Proposal “Core-Team-Tharp-and-Clark-0518“ (Closed)Back

Title:Core Team Tharp and Clark (May)
One-time payment: 155 DASH (3468 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 155 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-05-18 (added on 2018-04-14)
Votes: 719 Yes / 88 No / 10 Abstain

Proposal description

This proposal is cross-posted from

Proposal background

This proposal funds the fee for the Tharp and Clark visual brand identity. Tharp and Clark is a branding design firm that has been engaged by the Dash network to redesign its visual identity concept.  During the March budget cycle, two independent proposals were submitted to the network for consideration and the Tharp and Clark visual identity proposal was selected as the final design for the Dash network.  The link to the Tharp and Clark submission is:

The contract with Tharp and Clark
The contract with Tharp and Clark stipulates a payment of 88,000 € based on the achievement of 2 milestones:

Milestone 1
The Dash network entered into a contract with Tharp and Clark stipulating that if their visual identity strategy were chosen, Tharp and Clark would receive a payment of 44,000 € for the initial branding work that was performed on behalf of the network.  This invoice is currently being processed as the contract stipulated that payment is due upon confirmation that the visual identity was chosen by the network.

Milestone 2
An additional 44,000 € will be due to Tharp and Clark upon completion of milestone 2: the artwork and visual guidelines. 

Specifically, Tharp and Clark is to deliver: 

Creation of the final artworks of the master logotype and the rest of the logotypes from the brand architecture to ensure its correct reproduction.

Visual guidelines
Once the new logotype as well as the look and feel has been finalized, Tharp and Clark will normalize the new visual identity of Dash through a brand guideline of 10-20 pages that lets the network control the use and implementation of the brand identity system.  These guidelines will include the creative concept explanation, the graphic construction of the logotype, palette, its dimensions and proportions and its application in different backgrounds.
Milestone 2 is expected to be completed by the end of April.

Budget impact

If this proposal doesn’t pass Dash Core Group is contractually obligated to pay the fee from its marketing budget with funds earmarked for other marketing projects.

If you have any questions, please direct them to @Fernando in the original Forum post.

Requested funding is as follows for the May 3rd budget cycle:

- 149.71 Dash for branding effort (44,000 € @ 293.90 € per Dash)
- 5.00 Dash proposal reimbursement

Total: 154.71 Dash

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
I love the new logo but these, how manny? 4 or 5?, different proposals has been a poorly thought out, poorly executed mess.
-1 point,7 years ago
> Ogilvy has offered to do a reinterpretation of the current logo as part of their work.

Where is this? How can we vote on this without seeing O&M's "reinterpretation of the current logo"?

> Tharp and Clark visual identity proposal was selected

I'm pretty sure that proposal didn't pass.

> If this proposal doesn’t pass Dash Core Group is contractually obligated to pay the fee from its marketing budget with funds earmarked for other marketing projects.

Sounds like incredible misconduct.
1 point,6 years ago
1) Do we really need to see Ogylvy's reinterpretation, we've seen their other work. What will they do,.. come back to us with a version similar to T&C?

2) Tharp and Clark put in a lot of time (unpaid) and have clearly smashed it out of the park. Did you watch the T&C hangout?
Not sure what you are saying about misconduct, but the vote was up and clearly stated that whichever proposal gets more Yes votes (and more yes than no), will be the one selected. And if this happens to be T&C, then 88K euro is payable. It's there clear as day.

3) You can't expect core to enter into an agreement to put forward T&C for a vote before locking down the rights to use the logo if it wins.

If your idea of governance is micromanaging core's activities with 10% monthly supermajority votes. This will stall any progress by tying their hands. Your executive staff need to be free to operate and make decisions that affect the network. They put forward a clear proposal that outlined the quickest, most fair, and most effective way to choose the new logo that they could think of.

They could follow up to address contentious issues in another proposal, but I think they will just pay the agreed fee, adopt the T&C branding across all their marketing material and move on.

We got a great result IMO.
0 points,6 years ago
> 1) Do we really need to see Ogylvy's reinterpretation, we've seen their other work.

We've paid for it already. They've promised it. Of course we need to see it.

> What will they do,.. come back to us with a version similar to T&C?

Excellent. Why pay an extra 88,000 Euro to T&C if O&M gives us something similar for which we've already sunk the cost??

> 2) Tharp and Clark put in a lot of time (unpaid)

Doing work doesn't entitle them to anything because nobody asked for that work. You can't just do something unasked and expect to be paid for it.

> Not sure what you are saying about misconduct, the vote was up and clearly stated that whichever proposal gets more Yes votes (and more yes than no), will be the one selected

That's not how votes work in Dash. Especially not if money is needed from the MNOs. It's very well defined in code what is required from a vote to get paid. Sidestepping that and promising money you don't have is indeed misconduct.

> 3) You can't expect core to enter into an agreement to put forward T&C for a vote before locking down the rights to use the logo if it wins.

It didn't win. T&C decided on their own accord to offer an alternative. Dash has no obligation to pay for it unless a funding proposal has passed.

> Your executive staff need to be free to operate and make decisions that affect the network.

But they actually took the time and put up a vote! And the vote didn't pass.
If Core wants to spend money on their own accord, they need to make a budget for that. Then they can spend that money as they see fit. But if they want a specific decision to be funded by the MNOs, there is a clearly defined process.
2 points,6 years ago
I see a lot of your suggestions as unethical, regardless of what contracts have been entered into by Dash core.

The Dash Core executives must be allowed the flexibility to engage and manage the project as they see fit. If you aren't happy with their management style then you are free to place your vote to defund core.

The majority of MNOs are clearly happy with the result, and this is reflected in the results of the votes. On both this proposal, and on the actual branding proposals.
1 point,6 years ago
Sorry, what is unethical accept bypassing the treasury system?

> The majority of MNOs are clearly happy with the result,

Majority would be over 2000 MNOs. Regardless, happy is irrelevant. We have a system that works well and it's being bypassed. Makes one wonder who stands to gain from this.
1 point,6 years ago
Core have been funded, and they need to be free to operate and enter contracts as they see fit. Insisting every decision has to run by a vote is absurd.

Are you asking which of your suggestions are unethical?

1) Your suggestion that core can enter into a contractual agreement with a supplier, explain the voting process to that supplier, have the supplier win the vote as put forward, then suggest that they will reneg on the contract and not pay. This is unethical.

2) Your suggestion that O&M can simply copy T&C’s work and put it forward as their own, thus not requiring us to pay T&C. This is also unethical.

Your suggested majority requirement of “over 2000 MNOs” is rediculous.
We don’t even have one example in months where 2000 MNOs turned up for a vote, let alone voted Yes in unison.

I see a vote is up now, so your objections are being addressed retrospectively.

3300 MNOs will probably not bother voting and no one knows why. That’s just the reality of the Dash DGBB.
3 points,7 years ago
TL;DR Tharp and Clark will do the work and is getting paid for their work regardless of the outcome of this proposal. The Core team will fund this out of its marketing budget. This proposal is to replenish the Core Team marketing budget so that their other marketing initiatives are not impacted by the T&C expense.
0 points,7 years ago
Why is the logo brown instead of blue? It looks ugly. Voting NO!
1 point,7 years ago
Glenn accidentally linked to a particular post of JOL's in that thread instead of the main thread itself, and JOL's avatar is the O&M version of the logo in brown for some reason. See the link Efietskop posted below, that's the right link, different logo entirely.
2 points,7 years ago
Thanks for pointing that out Arthyron and EFietskop. Link should work fine now in both the Forum and dashcentral.
0 points,7 years ago
Huh? The logo looks pretty blue to me:
3 points,7 years ago
It took some convincing, but I'm glad this version is the one that won out, especially after seeing the interview with the T&C Staff. They definitely understand much better what Dash is and why it is the way it is. It's unfortunate that we're basically having to pay twice for rebranding, but meh, if the end result is successful, it will be worth it.
2 points,7 years ago
We had a good and healthy discussion and vote. I support the new look.

3 points,7 years ago
No problems :)
3 points,7 years ago
Yes sure, money well spent
1 point,7 years ago
Voting YES. The T&C logo was the better choice IMHO, even though I personally feel it somehow needs further tweeking. Is the branding going to include 'digital cash' ?
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, the branding will be Dash - Digital Cash. You can see some examples in their proposal in the Tharp & Clark proposal deck posted here:

Proposal Deck: