Title: | Dash Merchant Venezuela - Massive Adoption Program (2000 merchants in 3 months) |
Owner: | andrade92 |
Monthly amount: | 77 DASH (1681 USD) |
Completed payments: | 3 totaling in 231 DASH (0 month remaining) |
Payment start/end: | 2018-04-18 / 2018-07-17 (added on 2018-04-10) |
Votes: | 735 Yes / 82 No / 34 Abstain |
Proposal description

CLARIFICATION: We won't ask for more funds until we reach our main goal: 2000 merchants affiliated on www.discoverdash.com. Please keep supporting us for these first 3 months. We will reach our goal, that's for sure.
- (Week #2)
Dear Dash Community and MNO's, we are pleased to share you our weekly report in order to show you the progress of our merchant adoption program in Venezuela. This is June 2018, Week #2
Hello Dash Community, we are very excited to announce you that Venezuela alreade passed the US in number of merchants affiliated in discoverdash.com! Here is an article from Dash Force News where they talk about this important milestone.Many thanks to Joel Valenzuela for writing and posting it. https://www.dashforcenews.com/dash-merchant-adoption-in-venezuela-soars-to-top-spot-passes-us/
We are working very hard to affiliate as many merchants we can and we are getting good results. Please keep your eyes on us, we are making history.

- (Week #1):
Dear Dash community, we are pleased to share you the first video of our weekly report in order to show you the progress with our merchant adopion program in Venezuela.This is June 2018, week #1. We are making a good progress and we wil make history, so we hope you enjoy it!
UPDATES Month 1:
Start: May 1st, 2018
You can read these Updates on detailed at the Dash Forum here: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dash-merchant-venezuela-massive-adoption-program-updates-news.38232/
Hello Dash Community, we are pleased to share you the results we have got during our 1st month (1/3):
1) (May 1st) New logo! Following the Dash new logo, we also did the same. We hope you like it.
2) (May 4th) Sales team recruitment: We hired our sales team (1 sales manager + 6 sellers + 1 executive assistant)
3) (May 4-8th) Important meetings and advances: REMAX Caracas (real state, see picture), Grupo Paramo (Dutyfree stores at the airports and several other stores, 700 employees + 50 stores), Avila Burger (Burger franchise. 10 stores), Burger Shack (Burger franchise. 6 stores), Comiccon event (Event with Comics theme. 180 merchants). All of the companies are interested in accepting Dash, for June they all will be accepting Dash.
4) (May 9th) Dash billboards: in alliance with Dash Help we set up te first 2 big Dash billboards at the biggest highway of Venezuela (Francisco Fajardo and Prados del Este). See pics and videos here: video, picture.
5) (May 10th) Big Integration! - tlotengo.com - 150 merchants: we made that tlotengo.com (discount coupon platform like Groupon) accepted Dash as a payment method in its website. This is the biggest merchant we have so far, counting with +150 merchants. People will now be able to buy coupons in Dash.
6) (May 12th) Dash Caracas Conference: We were at the 8th Dash Caracas conference providing information to people and merchants about Dash.
7) (May 16th) Dash POS Integration! We set up an important alliance with a Dash POS provider. The company is QR.CR. The system works perfectly with Bolivar/Dash rate. (See a picture of a use case step by step here). This will help us to reach many more merchants because it makes the transactions much easier. We are already promoting this POS to all retail merchants.
8) (May 18th) Dash Merchant at Simon Bolivar University - Dash University (May 18th): we were at the Simon Bolivar University teaching to the representants of all carreers (14 in total) how to accept Dash in their kiosks (each carreer has a kiosk where students can buy coffee, sandwiches, groceries, etc). In this we converted this university in the first one in being Dash friendly.
9) (May 21th) Expansion of the team: After 3 weeks we are expanding the team up to 12 sellers + 2 supervisors.
10) Visited merchants: 212
11) + 200 Merchants at discoverdash.com! We are pleased to announce you that we have reached +200 venezuelan merchants on discoverdash.com. We will keep working to afiliate many more! Next stop: 300 merchants.
12) Budget report: We will report the financial status of the budget on June 1st
**HERE YOU CAN SEE ALL THE MERCHANTS WE HAVE AFFILIATED (we put our logo for identification)**
Merchants affiliated on Discover Dash

- REMAX Caracas, one of the most important merchants we affiliated this month

- Dash POS System:

Dear community and MNO's, this is an interview with Craig Mason where we talk about the details of our proposal. Let us know your comments and questions. (Many thanks to Craig for this nice talk).

1- If Dash price keeps around $450-$470 we will be able to run this program not for 3 but for 5 months and we will increase our goal to 2700-3000 merchants.
2- We have been doing some tests of our sales strategy in order to make improvements. We have had a very positive reaction from merchants and we already affiliate a few ones (below are some pics or either here: Kiosk Lady, Millenium Car Wash and Car Dealer, Los Costilla - Sanducheria). A very good new is that the Lady from kiosk we affiliated, was selected by DashBoost to be the beneficiary of their 1st proposal, here is the link of the Dash Boost proposal: Dash Boost Proposal "Venezuelan Kiosk Lady"
3- This is the list of the merchants we have affiliated on discoverdash.com so far:
- https://discoverdash.com/listing/carwash-and-car-dealer/
- https://discoverdash.com/listing/autolavado-y-compra-y-venta-de-vehiculos/
- https://discoverdash.com/listing/kiosko-el-rosal/
- https://discoverdash.com/listing/costilla-sanducheria/
- (We have 16 more on the road, but we are waiting confirmation from discoverdash)

This proposal is cross-posted at the Dash Forum here: Dash Merchant Pre-Proposal
Andrade92, AlejandroE (Dash Help Venezuela) and Eugenia Alcalá (Dash Venezuela)
Hello Dash Community! We are excited to introduce you the proposal for a Massive Adoption Program for Merchants.
Important links:
Pre-Proposal document: http://bit.ly/2pcgCY3
Survey results: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DnAZWR-PWwyNajh-ojh3RAfWtP5iqHo0
We will visit 2000 merchants in the next 3 months in Caracas, in order to convert at least 600 into Dash accepting businesses.
In Venezuela there have been important efforts from successful initiatives to promote the Dash adoption, such as Dash Caracas, making more than 2000 new users download their wallets and “getfreedash” with its effective referral system. However, we look with concern that the number of users has an exponential growth, while the number of merchants or businesses where they can spend to obtain goods and services grows very slowly, being unbalanced the user-merchants ratio.
We did a market research which shows that almost 91% of merchants would be willing to accept Dash only if they have enough information about how to use it and the legal aspect. We will teach them about this issues, but we will to do it massively. You can find theresults of the surve in this link: https://goo.gl/guBdAc


Dash Merchant Venezuela
Dash Merchant Venezuela aims to balance the users-merchants rate and achieve DASH adoption by small, medium and big merchants in a massive way. Providing them with the appropiate information through a professional and nearby institution that can provide them with support. They need with legal, technical, financial, accounting and tax advice to accept Dash as a payment method in their businesses.
General Strategy:
1- We will visit 2.000 merchantsin Caracas, Venezuela.
2- Pitch them what is DASH and why is the best way to accept payments inVenezuela and improve their cashflow.
3- We will ask merchants to accomplish some requirements. If they completethe following list, we will give them a "training tip" of 5$ in Dash:
- Put the "Dash Accepted here" sticker in their business.
- Post on their social media that they are accepting Dash.
- List their business in https://discoverdash.com/
- List their business in the merchant directory of http://dashvenezuela.org/
4- We will have 1 sales team of 6 people (this could increase in the short time due tothe demand)
5- We have segmented the merchants in 3groups in order to make different approaches:
- VIP: Hotels, airlines, big chains (supermarkets,franchises), gourmet class restaurants, high clothing, turism.
- A: medium restaurants, coffee shops, cars workshops, medium companies.
- B: little businesses, new entrepreneurs, "Kiosks" (little storesin the middle of the street), etc.
6- For a deeper understanding from merchants, we will give free courses regarding:
- Howto accept DASH as a payment method.
- How to setup their DASH wallets.
- Howto buy and sell DASH with Bolivares.
- Cryptocurrencylegal framework in Venezuela.
- Howto integrate DASH in their cost structure.
- Tipsand recommendations.
This courses will be given 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday and Fridays)
7- Referral Strategy:
- Every merchant or person who refers to us other merchant will win a reward of 5$ in Dash.
- In this way we will reach more merchants with less effort.

Alejandro Andrade: Project Manager. 25years old. Chemical Engineer from Universidad Simón Boívar. (Caracas, Venezuela) He was sales manager from "Baterias Duncan" the biggest car battery manufacturer in Venezuela. His last job was in "Galleteria Puig" as a Project Manager. (Ig & Tw: Aleandrade92, Discord and Dash forum: Andrade92. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alejandro-andrade-campos-ab8733104/)
Alejandro Echeverría: Project Manager and advisor. 24 years old. He is the founder of Dash Help Venezuela, the first official support center for Dash (and any cryptocurrency) in the world. He is also advisor for some teams in the Dash Community like Dash Argentina and Dash Youth Venezuela. Dedicated himself to make profitable business models (Easymed, TuGruero- https://tugruero.io/, Ctrl+C USB). DASH Forum/Discord: AlejandroE. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alejandro-echeverrria-b739b1101/).
Eugenia Alcalá: Project Advisor. She is the founder of Dash Caracas and Dash Venezuela. She has organized 6 Dash Conferences with more than 700 attendees each. Also she is the advisor of many Dash teams around the country like Dash Maracay and Dash Help Venezuela. She is specialist in team management. Dash Forum: algodon.franelas. http://dashvenezuela.org/
Bruno Modica: Sales Manager. 39 years. Degree on publicity in Universidad Nuevas Profesiones (Caracas). More than 13 years on clients and team management. Sales specialist. He was the Head of Marketing for Latam of SouthriseTv.net a documentary production company that works in Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia. He also was Executive analyst for key clients in Aprovecha.com the biggest coupons portal web of Venezuela, having more than 250 clients in his own portfolio. He actually works in Tlotengo.com as Strategic
Alliances Director. https://www.linkedin.com/in/bmodic01/

We will work in alliance with some Venezuelans and non-Venezuelans teams that have been funded by the Dash treasury, in this way we will work alligned and coordinated to achieve the same goal: massive adoption of Dash in Venezuela. Following are the allies:
- Dash Venezuela: led by Eugenia Alcalá (algodon.franelas). Dash Venezuela has organized more than 6 DashConferences (DashCaracas) and they will help us organizing the educational courses for merchants. Besides, they will rent us the space of their office for this purpose.
- Dash Help Venezuela: led by Alejandro Echeverría (AlejandroE). DashHelp Venezuela is the first support center of Dash (and any cryptocurrency) in the world. They have provided support and assistance in the Dash Caracas conferences, and they have solved more than 200 issues per event. They will provide us in site support on the courses for merchants.
- Dashop.io: led by Nate (djcrypto). Dashop.io is a marketplace where the payments are exlusively in Dash. We will help Nate with the recruitment of online merchants for this website. In this way we will increase the exposure of merchants and also we will help dashop.io in its directory.
- Feedbands: heis working on Dash ads for google and different websites. He and his team will help us sending traffic from merchant to our website (www.dashmerchant.org). In this way we can catch more merchants everymonth.
Contact information:
Website: https://www.dashmerchant.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dash-Merchant-Venezuela-333708653816706/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dashmerchant/?hl=es-la
Twitter: https://twitter.com/search?q=dashmerchant&src=typd
Thank you very much for your time and for reading our pre proposal!
Below are some pics of some merchants we have affiliated in our first tests:
1- "Kiosk Lady ", Caracas, Venezuela. Discoverdash.com Link

2- Los Costilla - Sanducheria.

3- Millenium Car Wash & Car Dealer. Discoverdash.com Link

Show full description ...
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Dash Merchant Venezuela - Massive Adoption Program (2000 merchants in 3 months) by andrade92
Proposal Modifications/Scope Adjustments:
● The proposal team is working with a Dash/Bolivar POS provider to facilitate Dash
adoption by merchants
Question1 :
Wouldn't anypay be the payment provider to talk to ?
More than 300 venezuelan merchants are now affiliated in
06/13/2018 Verified
Question 2
I thought the totall number of Merchants in Venzualla is a bit over 300, those this mean, other teams are not delivering ? or are they taking credit for all of them ? even do other teams are adding ?
Q1: The POS provider we are working with is QR.CR (https://qr.cr/), it works very well and it has the Bolivar/Dash rate which is the most important feature that we need. We have talked with Anypay but they don't have the Bolivar/Dash rate yet, and that is why we haven't used their solution.
Q2: I think it was a mistake on the communication from us, we have always communicated in our social media and Youtube channel that we (Dash Merchant and all the projects from the Dash ecosystem in Venezuela) achieved XXX number of merchants. Our own numbers to date are: 222. So in 2 months we have achieved over 70% of the venezuelan merchants in DiscoverDash.com
Thanks a lot for your questions!
Alejandro Andrade
I may offer one suggestion, I think it's best if given the choice to concentrate focus on small area's with large adoption within those area's rather than focusing on larger area's even if you have a higher convergence rate that way.
Because from what I can gauge, high density area's seem to yield more users, I am not sure do but I am certain Joël Valenzuela (of dashforcenews) has something to say about that as well.
At anyrate keep up the good work, looking forward to 500 merchants in Venezuela the upcoming months, and dare I say passing 1000 Merchants in 2019
i see allot of different people adding to the list including Mark Mason which is obviously not part of their team.
Dash Merchant Venezuela - Massive Adoption Program (2000 merchants in 3 months) by andrade92
True wealth of a nation is based on the country's natural resources, the people’s time and contributions made (work) and the ability to act freely. As you will see from the links I’ve given below this is in fact the true definition of wealth. What people get confused about however is believing that currency is wealth. i.e. paper money. However paper money is not wealth. Currently the ability to act freely is being limited in Venezuela by US sanctions. This is one of the primary reasons that Venezuela is suffering at the moment. It is one of the factors of wealth that is being inhibited by the US sanctions.
So why is the US so powerful? Because the US managed to link its currency USD to the purchase of oil and in return the US offered to protect the oil rich countries with the military. Therefore today countries cannot buy oil without the USD. This gives substance and backing to the USD, without this oil link the USD would be worth a tiny fraction of what it is today. In addition since the US has linked its currency to oil it therefore became the world reserve currency. The US government can (and does) literally print paper whenever it needs it. It makes money by printing money. Because it knows other nations need USD to buy oil. This new paper money is not actually backed by anything other than it allows countries to buy oil. It is just paper - a currency, not wealth in the true definition.
Crude oil is an essential commodity and powers the entire globe. It is not only a fuel source (Gasoline, diesel etc) but it is also the raw product for the production of almost everything that we own. Anything plastic was created out of oil, look around you how many products have some form of plastic in them? Raw components of pharmaceuticals all need oil fractionates as their base. Pesticides and fertilizers for growing food all have oil as their starting material. That means all transportation, food, physical products, medicine and pharmaceuticals all have their base in oil. Oil powers the world. A country that can control the oil in effect controls the world.
Notice that many of the countries that have large oil deposits often have conflict of some time with the USA. Why would say that is? Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Kuwait, Russia.
Venezuela has the largest oil reserves of any country in the world. That is more than Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran.
Venezuela therefore is one of the richest countries in the world. To label Venezuela as a developing country is a mistake. It is a very wealthy country. Once Venezuela can setup an independent non sensorable currency DASH as their base currency then the the country bypass the money controls that the US has imposed upon it then it will start to free this natural wealth the country has and start to thrive again. One of the main reasons that Venezuela is suffering is from the Sanctions placed on it because the US wants control of Venezuela’s oil. They may use other reasons but it is obvious if we look at the list of countries the US has issues with.
Therefore once Venezuela has DASH as its principal currency many of the issues that it currently has will disappear. The great natural resource wealth that Venezuela has will start be liberated and the country again will rise to be one of the wealthiest countries in the World. All that wealth will transfer to the currency of Venezuela once this happens. That will be DASH.
If you are interested in learning about what true wealth is I recommend you watch the videos in the links below. Venezuela has huge oil reserves the largest in the world. If they can establish a sound stable, unmensurable currency like DASH then Venezuela can connect with those natural resources and the country will thrive again. I think you will find these videos enlightening. I know there are a lot but it is well worth the time and you will see why I say that Venezuela is infact one of the richest countries in the world.
Also these videos are also enlightening:
In summary Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world making it one of the richest countries in the world. The problems in Venezuela are partly down to the Sanctions against it inhibiting its freedom to act and trade. However with a currency like DASH that cannot be controlled by any government Venezuela would be liberated and would then be able to have a solid framework to rebuild its country using its rich oil reserves. Once this happens the country will thrive again and all the natural resource wealth that Venezuela has will transfer to the currency it is using. That currency could be DASH . The current oil reserves in Venezuela are estimated to be 14.5 Trillion USD.
Thank you for your question.
Currently, due to the economic situation and currency controls in Venezuela, there is great difficulty for people to protect their capital against hyper inflation, which is why DASH is a perfect solution to this problem for both people and merchants because they can protect their investment in a legal way and guaranteed by the government. This is why Venezuela is a country with great potential for DASH to position itself as the predominant currency. We have accomplished so much in a very short time, we will be publishing our May results soon, we invite you to check them and give us your feedback.
Than you very much for your words. We are working very hard in order to affiliate as much merchants a su we can with no budget at all. If we managed to affiliate around 20 merchants, we know that oyen goals are perfectly achievable. Thanks again for your support!
Then on the above URL put an introduction to how DASH can be used for merchants and a link for how it can be used for customers because both customers and merchants will see these POS cards.
Every business that has these DASH point of sales cards and stickers will then becomes an AD for DASH and will attract even more customers. If you imagine how many customers visit a shop in a month. These cards will also direct new merchants and customers to the DASH HELP ME website.
I recommend on the Merchants page on dashhelpme.org that you have some videos showing clips of the DASH conference with hundreds of people and some merchants speaking (social proof) then put some practical steps on how to accept DASH and a statement that DASH is now legal in Venezuela the government is actively supporting the use of crypto in Venezuela. Then have a sign up form at the foot of the page for any merchants that are interested in getting trained on accepting DASH for their business. If enough merchants then sign up you can save time by inviting them all to your offices and training them in batches rather than visiting each one individually. The advantage of them all being in the same office is again the power of social proof - they will see many other merchants now also interested in the same meeting room. This could be another way to attract even more merchants without you even having to leave your office.
I think in a very short time you might have to rent bigger offices!
- We are making new stickers with more information, just like you mentioned, this will help a LOT to people understand better and get more info about Dash.
- Also we are making an infographic which shows, step by step, how to pay with Dash. This will help the users/clients in the payment process. This will be on the front desk of the stores.
- Regarding to your recommendations on the website, I don't have more to say, we will address all those things and make it visible on our website.
Your comments and advise have been incredibly helpful.
Thanks a lot on behalf all the team
Today we affiliated REMAX (Real State Agency) and now they are accepting Dash. This is big.
Each day we affiliate more merchants and also bigger companies are approaching to us. This is getting really serious down here.
Thank you so much. We really appreciate your encourage. We are in the last 3 days of voting, the support has been incredible we feel very flattened but humbled. Our work is the very best proof of persistance and excellency.
Thanks again feedbands!
The DASH conferences train the user (customers), DASH HELP deal with the technical issues, but the one missing piece of the puzzle at the moment are the merchants. Without the merchants to provide the products mass adoption of DASH will not happen. We need to get the full commerce circle for the model to start working before mass adoption can start. But I think if it works on a small scale this could move very quickly throughout the rest of the country because it is solving so many problems for the Venezuelan people. They have suffered for 15 years with a currency crisis and now the people themselves have the power to solve this problem in their own hands.
If these guys manage to sign up 2000 merchants in just 3 months this could be the start of the "domino effect" to DASH adoption in Venezuela. Once the model is proven to work on a small scale then this project can be scaled up.
In the interview they cited a section of a legal document issued by the Venezuelan government which officially stated that cryptocurrency is now legal and the government encourages the people to use it. That means there are no barriers to DASH adoption in Venezuela. The people want it, the government is supporting crypto’s use and now we have these teams promoting DASH.
The proposal owners stated in the interview that if the DASH price goes up they will use the remaining money to sign up more merchants - they quoted 3000 at the current DASH price. They have also put together a merchant referral program where one DASH merchant can refer another merchant. I think once the merchants see all their currency problems are solved with DASH the uptake by other merchants will happen pretty quickly. The merchants will also be Ads for DASH because each store will have the DASH Accepted Here stickers and signs.
If we could get enough merchants on board within a short period of time it will lead to a domino effect which will spread across the entire country. Looking at the passion of these guys for this job it is clear they are completely committed to the cause. It is really exciting to see.
What I would like to see from these guys small videos showing merchants that have signed up for DASH and post these videos on youtube. This would be like a "social proof" to other merchants who have not yet adopted DASH. If they could record small video clips for established DASH merchants speaking about how they are finding using DASH and how it is working for their business and if they can get a few hundred of those on youtube and think the rest of the merchants will see those testimonials and want to also take up DASH. I would also like to ask the proposal owners if they would be prepared to give regular video updates on youtube so that we can all see how they are getting on. This is one thing I really want to see more of because often times we just get involved with the early part of supporting these projects but then don't get enough updates so that we can see the rewards for our work and our contributions to these projects. I would particularly like to see updates on this project because I think this is going to be the project that gets established in Venezuela and I would like to witness that first hand.
Guys can you agree to give us video updates if we vote your project in! MNO's want to see the fruits from these projects and we get great pleasure when we see the projects we voted in are working and how they enrich people's lives. It would be quite inspiring to see.
Below is the link to the Craig Mason interview with the proposal owners.
Thank you ver you much for your kind words. Yes indeed we are preparing interview videos from merchants that we already affiliated. Our plan is to demonstrate with monthly video reports that money invested in this project is going to be money well spent. As you said, we are very passionate with this program because we believe in it. Thanks again for tourney great support!
Unfortutanely the website doesn't let us to edit our proposal right now and that is why we share the link here.
We hope you enjoy the interview and let us know your comments or questions. Thank you very much!
I would suggest one other request to consider requesting from the merchants before they got their DASH. They would agree to create an email signature that they will use whenever they send out any email. It would be something like the following:
"DASH Digital Cash the revolutionary new cryptocurrency is the solution to Venezuela's currency crisis. To find out how you can start using DASH as a safe, secure currency in Venezuela visit http://dashhelpme.org to learn more.
The above message could be used as both an email signature and posted on websites by the merchants to raise awareness of how DASH can help solve the currency crisis in Venezuela.
I think it also only fair that all DASH conference attendees that receive free DASH also agree to use this message as their email signature or agree to post this message on their website if they own one. In this way we have a fair exchange of value DASH for this message exposure to help Venezuela convert to DASH as their national currency.
Thank you very much for your support . That's a great idea of yours, we've only considered merchants social networks as DASH publicity once affiliated by Dash Merchant. We will include your advise to our strategy in order to gain more exposure. Thanks again!
Thank you very much for your vote! Yes we have many programs to ensure Dash transactions, specifically with our Referral Program we will motivate merchants to refer more businesses to us. Also, we will make the first DASH purchase in every merchant we affiliate and give them many ideas like products discounts if you pay in DASH. We are secure this incentives will help DASH integration to become more easily both for merchants and costumers.
Congratulations, wish you the best.
With our combined efforts we are secure in this project success.
You have my support.
Good work Venezuela team.
Thank you very much for your support. We are working hardly and we will delivering results very soon from our pilot tests.
Alejandro Andrade
With Alejandro (DASH Help Venezuela) and Eugenia (Dash Caracas conferences) we have a proven team backing this project. I also really appreciate that the Venezuela projects always respect our budget and put in a modest budget amount that is really appreciated especially as we have few funds available at the moment. They always achieve a lot with the DASH we provide.
If DASH achieves nothing else except converting Venezuela to DASH as it's national currency it would be a huge success.
The GDP of Venezuela last year was 346 Billion. Imagine that could all be DASH. That is 3 times the market cap of bitcoin.
There is no resistance to getting established in Venezuela unlike almost every other country of the world. The Venezuelan people need and want DASH all we have to do is help support these teams and Venezuela could convert to DASH as its national currency in less than a year.
Once Venezuela is using DASH as it's national currency DASH will become a lot more stable on the price because it will be being used as a currency - not as a speculative investment.
MNO's we need to give as many resources, focus, and support as we can to these Venezuelan projects. Let us help create the first DASH Nation. Viva Venezuela! Viva DASH!
Definite YES!
We have very good news coming soon even before the first month of the project (May). As you said, there is a great opportunity both for DASH and Venezuela, with the first class team we have we are secure of this project success. Thanks again for your incredible support!
Alejandro Andrade
I am 100% sure we will get the results we have planned. Venezuela needs this kind of projects in order to boost the Dash adoption and get results fast!
We want to thank the whole team of Dash Venezuela for offering their spaces for the inductions and classes and for their full support on this project.
Everyday I am more convinced Venezuela will become the first Dash Nation, it is already happening.
This will be a great boost to our Entrepreneurship Program, and a key piece to achieve one of our Strategic Goals for 2018: ADOPTION: At least 1000 merchants accepting DASH in our web page: www.dashvenezuela.org
With the talent and dedication of our Program Coordinators (Communities: Alexis Lugo, Entrepreneurs: Hanny Figueroa, Companies: Meilyn Alejo), the rest of our team, and the competence and focus of Alejandro Echeverría and Alejandro Andrade, this can only produce great results.
All of DASH Venezuela Allies, together, will make of our beloved country the FIRST DASH NATION!
Full support from DASH Youth Venezuela, looking forward to working with this great team.
Moving towards massive DASH adoption in Venezuela!!!
Thank you very much for your support and your kind words. Without you this wouldn't be possible. We are doing our best efforts in order to bring the results we have planned.
Bruno and I already started the hiring and training of the sales team, we made up our sales speech/strategy, the workshop materiales and uniforms. So, during April we will test our sales strategies in order to make adjusments and improve it. Our goal for this firs pre-test is to visit 75 merchants.
Thank you very much again for your support!