Title:Dash Merchant Usage in Venezuela - NEW LEADERSHIP - 80 TXs per day, 3 Transaction Centered Ecosystem Zones (Acquire/Spend), TXs Tracker, 200 New Strategic Merchants, Quality Control and Support for Over 20,000 Wallet Users.
Monthly amount: 99 DASH (2688 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (2 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2019-03-18 / 2019-05-16 (added on 2019-03-13)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 358 Yes / 124 No / 28 Abstain

Proposal description

Dear Dash Community, we are pleased to present to you the new proposal for Dash Merchant Venezuela. We are proud to be the leading Dash adoption project globally which has allowed Dash to shine as a cryptocurrency in Venezuela and abroad as Dash is positioned to solve some payment issues for Venezuelans. We turbocharged the merchant accepting network for Dash in Venezuela from zero up to a couple thousand places that now know how work with Dash;

As many of you have rightfully stated, onboarding Merchants is one of the components of actual adoption, and now other pieces of the ecosystem will be worked on, so they can fall into place. This means merchant onboarding will be scaled back and our team will devote more resources supporting Dash and evangelizing usage on our 2000+ strong merchant network, we will also work toward incentivizing use and reducing friction for consumers to both obtain and spend Dash as the focus of the project moving forward until we can achieve a better TX count by the huge number of merchants we have onboarded, so they can evidence sustained, widespread Dash activity.

Today, the project has a new leadership that will keep up growth and focus on merchant growth in what we have named “Dash focused ecosystems” that will improve point of sales control and will allow us to measure transactions and customer behaviour. With this project in place, we will be able to hit our new goals of

  • Transactions growth strategy targeting 80+ organic TXs per day,
  • Dash specific offers and training sessions at merchant locations, which compliment the rest of Dash projects in the country and abroad
  • We will teach initially 2000 people how to use Dash every month in small, pay with Dash activities.

Why vote for us- Key deliverables

1) Local usage/Global recognition: Grow transaction to 80 TXs with report system in the place in the world where it's most needed, where we have achieved the highest Dash penetration and partnerships with global brands by leveraging our expertise on local needs (Volatility of Bolivar, Exchange rate, needs of customers)

2) Dash usage and awareness: Consolidate 3 transaction focused zones in Caracas which will increase awareness on consumers and allow for service and education

3) Keep momentum and growth: We will continue to serve our 2000+ strong netowrk of merchants of local and global brands and support over 20,000 Dash wallet users with specific education activities and sustainable promotional actions on the merchant side

1) About Us

DMV is the first organization funded by the DAO with a world class onboarding and Dash adoption as a merchant payment method. We are proud to show the results of onboarding more than 2000 merchants, some are small mom & pop stores, some independent stores and we also managed to onboard big franchises like Papa Johns, Subway, REMAX and many more. We are the first and the only ones in the world that achieved this type of business growth for Dash. By introducing Dash as a solution to the Venezuelan payment problems, we have become the first country in the world in terms of cryptocurrency adoption.

2) New Leadership

As you could see in our statements, Dash Merchant Venezuela has new leadership. In front of the operations and taking full responsibilities of the project will be:

Alejandro Andrade (Proposal Owner @andrade92). Project Director. Linkedin:

The new DMV team did not participate in previous audits or reports delivered to DW and the Dash network, therefore we want to make clear that we had nothing to do with previous mistakes regarding financial information, and as a matter of fact this is why the previous leadership made the decision to step aside, so our team can continue working for the benefit of Venezuelans and to grow Dash adoption.

The current team member´s previous focus was 100% on the merchant side of activities, and we aimed to deliver on adoption, which is something we can be most proud of. (Adoption for the 2000+ merchants and franchises, B2B Dash awareness, develop KPIs for continuous improvement and other work to support these goals). And with your vote of confidence in our new team we can maintain the incredible results we achieved and keep Dash growing.

Based on creating a consumer experience in Dash users, Dash Transaction Program looks foward to integrate the user in the whole process of buying and selling with Dash.

So far, we have increased the average transactions in about 40-60 transactions per day through our QR.CR powered Dash Merchant POS (100% increased in our year operations). Thanks to the "Incentivize Consumption" activities we have done, the number of tx in our POS has increased up to 60 tx per day. And this is just through the POS, out of the system there are more because several merchants prefer to charge directly from their wallets (i.e: kiosks where the owner is always there). We will share a link with a "live tx tracker" soon.

Dash target: men and women between the ages of 18 to 50 (AO 18 & AU 50). Economic strata A, B and C, which will be redirected to Dash Merchants where the brand will develop 121 (One to One) activities whose dynamics will depend on the time of permanence of the consumer in the Shop, looking forward an interaction with the consumer that will deliver the positioning of Dash.
Following the A.I.A (Attract, Interact, Act) strategy; the brand will seek to translate the Awareness (knowledge of the brand) in trial (transactions) through a direct interaction Brand / Consumer.
Positioning Dash in the mind of the consumer as the first payment option, looking forward to increase the Share of Market (SOM)


Database of Dash users, in order to strengthen the engagement with the brand, as well as the number of transactions made during the activity.

Consists on a strategic business affiliation based on a market segmentation.
The program includes theareas of Altamira, Los Palos Grandes, La Castellana and Chacao in a first stage.


Having a sales force dedicated to the affiliation and after-sales service of the Merchants that allow the generation of short- to medium-term transactions in the areas previously described, with the purpose of expanding the target market.
These areas have the highest density of commercial activity; in which a high purchasing power can be glimpsed, which translates into a potential increase of transactions from a short to medium term, through a categorization of the affiliated merchants according to their commercial activity and consumption channel.
The process of gathering information includes:
  • Number of affiliated merchants
  • Segmentation of the client portfolio according to its commercial activity, zone and shopper channel
  • Live tx tracker of our QRCR POS

As part of our awareness and loyalty program, we are in negotiation with one of the most important merchants in Venezuela to partnership with and offer consumption incentives to promote Dash as a brand and create a full user/paying experience.


We will visit all of them and engage them with Dash so they can buy at the current places where Dash can be bought. As we will segment our affiliations that does not mean that we will not affiliate those merchants interested outside these zones.

As part of our ongoing merchant affiliation process we have defined the type of merchant that most uses and promotes Dash, and they are:
  • Located in areas with difficulties in infrastructure
  • With a young leadership team
  • Sells high turnover goods
Our outreach will consist of bringing in 50 to 100 of them per month, trying to focus on the specific geographic ecosystems we mentioned, and the rest of onboardings will be those that are inbound organic, and will be grouped with this new batch, as long as they provide a confirmation, full address and picture of their store and place of work, so that can be correctly input into our Database.


As part of the commitment this team have to transparency and confidence, we will be reporting our results to a board of known MNO who will be acting as consultants and pillars of transparency for the dash community to prove that this new leadership inspires confidence and can be trusted.
A. Why the tx count is so low?
- The first strategies of DMV, were about massification and it deliver its purpose that was to give Venezuelans a name known when they hear about Dash. It had a lot of awareness. However, as we affiliate 2500 merchants as a “happy problem” consequence is that a lot of people know about Dash but do not know quite well how to make a purchase, and the related process of paying with Dash. This is why, the new strategy is focused in creating user’s consumer experience in our merchants, that will close the loop and increase tx.
B. Are you worry about the tx count?
- More than worried we are focusing our efforts into solving this “problem” that it is normal for the tx to be low at this stage. With our new strategy and ideas, we know that the tx count will rise with the right team and the proper work.
C. What assurances can DMV give that this change in leadership is a genuine transition of responsibility?
- As previously stated, our project is going to count on a MNO Advisory Board that will watch for transparency and responsibility from the new leaders to the Dash Community and along with the Dash Watch reports you will be sure that this new leadership is genuine and trustworthy.

As Dash prince increased since we submit this proposal, with the extra funds we will allocate them to incentivize the consumption through our loyalty program as tips and rewards for tx program.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
-1 point,5 years ago
Friendly reminder to Masternodes: All your votes from last month are cancelled, null and void. Unlike previous months where successful proposals can kind of coast because all their YES vote carry over, this month, THEY DON'T. Please go vote so that we don't leave deserving proposals high and dry. If you are having problems voting, this thread will likely solve your problem, otherwise ask.

The clock is ticking.....17 hours. Let's get after it!
-1 point,5 years ago
Hello guys! We are proud to annouce that our discounted promotions alongside our merchants are good for increasing transaction counts. The trendline during these days is upgoing! 15 transactions today aroud 3 merchants is not a bad start. With the proper ecosystems our 80 daily tx is achievable.
We are happy to count on your support for continuing our work and will continue to lead globally on Dash adoption and keep raising the value for the network!
Attached is a screenshot from our almost ready to be realesed counter!
We also want to share for those who could not read it a recent article where media is picking up on our adoption work!
1 point,5 years ago
Dash Watch April 26th 2019 Report on
Dash Merchant Venezuela - Stage 2 by alejandroe
-1 point,5 years ago
Hello Dash community! Today I want to share how you can live your whole day by paying with Dash as a result of our work in Venezuela. That is what ecosystems are all about. We wanted to show your real merchant adoption, and here we have the first one: More videos will be coming soon!
1 point,5 years ago
Hello Community,

Based on your suggestions and feedback, we have updated the proposal to the new reality of Dash ecosystem in Venezuela along with MNs feedback. Please I encourage you all to give it a full review, because our main goals have changed since the last month cycle.

Alejandro Andrade
4 points,5 years ago
I'm disappointed with the reaction to the Edward Stoever video/report and also the accusations fired at George. Just don't have much confidence right now that this team is going to collaborate with other key partners in the Dash ecosystem. I also don't have time for assessing petit arguments that amount to he said she said where context is forgotten.
5 points,5 years ago
voting NO NO NO. I am sceptical at the best of times when it comes "Dash (or Bitcoin) merchant acceptance". Edward Stoever's video drives home the "List it on DiscoverDash" mentality. My faith in DiscoverDash decreases because of this fraudulent behaviour.

Edward Stoever's video:
4 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch March 26th 2019 Report on
Dash Merchant Venezuela - Stage 2 by alejandroe
0 points,5 years ago
I only now became aware of this survey done by Mr. Stoever . I must say I'm a bit disappointed. Is there anywhere that you have directly addressed what's gone wrong from your perspective and how you would resolve such issues going forward?
1 point,5 years ago

"Dash Merchant Venezuela (DMV) has been unfunded since January 2019. During March,
MNO/Dash.Red proposal owner, Edward, released a survey of 299 Merchants listed on Discover
Dash as being active in Venezuela. The survey showed a significant number as either unreachable
or not accepting Dash. DMV provided a response stating that those numbers were incorrect.
Edward responded with a writeup regarding DMV's response. He also produced two videos
following up his initial report. Brief summaries of the material presented by both parties, as well
as links to the original material are provided for MNO convenience on page 2."
1 point,5 years ago
Hello kalon,

We submitted a rebuttal to MNO's where you can see for yourself that Stoever's report is clearly biased and innacurate, he rushed that survey and presented outrageous claims to get DMV voted down. We have extended an invitation to Dash Watch so they can do an impartial and unbiased survey. We replied on Discord with our response.

1 point,6 years ago
After reviewing all the interviews, videos and then the reporting of I don't feel that we are achieving meaningful progress here.
2 points,6 years ago
Hello ichigo13,

Thank you for your comment and we understand your concern. However, DMV gave Dash in Venezuela a brand awareness in a merchant ecosystem, wich is an invaluable ROI. We have delivered a lot to Dash in this year and we will continue to do so. This is why, we trust DW as an impartial entity and the ones that the DAO fund to do this kind of research and we allocated the 10% of our budget to make it happen.

2 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch interview with the Dash Merchant Venezuela Team covering questions such as how would you respond to the statement "Venezuela is too politically and economically unstable to be a viable location for Dash adoption,” How can the DAO be sure accounting will be accurately recorded and presented moving forward? And, what would you say are the most important lessons you have learned from running a Dash funded proposal?
This video is an in-depth Q&A with 25+ questions covering a wide range of topics and is a must-see for any Dash community member interested in understanding the challenges of Dash merchant adoption.
5 points,6 years ago
Some hard lessons learnt here. Glad to see your rapid response. Very pleased this important and successful project is wanting to move forward. You have my full support.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much for your support. We have learned from mistakes and from constructive criticism.

Alejandro Andrade
0 points,6 years ago
Am I reading this correctly ? a total 40 tx per month currently ? and the goal is 120tx per month ?

A bit dispointed here I thought the numbers where 40tx per day
3 points,6 years ago
Average Tx (Daily)

Current : 40
Goal : 120

Effective reach (monthly)

Current : 0
Goal : 400

Downloaded Wallets (monthly)

Current : 51
Goal : 251
0 points,6 years ago
thank you, i see its been updated :)
0 points,6 years ago
which means the goal is 120 average Tx on a daily basis.
2 points,6 years ago
Hello A_node_to_a_Master! Sorry it was a transcription mistake, thank you it is already fixed. If you have any other doubt do not hesitated on asking!

Alejandro Andrade
0 points,6 years ago
aha, we (A_node_to_a_Master and i) were looking at different data it seems .. makes sense looking back.
Thanks for the fix
0 points,6 years ago
You are welcome! Thank you for the headsup. Hope to count on your support.
Alejandro Andrade
-1 point,6 years ago
Cross reference with Alejandro old proposal notice the inconsistency