Proposal “Cryptolifex“ (Completed)Back

Title:Cryptolifex (Venezuela Exchange VEF/Dash - Dash/VEF)
One-time payment: 18 DASH (488 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 18 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-01-17 / 2018-02-16 (added on 2018-01-02)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

General Project Information

Project Name: Cryptolifex

Description and Goal Statement

The main purpose of this project is to facilitate the acquisition of DASH/VEF and VEF/DASH through Bolivares Fuertes (VEF), without the need of transactions using Bitcoin (BTC). Specifically, our purpose’s goal is to optimize the time, transaction fees and ease for users to purchase DASH with their local currency without daily transaction or buy/sell limits, the DASH limit that users will buy or sell will be placed when the user creates his ad, he can choose the bank or banks he wants to work with, so it will be easier for users to choose the best offer depending the bank they have.

We will have a decentralized platform with P2P transactions. Cryptolifex will serve as a reliable intermediary in order to successfully operate each of these transactions.

Email Address / Website: /

Project Team

Departament: Innovation and Creation
Jean Carlos Gonzalez/
Patricia Gonzalez/
Douglas Roman/
Jonathan Camacho/

Departament: Advertising & Marketing
Roger Rodriguez/

Departament: Developers
Gary Bustillos/
Omar Yepez/
William Garcia/

Proposal Advice
Eugenia Alcala /

Legal Advice
Yvan Rodriguez


The fundamental purpose of this project is initially orientated to those within the Venezuelan community, who wants to acquire DASH with Bolivares (VEF) directly, without having to get Bitcoin first to then exchange them for Dash.

Project Scope Statement

DASH is a technology that little by little has made a place in the world picture, thanks the advantages it offers compared to traditional finance systems.

Cryptolifex will provide security for P2P transactions success. The platform will be an intermediary with a strong system to prevent scams. It will be easier for users to acquire DASH with their local currency and not having to buy Bitcoin first to then exchange themfor DASH in an Exchange.

Cryptolifex platform will not need direct human interaction for its operation, which allows users to use it24/7, 365 days of the year.

Cryptolifex can change the way business is made in Venezuela, because of its low cost, its level of security and its ease of use.

This project provides a contribution at a social level, given that it throws new information to entrepreneurs and others. That will allow them to make decisions about the adoption of this technology as an alternative or complementary tool depending on the needs they have.

The activities made by DASH Caracas (@dashcaracas) have raised the interest of Venezuelans to buy and sell Dash directly with their local currency. The first conference of Dash Caracas had an attendance of around 140 people. The second one managed to have more than 350 people interested in knowing more about this cryptocurrency. By the information DASH Caracas sent us, we know there is an approximate of 1700 people registered in their database for the third conference.

Once the platform is finished, the team of Dash Venezuela will test it, having the opportunity to write a review ofthe website. The results will be presented in the next conferences with the possibility of performing live tests so people understand the use of the platform and get familiar with it.

Social Networks: @dashcaracas #dashccs


  • Purchase of DASH without needing to obtain Bitcoin in Venezuela.
  • Lowering fees through DASH.
  • Low waiting time between Buy/Sell transactions.
  • Increase of transactions and trading with Dash in Venezuela.
  • Cryptolifex will be a decentralized platform, a Peer-to-Peer with escrow.
  • Cryptolifex will allow the use of legal person accounts.
  • Make an advertising campaign to make the cryptocurrency more known.
  • No limit in daily transactions.
  • No limit in daily buy/sell transactions.

Commercializing in Venezuela with Dash will be one of the benefits people will have by using Cryptolifex, we will achieve this by advertising campaigns through our social networks, including radio and TV, and we will have participation in the next DASH Caracas conferences.


Key Deliverables

On Cryptolifex website users will find and use:

  1. Dash Buy/Sell Ads.
  2. Internal wallet for transactions with escrow.
  3. Technical support through email.
  4. User profile with reputation system.
  5. Transaction history of each user.
  6. Chat for communication between buyer and seller.


This project addresses the process of exchanging Dash to Bolivares Fuertes (VEF) and vice versa on the internet, the marketing of the cryptocurrency throughout the country and the increasing of its use. This will be carried out through advertising campaigns in the whole country. We will also have the support of DASH Venezuela collaborators to spread the information in the entire national territory.

Project Milestones and Schedule
Starts: December 01-2017. Ends: March 01-2018


5 DASH REFUND / 5 DASH refund proposal
FROTEND 250 HOURS / Website Development / William Garcia   / 2,500.00 $
BACKEND 300 HOURS / API Development / Omar Yepez / 4,500.00 $
TESTED 15 HOURS / Platform testing / Team Cryptolifex and DASH Caracas / 200.00 $
Development of an Advertising, Social Network, TV, Radio and Dash community campaign/ Roger Rodriguez / 4,200.00 $
Customer support: doubts and problem solving within the platform / Gary Bustillos / 1,000.00 $
Advice to the entrepreneur team about pre-proposal process / proposal / reports at Dash Treasury. Reading of the project for corrections / Eugenia Alcala / 150.00 $
LEGAL ADVICE / Legal advice and constitution of the company / Yvan Rodriguez / 500.00 $

TOTAL USD  13,050.00 $

Success Criteria

Once the platform is ready, DASH team will test it by creating users, buying, selling and creating DASH buy/sell ads. In addition, they will be able to verify platform support, levels of security and make sure everything works fine.

Our advertising campaign will be based on presenting information about the advantage of using DASH cryptocurrency in Venezuela through radio shows, press, flyers, social networks, YouTube channel and Television.

Major Known Risks

Risk  /  Risk Rating   ( Hi , Med , Lod )

Volume of transactions / Medium
Advertising / Low
Hackers / Low
DASH price flutuation / Medium


  1. Volume of transactions. At the beginning of the platform will not have any user, since this is earned through advertising and trust we generate, therefore the first users to buy and sell DASH will be the team of Cryptolifex, while people create users and start to buy and sell DASH. As a result of not having enough funds for buying and selling DASH, we will not be able to create enough ads as long as the community signs in and use the platform by creating their own Buy / Sell ads.
  2. Advertising
  3. Hackers
  4. Dash price fluctuation

External Dependencies


  • Cryptolifex team, responsible for the execution of the project.
  • MasterNodes Owners through their vote on the proposal to access the financing of the DASH Treasury.
  • DASH Venezuela, who are already participating in the project's assessment, the platform's tests and they will include the results of that review in the content of their upcoming conferences and other events.

Communication Strategy

The communication in the Cryptolifex team is done daily, without leaving any detail at random, we always attack doubts instantly proposing various alternatives after identifying the situation that needs to be solved, analyzing the existing variables or options, taking into account the available resources and the impact that it would cause for both the Cryptolifex team and the community.

Our decision-making is always made by voting, where each member of the Cryptolifex team gives his opinion regarding the previously proposed alternatives, and we decide by majority vote which will best fulfill our purpose. They are made personally in a place already defined or through Skype.

Finally we put into action the solution that came closest to our goal, this process is still subjective so there will be the chance of changing our decision in case things do not go as planned, while remaining persistent. If we see that the goal has not been reached in a unit of time and considerable efforts for our purpose, we can change the alternative. The important thing is not to see it as a mistake but as learning.

Communication with Venezuelan community will be carried out through social networks such as, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, among others.

The community will also be reached through the help of different DASH collaborators in Venezuela.

Reviews Planned

Cryptolifex has as purpose the daily check of the entire platform; this will be done with the Cryptolifex work team that we assign to be able to comply with a 24 hour support to it.

The Cryptolifex team will make monthly updates of the project's progress through the DASH Forum.

The current USD value of Dash is $1141.33

2500/1141.33   2.190426 Dash
4500/1141.33   4.942768 Dash
  200/1141.33   0.175234 Dash
4200/1141.33   3.679917 Dash
1000/1141.33   0.876170 Dash
  150/1141.33   0.131425 Dash
  500/1141.33   0.438085Dash
                           5.000000 Dash Proposal Fee

13.050 USD   17.434025 Dash
                         18.000000 Dash

Thanks to the people who helped us to found this proposal.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
Fully support it!
0 points,7 years ago
Hi splawik21, Thanks for your support :)
0 points,7 years ago
MNO. Sydney, Australia. I am no fan of socialist counties and intersectional feminism. You get 'YES' from me. Make it happen team. Make Venezuela great.

MNO. Sydney, Australia. No soy fanático de los condados socialistas y del feminismo interseccional. Obtienes 'SÍ' de mí. Haz que suceda equipo. Haz que Venezuela sea grandiosa.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Criticalinput, Venezuela is a great country, we are having a bad time but in the name of God, better times will come. Thanks for your support :)
0 points,7 years ago
The people of Venezuela needs this more. Crytolifex congrats. Hope to see it's implementation.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Ultimatecrypto, Thanks for your support :)
0 points,7 years ago
Very committed and profesional team. Im from Universidad Simon Bolivar too, so thats a big thing for me cause I know how hardworking people you guys must be. Also I know Jahlexis and he is a great guy. You always cancount with my support.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi alejandroe, Thanks for your support :)
0 points,7 years ago
very cool, voting yes
0 points,7 years ago
Hi jpatche, Thanks for your support :)
0 points,7 years ago
buena suerte!;)
0 points,7 years ago
Muchas Gracias :)
1 point,7 years ago
I think that this should be voted yes, it should be easy to sell/buy Dash as many places as possible. However, I would like to know the difference between CryptoLifex and Dashous (
1 point,7 years ago
Hi sambarboza, Cryptolifex is focused primarily on the Venezuelan market, and in the language of the nation.
0 points,7 years ago
voting yes! best of luck in execution
0 points,7 years ago
Hi unchained, Thanks for your support :)
0 points,7 years ago
I love all the hard work you guys have invested in the proposal. Awesome idea as well. This is an easy yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi muhamed11, Thanks for your support.
0 points,7 years ago
Congratulations for this great proposal, you have my complete support. This will change Venezuela for better, finally!!
0 points,7 years ago
Hi carlosjem, we hope that, Thanks for your support :)
1 point,7 years ago
you have my support
0 points,7 years ago
Hi qwizzie, Thanks for your support :)
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Cryptolifex,
I'm from Brazil and we are very close in the understanding of the difficulties the Venezuelan people are passing through.
I believe this is a very welcoming tool to have Dash to the merchants and the people who really need this to fight the actual astronomical inflation in Venezuela.

I have been myself in Vanezuela in 2015, I could see the difficulties by that time.
I have seen friends leaving the country to work on Brazil and Colombia.

Please in the name of the Brazil community I ask everybody to support this project.

Thank you for the tema and the proposal.

Brazil Community.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi brazil_community, it's true, it is sad to see how our inhabitants are going to other countries looking for a better future, we all hope that soon they can all return to their homes.
Thanks for your proposal :)
0 points,7 years ago
yes, great proposal and acceptable budget!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your support :)
8 points,7 years ago
Hello Cryptolifex,

First of all, congratulations for your proposal and for you efforts bringing Dash to Venezuela. I am convinced that with this project you will be able to help both, Dash investors and the people of Venezuela. Thank you very much!

That said, I would like to advise you about what I think is one important and typical hurdle faced by decentralized exchanges and how to overcome it: liquidity. There are three main roles in every market: speculator (short/long term investor), liquidity provider, and arbitrator. In modern markets, five main tools assist those roles: market orders, limit orders, orders automation, settlement and security. The three roles make use of the five tools, albeit some roles use of some of them more. For instance, a liquidity provider makes an intensive use of the limit orders and the orders automation. Should any of those five things not be present or have a limited functionality, the liquidity of the market will be affected. A good example is Bisq. Bisq, a decentralized exchange that intrinsically has a slow settlement, fails to provide orders automation. For that simple reason, liquidity providers are not interested. That is something localbitcoins suffers less, because it provides some level of automation: one can set the price of limit orders – bid / ask advertisements –by using a formula fed with data from more liquid exchanges.

I will summarize my recommendations by breaking them down the five tools:

- Market orders: users of market orders should be able to get the price advertised in the limit order. They should have in advance as much information as possible about the time they will have to wait to get their orders settled. It is highly recommended that get the information on the spread they are paying by accepting a particular limit order.
- Limit orders: users of limit orders should be able to set up a limit order as fast as possible and be able to manage their limits orders in a simple and effective way. The more information can be standardized, the better (i.e. order type, payment method, price, etc.)
- Automation: automation should include, by importance, prices by formula, API, orders by formula, orders by trigger (stop orders, etc.). The first three are a magnet for liquidity providers and arbitrators. The last one is a beloved one for speculators.
- Settlement: this is the weakest point in a decentralized exchange. Escrow can help fast settlement when trading digital assets, but fiat trading is an issue. As I already said for market orders, I recommend putting the focus in information. To have a broad variety of payment options is also an important action front.
- Security: servers shall be secure against attacks. It is essential to have escrow and a reliable dispute resolution system.
I hope you find some of the recommendations useful. I wish you the best with your project.

Pablo MP
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you very much for all the recommendations, it is always important that people give us their opinion and share their knowledge, Thanks for the support.
1 point,7 years ago
A solid YES vote from me! I am very proud to support this project. Muchisimos saludos desde Colombia!
0 points,7 years ago
Hi ec1warc1, Thanks for the support. Muchas gracias :)
13 points,7 years ago
My goodness. A committed team, a solid plan, a country that desperately needs a Dash exchange to take the ecosystem to the next level, and massive rewards if we can succeed in bringing Venezuela into Dash Nation?

Let me think about this for a second... OK, second's over, hell, yes! *smashes the yes button* :-)

Good luck to you and the rebooted Colibit proposal to come. I really hope that Dash can help bring a good life and stability back to the people of Venezuela.
8 points,7 years ago
Very reasonably priced, as well!
3 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the Yes, and thanks for the good wishes.
1 point,7 years ago
Reasonable pricing. Voted yes.
Good Luck from Germany
0 points,7 years ago
Hi AnCapitol, Thanks for the support.
1 point,7 years ago
Great proposal! I look forward to seeing all the positive results it can generate for Dash community in the near future.
0 points,7 years ago
We are working hard, thanks for the support.
1 point,7 years ago
Wow-this looks like a major win. I know you guys will do great things!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you very much for believing in us, we have great things in mind :)
2 points,7 years ago
Great Price, great plan, great team. Easy yes!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the support :)
1 point,7 years ago
an easy Yes , all the best

do you have an idea how many users you will acquire over next 12 months ??
0 points,7 years ago
The activities made by DASH Caracas (@dashcaracas) have raised the interest of Venezuelans to buy and sell Dash directly with their local currency. The first conference of Dash Caracas had an attendance of around 140 people. The second one managed to have more than 350 people interested in knowing more about this cryptocurrency. By the information DASH Caracas sent us, we know there is an approximate of 1700 people registered in their database for the third conference.

We are expected to have more than 1500 users on first month, additionally with the publicity that we will make of DASH and all the work that DASH CARACAS is doing we hope that there will be a great increase in the DASH community in Venezuela.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the support :)
1 point,7 years ago
A big SI from me! Thank you for your efforts! Make DASH grande in Venezuela! :-)
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Macno, Thanks for the support :)
2 points,7 years ago
Hey Guys,
thanks for your proposal. One question: why your exchange name contains "crypto" when it is only a DASH exchange? Yes, DASH is cryptocurrency but DASH will be "digital cash". Crypto sounds good for nerds like us but not for normal people without technical background. A directly name like "Veftodash" or something else is easier to remember and sounds more friendlier for normal people in my opinion. But it is your project and I wish you all the best ... you can do it!!!
1 point,7 years ago
The word Crypto is quite friendly in Venezuela, so we decided to use it to get people more attention, we tried to create a friendly name for people who used the word Crypto and surged Cryptolifex, thanks to the conferences offered by DASH CARACAS we were able to meet many people who have loved the name, likewise we are always open to hear opinions that help us improve. Thanks for the support.
5 points,7 years ago
Fantastic presentation, much needed, young team, cheap, voting yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the support. :)
5 points,7 years ago
Well, we REALLY need exchange solutions in Venezuela ASAP.

So I hope MNOs and developers take a good look at this proposal, and if you find it to be well structured, it passes.

With that said, I am happy to see the community of DASH entrepreneurs growing in Venezuela. Well done, you guys :-)
2 points,7 years ago
That's because of your influence! Keep killing it down there... Did I read that right? 1,700 people signed up for your next conference? Keep up that growth rate, and the next conference will have to be in a futbol stadium, LOL!
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, there are a lot of people interested in DASH.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you Eugenia.
3 points,7 years ago
Very well structured proposal, the team is surely commited and ready to roll. Good luck guys!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the support. :)
2 points,7 years ago
Wow!!! best of luck with your proposal guys, I am sure you will get it.
Let's help our people!!
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you Rafa, congratulations for your proposal.
Let's help our people.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks for the proposal - yes no brainer :)
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the support :)
1 point,7 years ago
Will the buy/sell ads be editable?
0 points,7 years ago
Ads can be edited as long as the exchange has not started.