of expansions so necessary for Venezuela to become a great Dash Nation.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, Ezio. The contribution of DASH Guayana team is very important to make Venezuela the first DASH Nation!
-1 point,6 years ago
Wayyyyy, to expensive for Venzualla. People can live of 4 dollars a day, and we are paying 100 dollars per person ?!!!
3 points,6 years ago
To: A_node_to_a_Master

The reason we are excited about Venezuela is because the local currency is broken. This is the best possible use case. The fact that their effective daily wage is 4 dollars per day is absolutely not the same thing as being able to live on that. Cars and renting a facility and internet service and hiring professionals--these things are not magically inexpensive because the effective wage has dropped to 4 dollars per day.

That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. You are offering us a false equivalency. Furthermore, it's not 100 dollars per person, please see her explanation and calculations. Additional points off to you for bad math and bad assumptions.

algodonfranelas has given copious bookkeeping details to show how the funds are being spent, and there are numerous testimonies about how communities are being positively affected by her proposal on the forum here:

Let's get on with fixing Venezuela shall we?

1 point,6 years ago
I don't like that your trying to manipulate me Solarguy. I am all for fixing Venezuala. I am voting yes for most proposals in there, I may even for yes for this one even if no better ones appear
0 points,6 years ago
I'm not trying to manipulate you A_node_to_a_Master. I'm pointing out that an average daily wage of four dollars does not mean they can put on a big event at a nice facility with top quality speakers for some tiny price. The former just does not lead to the latter, as you imply. And further, I'm pointing out that your figure of $100 per person is inaccurate.

1 point,6 years ago
You't just say I want this living-standard, and add all the extra cost's to make it happen its about survival now for allot of people in Venezuela, have heard for a few people their even educated people don't break 1000 dollars a month paycheck !
4 points,6 years ago
Some of the people working for Dash in Venezuela are graduate lawyers. Many of them are great at crowd speaking, which is a difficult skill to master and worth top pay.

We aren't paying kids to mow our lawn.
-1 point,6 years ago
I am hearing different story's low salary for schooled professionals. Kids mowing the lawns in the US often make more that these types of individuals
1 point,6 years ago
Hello, A_node_to_a_Master. Thank you for reading and expressing your concern.

Please, read the answer I gave to jeremy54, where you can see how we are at an aproximate cost of USD 49 per person, not USD 100.

Also, I would like to clarify that a person cannot live of 4 USD a day in Venezuela. With this amount, a person could barely survive.

In this link ( you can consult the monthly analisys of the purchasing power of Venezuelan people.

I will translate and excerpt for you here:
<<<<The Basic Basket of Food, Goods and Services (FOOD + ARTICLES OF PERSONAL HYGIENE AND HOUSEHOLD TOILET + BASIC PUBLIC SERVICES + HOUSING + DRESS AND FOOTWEAR) for the month of January 2018 had a cost of Bs. 16,576,384.17. A family requires 67 minimum wages to cover their basic needs. The purchasing power of hypothetical family income (minimum wage x 2) is only 3.0% of the basic basket.>>>>

This does not includes, however, the education expenses, health expenses or recreational expenses, and works with official prices of regulated items. What it does not reflects is the real prices in the black market of food, goods, and services, because of the scarcity of this products in the legally established bussiness, the price difference can be as high as 900%.

Today, the minimum wages in Venezuela ( equals USD 2 a month (

I know it is difficult to understand the Venezuelan economy, but the category and quality of the events we are producing every month for a year, such as we promised initially, really cannot be done for less money, because a lot of products and services are "dolarized".

Please, if you have any other questions, let us know.
0 points,6 years ago
1)That the difference between the want and the need.
If i fact you would say, well we kinda need to earn allot, because we can appear successful, presenting Dash I would be okay with that.

2) So okay 50 dollars per person it is, what makes these people so valuable that they need this kind of treatment ? What are they expected to bring to the table

Question why can't it be done on a budget
3 points,6 years ago
Hi Algodon

The cost of the meetups and conferences works out close to $100 per person if there is full attendance. Could you touch upon on why this costs so much in venezuela?

Thank you
Jeremy Scott
3 points,6 years ago
Hello, Jeremy, thanks for your attention and question. I will try to give you the answer you are looking for.

If you read closely our proposal, the cost for the conference and the meetups, including the initial operation expenses of the DASH Venezuela's team add a total of USD 102,070.00. If we divide that by the 1600 people we are going to receive in our events, that gives us a rate of USD 63.79375 per person.

Also, please take note that for making such events, we are actually educating a lot more people.

For example... if you read our 6th conference report ( you can see this summary:

Total attendees: Morning: 592 + Afternoon: 373 = 965
Total entrepreneurships at DASH City: 88
More than 100 people working on the event, all paid in DASH.>>>>

For every entrepreneurship there is an average of 3 people working, so we are talking about 88 x 3 = 264 people, only among the entrepreneurs.

We reached over 1300 people in this event only.

So, if we follow this analysis, it would appear that we are reaching about 130% of the people that we actually receive in the event. So, if we are planning of receiving 1600 people in May's events, we would be reaching something about 2080 people. That means an aproximate cost of USD 49 per person.

Even when we live in Venezuela, most of our expenses are in USD, because the Venezuelan economy is more and more "dolarized" informally, because of the hiperinflation. Such is the case of the Internet service we hire from our providers, because Venezuelan national Internet companies give such a bad and insufficient service, so we have to hire dedicated Internet that costs so much. And Internet is vital for this educational experience.

Of the 88 entrepreneurships that participated in our 6th conference, 9 were social entrepreneurs, NGOs working to help people in need. People living on the streets, children and teenagers in danger of dropping out of school, new mothers, volunteer rescuers, cultural organizations and abandoned pets. This are some of the colateral beneficiaries of our work.

Not only the quantity you must take into account. Please note that we are taking special care in the quality of the education of the entrepreneurs and of the participants of all of our events, so they get out of there with a clear idea of what would be the next step to take to really adopt DASH. You can watch interviews of some of our entrepreneurs and participants in our Youtube Channel: DASH Venezuela.

Aditionally, there is a considerably impact in the news, because such big events draws the attention of the press, as you can see in the regular reports about our media appearances we make in our thread in the DASH Forum.

Last, but not least, this very well produced events are a source of inspiration for other leaders for cities in Venezuela and Latam, who want to follow our steps, and for international guest who are coming to our country to see firsthand how a real adoption of DASH looks like.

I hope this answer helps you.

If you want to know anything else, please, let me know.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello, everyone.

I am just passing by to tell you that yesterday we were with the DASH Maracay Team supporting them in their first conference (a BIG SUCCES, by the way).

And today we are setting up our 7th Conference, so we are getting ready for this big event.

So I have not have find time to respond so far.

I a few minutes I will get out of a meeting and will read everything and write my response.

Thank you very much for your patience.
1 point,7 years ago
Voting yes.

Sure, it is good to have transparency and scrutiny. Eugenia has given regular reports about actual progress, and been pretty responsive to questions on the forum. I anticipate she will continue to do that.

0 points,6 years ago
Hello, Solarguy.

Thank you very much for your patience and confidence. Of course we will continue to give our regular reports. Please stay tune to our threads in the DASH Forum:

DASH Caracas:

DASH Venezuela:
2 points,7 years ago
venezuela team u guys have some unanswered questions. im voting no until they are cleared up with respect to ur governance.
2 points,6 years ago
Hello, thank you for your remark. Working on every question. Stay tuned!
-1 point,7 years ago
MNO's remember that the DASH Maracay conference is on the 19th April and the DASH Venezuela teams are supporting this conference. This is a big event occuring in this city and will require a lot of effort to plan, setup and participate in. It will take the DASH Venezuela team some time to respond to our feedback. There are few projects like the Venezuela projects. The Venezuela teams are all working together and supporting each other so we need to be aware when these events are on. They will answer when they are back.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello, DeepBlue!

Yes, we were supporting DASH Maracay's team on their first conference, thank you for being connected with what is going on in our country.

Today I am taking a few minutes, while our participants of our 7th conference in Caracas enter the hall and take their breakfast while they watch our videos on the screen, to answer some of the questions that have risen here.

Thank you for your understanding!
4 points,7 years ago
I have a few questions on this proposal which I hope you can answer to better understand how you're promoting the conferences to the attendees.

1. How are you ensuring that the people that attended the last conference are not also attending future conferences? If the same people are turning up for each conference each time and getting a $10 payment it would be defeating the object. What we want is different people to the conference each time so that we are expanding to a wider audience. How are you ensuring that this is the case? People that attended previous conferences don't need to attend again another conference as far as I can see because they should have received all the information in their first conference.

2. I mentioned on the last budget proposal to ensure to record the full conference with high quality video and audio and to make sure that the slides were all clearly legible. Then instead of uploading one long 4 hour video to cut it up into small videos each with a tight focused theme. By breaking the videos into small videos it makes it easier for people to review the video material rather than a 4 hour video which few people will sit through in addition DASH will get many more visitors to the videos because the videos will be picked up for the keywords in the youtube and google search engines.

You committed to do this in the last proposal therefore could you post the links to where you posted these small, tightly focused videos.

1 point,6 years ago
Hello, DeepBlue!

Answering your questions.

1) We have a data base, that we manage in MailChimp to send via email the invitation to our events. We are using that tool to ensure that more than 90% of the people that comes to our events are new, that means, they have not come to any other of our events before.
The 10% that maybe is recurrent, is because we are working on establishing strategic alliances with important organizations in Venezuela, so we give them special invitations so they fall in love with the project and support the massive addoption of DASH in Venezuela.

2) We are publishing the first results of this request of yours in our YouTube Channel: DASH Venezuela.
You can see the first of these videos here:
3 points,7 years ago
@DeepBlue, I do agree.
2 points,7 years ago
Nothing more to add other than I've seen that other proposals are listing Dash Venezuela as a billed expense for consulting/helping with their proposals. Could you elaborate on your involvement with other proposals and why there seems to be a consulting fee for these which we're paying for in addition to the funds we're providing your team directly? Other than that, keep up the good work!
0 points,6 years ago
Hello, Arthyron, thank you for your question.

I would like to explain the best I can what is the reason of these fee for the consulting hours.

In DASH Caracas and in DASH Venezuela, we have build a highly prepared team, who work with sinergy and experience to get high quality results.

The professionals who take part of this team are not employees, they are entrepreneurs, freelancers, so they charge by the hour.

With the budget of DASH Caracas, we pay them to participate in the production of the events in Caracas.

But that budget is not enough to pay them by the hours they dedicate to serve as consultants and advisors of other teams, such as DASH Help, DASH Youth, DASH Merchant, DASH Maracay and DASH Guayana.

That is why we calculate the total hours that a comprehensive consultant service would be, so we can make sure we give all the other teams the best service we can give.

I hope this explanation has shed a light on your question. If you have anything else you would want to know, please let me know.

Please, visit our threads in the DASH Forum:

DASH Caracas:

DASH Venezuela:

Thank you!
1 point,7 years ago
For all Masternodes to evaluate and receive feedback, explanation or transparency, I will like to paste a communication (posts) made to tungfa from somebody who I do not know (I have not make my votes yet, but I believe it is convenient to investigate or to receive clear explanations). Although there is a "breakdown", for the amount it is being requested now I believe it is to much for the job they are going to do since, I have business in south america and there is not that much expensive for that kind of job), thanks:
julia gonzalez Hello tungfa, i think there is a situation with the Venezuelan proposals, they find like a easy way to get a great amount of money withouth doing to much, they inflated the budgets to take big profits, i have being doing a research and they don't even paid their employees what the said, the same with the equipement rental, local rental, etc. they have a corruption system in wich Eugenia gives support to some.
Mar 24, 2018 Report LikeComment
julia gonzalez
julia gonzalez proposal and teach them the trick of inflated budgets to steel the community, i know its doing this with criptolifex, dashhelp, and all the new proposals that she is supporting, i am very disapointed cause i was totally cheated by his media campaing in wich she sell dashccs like perfect and its totally a disaster.
Mar 24, 2018 Report LikeComment
julia gonzalez
julia gonzalez i hope all the community become focused on this cause they are stealing with this and giving small results for a lot o money, the money amounts that it handles its the equivalent to a big company marketing department budget for a year here in venezuela.
Mar 24, 2018 Report LikeComment
tungfa best to put your facts and findings into their Proposal thread so the community is aware and can engage and discuss
Mar 24, 2018 Controls Like
julia gonzalez
julia gonzalez @tungfa @Arthyron I can send proves of it, I can compared a real budget here in Venezuela with the amounts that she managed, I'm incontact with some employees of she and told me about the paiments, i even try to alert in the new proposals like dashyouth but the conversation participation its only for masternodes.
0 points,7 years ago
Send me a message on the forum, please.
0 points,7 years ago
Sorry, perhaps I'm confused. What kind of message?
0 points,7 years ago
I wanted to get this person's contact information since they mentioned me by name. They never sent *me* a message, but apparently sent one to tungfa.
0 points,7 years ago
Looking at the cost breakdown of the conference, it makes sense to me (only the Dash giveaway jumps out a bit). But I dont know the economic and business reality in Venezuela.

Still, Eugenia has always overdelivered on her promises until now (I'm always beyond impressed with the conference videos), so this is an easy yes. However next time, I may take a closer look at the preproposal.

Good luck with the first Dash Mall today!
0 points,6 years ago
Hello, Ancestor!!!

Thank you very much for your response.

The DASH Giveaway that has caught your attention works out like this:

The intention of the giveaway is not only that people download their wallet, but also that they get the chance to experience of using DASH as Digital Cash, so we put together the entrepreneurs fair (DASH City), in which dozens of bussines and social entrepreneurships offer they products and services so people can buy them or make a donation using only DASH!

This allows people to learn how to use their wallet, experience how fast and easy it is, and entrepreneurs also have a chance to practice how to accept DASH, so it is easy for them to do it in the real world.

To make sure people spend their DASH in DASH City, we give them a reimbursement as an incentive if they have spend certain amount of the giveawaywe gave them in the morning.

PLEASE! We would be really happy if more Masternode Owners read and comment the pre-proposal. This allows us to answer any questions or to make any adjusments after your suggestions or requests.

If you have any more questions or remarks, please, let me know.

Thank you!
0 points,6 years ago
Hello, thanks for the reply! I understand the idea behind the giveaways, but they seemed high to me. Anyway, lets take this discussion to the next preproposal if necessary. For now its not me you need to give some attention, but some of the other MNO's here :)
0 points,6 years ago
OK, what amount would you suggest for next proposal?
1 point,7 years ago
Yes from me. Eugenia and Dash Venezuela have been doing a great job so far and I see no need to stop their efforts during expansion.
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks Tao , Eugenia also invited me to be a speaker in the future events and I’ll be providing video support for then to create professional content in Spanish
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you very much Tao!!!

Thank you, because you were the first person to ever tell me that I should go from only DASH Caracas to DASH Venezuela.

I have tried to take it as slowly as I can, because I want DASH Venezuela to have an organic growth, and go step by step, pilot test by pilot test, before we can go GRANDE!

But I know in my heart that you and many other MNOs and members of the DASH community have faith in us and the work we are doing. Itell you the truth when I say that this mean the world to me and my beloved team.

You maybe do not know the positive impact this is having in hundreds of Venezuelan families, we will start making videos so you can hear the stories from yourselves.

Always thank you!
0 points,7 years ago
Venezuela Localbitcoins is exploding in trading volume in.

Dash has many professional teams already on the ground and is far ahead of other cryptocurrencies. This is our opportunity to secure first mover advantage in a country that will likely be the first to see wide scale adoption. Core and Venezuelan initiatives should have priority at this point.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you Robby.

We, as you, believe we will make of DASH the most popular crypto in Venezuela, and of Venezuela the first country to massively addopt DASH.

From DASH Caracas, and now DASH Venezuela, that is our only focus.

Thanks for your support!
0 points,7 years ago
Switch it to denomination in bitcoins...

I think you'll find most of the 'explosion' is in the collapse of the Bolivar ;-)

2 points,6 years ago
Hello, Walter. Thanks for your comment.

I would like to share with all of you something Samuel Barbosa (DASH Core Team) told me when he came in february to speak in our 5th DASH Conference in Caracas...

When he arrived to Venezuela, and he was able to pay everything using DASH, since the taxi that picked him up from the airport, to every meal he ate while he was here, he was really amazed.

When he gave his speech in our conference, he shared with us his vision of why such a big adoption was possible in Venezuela.

He said that this amazing results happened because of a combination of two elements:
1) Venezuela's deep economical crisis.
2) Venezuelan people good attitude.

I call that "good attitude" the "Entrepreneurial Spirit" of us Venezuelans.

I want to thank all of the DASH Community and the MNOs who continue to support our work in Venezuela, not only because we are having such a hard time with our political and economic situation, but because we are fierce entrepreneurs, who are giving all of our focus and energy to make of


the first DASH Nation.