Proposal “ClimaxingtheDashRoadshow“ (Closed)Back

Title:Climaxing the Dash Roadshow, Dash Mainstream Media Partnerships and Exchange Listings.
One-time payment: 139 DASH (3150 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-05-19 / 2018-06-17 (added on 2018-05-14)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 247 Yes / 112 No / 7 Abstain

Proposal description


Dash Roadshow, the first African Dash project funded by the Dash treasury with the ultimate goal of creating a resilient Dash community in Africa (Ghana) has since October 2017 till date successfully held major Dash conferences, Radio and TV discussions across six (6) regions of Ghana. This proposal is set to climax the roadshow by covering the rest of the four regions of Ghana with a major Dash conference of at least 300 participants, a multimedia radio discussion and a multimedia tv discussion respectively as stated in the most recent proposal for the roadshow titled “Continuation of the Dash Roadshow”.

The “Continuation of the Dash Roadshow” which promised a Dash conference of not less than 300 participants, multimedia radio and TV discussion across three regions of Ghana namely: Brong Ahafo Region, Greater Accra Region and Ashanti Region respectively have successfully executed stated objectives in various regions except Ashanti Region which is on schedule to see a conference on the 19th of May followed by a multimedia Radio and TV Discussion as promised. The exchange, as the first Dash local exchange was also launch and still running with 100s pf Dash being sold and bought via it. The specific Radio and TV stations which was also stated in the proposal are the very ones used. See links below:

1. Conference at Sunyani Technical University
2. Dash discussion at Moonlite FM
3. Joynews TV Discussion
4. Second conference at Accra
5. GhOne TV Discussion:
6. Dash discussion on Angel FM

What Does Climaxing the Roadshow  SeeK to Achieve?

This roadshow seek to make sure Dash is heard and use by at least a fraction of the Ghanaian population in every region. We therefore seek to reach out to the remaining four regions of Ghana as the ultimate goal of the roadshow to cover the entire country with Dash events still remains non-negotiable. The following four regions (Eastern Region, Western Region, Volta region and Central region) shall witness a Dash conference, a radio discussion and a tv discussion as done in the six regions already covered. This is to make sure Ghana is made a case study of cryptocurrency (DASH) usage for other African countries to emulate.

Why Vote for this proposal while “Continuation of the Roadshow is still in progress”?

Continuation of the Dash Roadshow is 80% complete as it has seen successful execution in 2 regions out of 3. It is also on schedule to be completed before 30th May earlier than it promised.

This proposal remains a great deal for the Dash community as it creates waves in Ghana especially the most recent funded; “Continuation of the Dash Roadshow”. The multimedia TV stations Discussions have brought Dash to the public domain making dash the most mentioned and fast growing cryptocurrency in Ghana today. This has led to the management of Nalerigu Nursing Training School; the most populated nursing school in Ghana calling upon us through our TV Discussions to educate over 2,500 students of the school on Dash Digital Cash. The school management have also offered to take part of the cost involved in getting their students educated about Dash, they shall take care of conference rooms and public address systems for 10 conferences to be held, one every week starting from 26th this month. This is because the school have decided to divide the 2,500 students into 10 groups of 250 students each per conference a week to make sure each student is able to understand something about Dash. It is therefore in the best interest of the Dash community to have this roadshow continue from June to keep the ball rolling for greater fortunes which is why I roll over to the “Climaxing of the Roadshow” as it ends this month.


1. Organized a conference, a radio discussion and TV discussion each in the above mentioned four regions of Ghana.     
2. Sign a one year media partnership with Radio Tamale to promote Dash     
3. Sign a one year partnership with GhOne TV to promote Dash     
4. Get Dash Listed on   
5. Set up the Dash incubation project   
6. Educate 2,500 tertiary students in 10 conferences at Nalerigu Nursing training.
7. Over 2000 Nurses to pay school fees in Dash with a 5% discount guaranteed.

A conference of not less than 300 participants coupled with Multimedia radio and TV discussion shall be held in the rest of the four regions of Ghana respectively: Eastern Region, Western Region, Volta region and Central region as done in other regions.

A one year partnership deal subjected to the approval of this community shall be signed by Africa Dash Network and Radio Tamale for a period of one year (12 moths). The agreement is for the radio station as the most popular with huge listeners from the northern sector of Ghana to have two slots every month for Dash Digital Cash discussions and promotion both in English language and Daghani (local language). The agreement also include a live coverage of every Dash event happening in the country for the agreed period of validity of the agreement (12 months).

GhOne TV, the fastest growing television station and one of the most viewed in Ghana have also agreed on a deal subjected to the approval of this community to sign a contract with Africa Dash Network valid for 12 months. The contract shall provide a 30 minute slot every month for Dash Discussions for the lifetime of the agreement. is one of the leading local cryptocurrency exchange in West Africa, it currently reaches South Africa and East Africa. Me and my team have been on eBitcoinics to list Dash for some time now and have finally come to consensus. The exchange operates the biggest cryptocurrency physical office here in Ghana offering free 3 months online and at office training on every newly listed coin to its customers and the public. The exchange takes half a BTC to list a coin which is use for expenses involved in getting the coin listed and for tipping of participants of its training programs however the half BTC is to be received in Dash.

This project shall also use the Nalerigu Nursing Training school as a case study for Dash payments as school fees with an incentive of 5% discount. Discussions on this jas already taken place during my first visit to the school where i made a presentation on Dash to a class of students. The school management is fully in support of the Dash school fees payments since each student of the school pay at least 1000 USD per semester as school fees in cash, a 5% discount will mean each student gets back 50 USD worth of Dash in their wallets, by the Ghana standard of living, such discount is a great incentive to have every student struggling to pay fees in Dash. We are sure that this will happen twice every year since nursing schools in Ghana pays fees per semester, meaning the school alone will have over 5000 students paying fees in Dash per year., a nonprofit educational and promotional organization dedicated to championing the ideas, understanding and usability of Dash Digital Cash across the African continent founded by @Cryptolib with registration number CG017452018 is set to run the Dash incubation project.

The project is to offer regular/weekly training at Africa Dash Network Conference room for business men and women, tertiary students, graduates and all secs of people willing to learn cryptocurrency (Dash) and Blockchain Technology. The training shall be done for free however interested participants shall complete a registration form via the Africa Dash Network site at a fee of 10 USD, this is to make sure participants show some level of commitment to the training. The training shall feature full time dash courses with assignments, a participant shall be deemed successful in the training after obtaining 9 credit hours, 3 credit hours per course, this is to ensure that people coming into the dash network and or trusted to promote Dash in their communities have good knowledge of the coin and its technology. Well known members of the Dash community such as Thedesertlyn, Coingun etc shall be called upon from time to time via skype to offer training/education to participants. Participants shall also learn business planning as part of the Dash incubation project to fully prepare them to start cryptocurrency oriented businesses and for already existing business owner to develop business models that integrate Dash. I am hence asking for funding to make advance rent payment for AfricaDashNetwork office building and to complete furnishing of the office as furnishing has already begun and a meetup held in the office. This is to make sure the organization remain in operation to the realization of the many projects listed on our site and for the success of this project. See office building here:

Finally, as part of climaxing the roadshow, I shall be educating 2,500 tertiary students outside the targeted area of this roadshow. These students earns basic income from the government as allowance every month due to their field of study making them the best audience to pitch Dash to, as the cost of educating these students is partly taken by the management of the school, my ask is 20 Dash, 2 Dash for T-Shirts and fliers for each of the 10 conferences of 250 participants each.


Roadshow Budget

Transport to and within a region for one month                                                                                             $700.00
1hour discussion on a multimedia FM in each region                                                                                    $1425.00   Accommodation and feeding for a month in a region                                                                                   $1200.00
Dash T-shirts for conference attendees in a region                                                                                        $790.00
Conference room rent in a region                                                                                                                     $800.00
Refreshment of attendees of each conference in a region                                                                           $600.00
One TV discussion on dash each month (GhOne TV, TV3 and Joynews TV)                                               $2300.00   
Dash Roadshow banners, stickers and fliers                                                                                                  $450.00
Cameraman for pictures and video                                                                                                                  $400.00
Sub-total                                                                                                                                                                $8,765
Contingency(9%)                                                                                                                                                  $788
Total/region                                                                                                                                                          $9,553         
Total for 4 regions;  4 by $9,553                                                                                                                        $38,212         
Total Roadshow Budget in Dash for 4 months $38,212/450 USD per Dash                                             85 Dash

Budget for Dash Media partnerships

Partnership with Radio Tamale                                                                                                                        $7,500
Partnership with GhOne TV                                                                                                                             $12,500
Total                                                                                                                                                                     $20,000
Total In Dash                                       20,000/450                                                                                           44 Dash
Listing Dash on                                                                                                                      10 Dash

Budget for project

Four Air-conditions (2 for offices and 2 for conference room)                                                                   $2000
Rent for 12 months (400 USD per month)                                                                                                     $4800
Projector and PA                                                                                                                                                $1800
Total                                                                                                                                                                     $8,600
Total in Dash                                                                                                                                                     19 Dash
20 Dash to hold 10 Conferences for 2,500 Nursing students. 

GRAND BUDGET IN DASH   134 DASH plus 5 Dash proposal Fee = 139 Dash. 

 This budget is built using 450 USD as an average price for Dash with a 20% margin of possible value increase.The budget has also dropped per unit cost compared to the last proposal due to some local sponsorship this project has attracted such as discounts on media airtime and institutions considerable support like in the case of the Nursing training school.


1. Create at least 1500 Dash wallets per month for the next four months through the Roadshow events.
2. Train at least 20 Dash merchants per month for the next four months through the Dash incubation project (80 merchants trained)
3. Reach out to at least 1 million Ghanaians a month through our media partnerships.
4. Create at least 2,500 Dash wallets in Nalerigu Nursing training school
5. Over 2,500 Nurses to pay school fees through Dash (at least 1000 USD worth of Dash purchase by each student)
6. Keep at least 50 USD worth of Dash in over 2500 students Dash wallets.

NOTE: Africa Dash Network is and remain a purely nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening the African Dash movement. It is founded to give Dash a legal presence in the country for official engagements with corporate bodies,civil society organizations and government authorities. Our Advisory Board comprising of well known and trusted members of the Dash community are making sure we are able to walk our dream as an organization while we work on strengthening and fostering relationships with Dash Force and Dash Boost to making reality our grants opportunity to interested applicants seeking to promote Dash. Meanwhile applicants must be graduates from our Dash Leadership Academy or incubation project to qualify. Visit our website for more details of our outlined activities/projects. 

Support the Dash Roadshow, Support ADN and Support DASH DIGITAL CASH. A YES VOTE IS A WIN FOR DASH 

Meanwhile you can have a feel of how we mix our roadshow events with entertainment, poetry and drama just to get our message going in a grand style: 

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
2 points,6 years ago
Not sure why this proposal didn't pass or gather votes, seemed solid.
0 points,6 years ago
Hmm I will resubmit this month asking for a 4 month period payment, I think the one time payment was a concern.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi MNOs, this proposal has been up here for more than three weeks now, I need feedback from you. As a committed guy to the network, knowing what is holding me back in getting votes will be of great impact to me going forward. I like to hear from you the concerns you have regarding this proposal so please leave a comment if you are passing through this proposal, AND KINDLY CAST YOUR VOTES.
0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch May 28th 2018 Report on
Continuation of Dash Roadshow by cryptolib
1 point,6 years ago
Well, we certainly have great teams in West central Africa! Keep it up!!!
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks so much, I appreciate
0 points,6 years ago
Another good proposal from Cryptolib. I especially like the part about getting the nursing school to accept Dash as payment, and giving the nursing students a 5% discount for using it. Nice breakdown on the budget as well. Voting yes.

1 point,6 years ago
Thanks for your support and we are building a local Dash wallet that will integrate mobile money (MTN specifically) so students/users can quickly buy/swap their mobile money to Dash and vice-versa on the app. We want to have the fee payment process as smooth as possible to attract other students from other schools to used Dash for fees payment.
0 points,6 years ago
Voting yes. Cryptolib continues to prove himself on a regular basis and stands as an excellent example for others to follow in their own countries who wish to bring Dash Digital Cash to the mainstream. Grassroots efforts like his are paving the way for the future and I am thankful to have such an inspiring and hardworking individual on board. Keep up the excellent work!
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks so much and i appreciate you support. I will never let this network down, the dream that pushed me to have brought DASH to the West African region still ablaze in me and until we have a Dash Nation within the region (Ghana), i will never give up the hardwork and commitment.
3 points,6 years ago
From my work with cryptolib going back over a year I can assure everyone that he truly understands the full potential of blockchain technology beyond just the payment network aspect. He understands how this tech can be used to help with property rights ownership verification and helping to fight corruption within government institutions, that is part of what motivates him. He is a very hard worker and a true asset in the region. Easy Yes!
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks so much for your support, I truly appreciate
6 points,6 years ago
Cryptolib is the original reason for all of the work getting started in this region. He stood out above the crowd putting a line in the sand in terms of corruption and distrust. He has slowly and surely proven himself to be a very trusted and important ally to our fight to push Dash into Africa. Without trusted people on the ground we will fail with this project. Even he himself has cautioned us at moving forward without taking the required steps to ensure our support isn't being taken for granted.

We have worked together back and fourth for years s. He is constantly bouncing ideas off of myself and other community members with the goal that their implementation is done in a way that works inside Africa. It is easy to criticizes the work from afar but nobody knows better what the people of these regions need then the actual people of these regions.

That being said it is even more important now then ever that we support the TRUSTED and RESPECTED community ambassadors for these regions to ensure we are present in getting a large foothold.

I believe it is through trusted community members like Cryptolib and Ultimatecrypto that we will establish dominance in these regions not in a western way but in a way that these people can relate to and understand.

You have my support on this project and your future ones. I'm proud to have been in a position to support Cryptolib in his goal of bringing Dash to Africa. Keep up the great work.
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks so much Sir for keeping your heart opened to my works, I will never let you and the community down for any reason. I promise to stay real even when it means my down fall for being honest, the Dash network has made me who I am today, My only source of income as a young graduate from the university has been Dash right from when I started getting personal tips on slack to direct support from mastermined and many others like you till date, I am respected and heard by people of repute in Africa all made possible by this treasury. I have every reason to remain loyal and honest as I have always been. If Dash grow, we all grow especially me!!!!
4 points,6 years ago
voting YES.
I hope the Dash listing with eBitcoinics is finalised ASAP. I quietly wonder if LTC etc paid to be on the website.
I noticed the Bitcoin graphics the ' Joy Online' used! This reminds me of Amanda's efforts where 'mainstream media' (MSM) can't get past circling around Bitcoin!
Please have 'Dash - Digital Cash' graphics ready for these moronic MSM companies. We are promoting Dash - Digital Cash only.
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks very much for your support: Yes the deal with eNitcoinics is finalized, if I give them the 10 Dash today, we will see Dash on it pretty soon. On the graphics, I raised the same concern after the show, I couldn’t have interrupted it however, going forward, the station promised me it won’t repeat again and with our partnerships, it is purely and exclusively business, so I assure you Dash is getting the Ghanaian media to itself very soon than any crypto.
0 points,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
54 Dash just for third party payments for marketing in Ghana seems like a huge gift.

Will the other Ghana paid gifts complete this year? any chance of merging any?
In case anyone wondered, according to Different "Ghana" payments made thus far:

5/3/18 - $11,270.00 - DASH BUSINESS MASSIVE ADOPTION IN GHANA, WEST AFRICA. by Zambang Status In Progress
04/03/18 - $59,472.00 - Building a Dashy Africa - Phase 1 by lnstantKarmaFund Status In Progress
04/03/18 - $29,232.00 - EXPANDING OUTREACH OF DASH IN AFRICA @DASH-Hub Africa (APRIL TO JULY 2018) PHASE ONE- GreenCandle Escrow by Ultimatecrypto Transforming Africa into DASH Hub (APRIL TO JULY 2018) Status In Progress
05/03/18 - $25,520.00 - Continuation of Dash Roadshow by cryptolib Status In Progress
03/03/18 - $39,130.00 - INTRODUCING DASH TO BUSINESSES IN GHANA,WEST AFRICA. by Zambang Status In Progress
12/02/17 - $35,420.00 - Teachers for Liberty and Economic Freedom Chapter of CLE-Ghana for Dash by cryptolib Status In Progress
04/03/17 - $18,049.20 - Buy-Sell Dash Directly within the WALLET by rgenito Status In Progress
12/03/17 - $18,540.00 - Dash Roadshow in Ghana, West Africa by cryptolibScope Status In Progress

12/02/17 - $30,800.00 - The #DASH4Nigeria Project by djcrypt0 Contacts: Nathaniel Luz
11/03/16 - $932.00 - Promoting Dash in Six Southern African Countries by LibertyWarrior

10/04/16 - $250.00 - The Dash Times by elishagh1

Status Unknown:
11/02/17 - $30,590.00 - DASH Global Meetups Around the world by JZA

Roughly $300K spent on Ghana referencing programs thus far, how many people live in Ghana again?
Not sure we need to subsidize this...
3 points,6 years ago
Thanks very much @stone for your concern, the 54 Dash for partnerships in Ghana is currently a need. Over the week, I have pitched Dash to a few investors and management of Stanbic Bank Ghana, since 3 days now, has been battling a settlement of 340k USD demanded by these group of people and till date, we still cannot meet their demand which is why it becomes necessary that we get more exchanges such us to list Dash, as we speak, I will share my conversation with the CEO of eBitcoinics on discord #proposals for you as he confirm he can get us 340k worth of BTC however it will be more expensive for us to swap all of that to Dash. If Dash was listed already at eBitcoinics, this problem wouldn’t have occurred.

The other partnerships (GhOne TV and Radio Tamale) are great avenues gotten at highly discounted cost to help us create a Dash economy by sending messages/information about Dash across all sectors of Ghana. Ghana is big and in fact if we were to fund a proposal to convince just a region in Ghana to use Dash and make the region a Dash hub, a lot more funding would’ve gone into it as it takes a lot to get 10k people to accept and use cryptocurrency.

Proposals in Ghana: This proposal (Dash Roadshow) as stated about started in October 2017 and successfully ended in December, it was rolled over in March and ends this month hence this one is the continuation from next month as the current in progress ends. The Teachers for Liberty and Economic freedom Chapter of CLE workshops were scheduled to end in March however after seeing 3 workshops instead of 5, teachers went on vacation and upon resuming school, me and my tram were charged for entering schools illegally as we weren’t under any duely registered organization, which is why I personally had to start AFRICA Dash Network to give Dash a legal presence in this country for successful events going forward so ADN is fully incorporated at the Registrar General Department and the workshops shall continue as soon as possible.

Aside these projects I am personally handling, the only Dash proposals in the country I am aware of is the Business adoption proposal by Zambang which ended and was rolled over and currently in progress and the Dash hub proposal by @Ultimatecrypto escrowed by greencandle which is also in progress. Buy and Sell Dash directly within the wallet by rgenito and the Dash times by elishagh1 and Dash global meet ups proposal In Ghana and three strange proposals to me, I never knew of them or heard of them till today as u listed. Dashy Africa was a proposal by @rotc in Nigeria and how it enters Ghana is by he and his team. I hope you will understand that I do not have to pay for other people’s good or bad and I will appreciate that you focus on me and what I do, the progress and impacts I am making by proposals, what I promise and what I deliver. And as I try to remain honest to this network sticking to my words, I hope I am able to convince you to look beyond what others are doing and deal with me as an individual, Give me your support as I need it badly to make you proud and make myself proud as well as I get all the respect if I ever make Ghana go fully Dashy. Thanks and cheers.....

Please Note that I have also consistently warned this network againts funding of some of these proposals that turn bad and if you are regular on Discord you might have noticed that for me.