Proposal “Caracas-Venezuela2ndand3rdconference“ (Completed)Back

Title:Caracas - Venezuela: 2nd and 3rd conference
Monthly amount: 73 DASH (1630 USD)
Completed payments: 2 totaling in 146 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-10-18 / 2017-12-14 (added on 2017-10-15)
Votes: 895 Yes / 34 No / 55 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

Caracas - Venezuela: 2nd and 3rd conference
This is a follow up of the first proposal for the First DASH Conference in Caracas Venezuela, and the second proposal Caracas - Venezuela 1rst conference reposition. You can find all the history of the project here:
The 1rst conference reposition for 600 people will take place next saturday, October 21st.
Venue: "Naiguatá A" hall, Hotel Tamanaco Intercontinental. You can check it out [b]HERE[/b].
We have hired:
This proposal is for the 2nd and 3rd conference of the cycle...
2nd Conference
Speaker: Fernando Gutiérrez - DASH Core Team
Subject: What is Dash - Digital Cash and what is Dash Evolution3rd Conference
Speaker: JZA - DASH Global
Subject: How to submit a proposal for Dash Treasury Funds
Here is my new detailed budget for 2 months:

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
Dash Digital Cash / Creating Future.
2nd Dash Caracas Conference with Fernando Gutierrez.

Last November 17th, The second conference called Dash Digital Cash - Caracas: What is Dash and What is Dash Evolution was held in the Grand Conference Hall of the JW Marriott Hotel. The event covered all the expectations of design, training and content, leaving to the more than 450 attendees satisfied and anxious for the next conferences.

The Setting Up
The attention offered by the team of Dash Caracas could be qualified as a great welcome, from the entrance of the hotel to the conference room, through the registration area for attendees, there was enthusiasm for the upcoming conference. The organization was great, there was a technical team specialized in Dash wallets, ready to solve any problem with these. Even several of the entrepreneurs who accept Dash for their products and services were in the place.

Participation of Fernando Gutierrez.
After a clear introduction, we had a video call connection with Fernando Gutierrez, who is a lawyer, founding member and part of Dash Digital Cash Central Team. He talked about the current and future situation of this cryptocurrency, giving a very encouraging approach to entrepreneurs and Venezuelan users. Fernando (@fernando) was very didactic with the public during the Q&A session, clarifying everything with great precision. Once the session was finished, Eugenia Alcalá gave the announcement that the hashtag of the event (#dashccs) had turned into national trending topic.

Space for Networking.
After the coffee break, there was an opening of a very interesting methodology for the whole community. It consisted in the interaction of groups categorized by Mining, Merchants accepting Dash, Trading, Culture, etc., where the communication between all the attendees was sought to obtain ideas on how to solve the different barriers that we are currently facing in this cryptoworld. It was a space of great help for many, getting to know each other and clarifying doubts.

Small Report, Quantifying the Budget
10.465 in Dash giveaways for attendees
280 New wallets installed
79 Wallets with problems solved (problems were, not being able to scan paper wallets, lack of update due to failure in the internet connection, impossibility of downloading the wallet due to incompatibility problems with Android o iOS, among others.
146 Paper wallets distributed
1800 Dash Workshop material distributed

“Once again, big entrepreneurship an projects like this, show that in Venezuela, we are committed to a better future in hand with new technologies".

LeoGrizz, Member of Dash Caracas (@dashcaracas) community and head of Dash Valle de la Pascua (@valledash) community.
0 points,7 years ago
Great proposal, I went to a conference of these guys and was great! I got some ideas to join and make big thinks for Dash adoption in Venezuela. Hope you guys hear about us soon! All support
1 point,7 years ago
Hello to the whole community, in our profile on FACEBOOK dash caracas digital cash, we can see images of what was the second conference, "What is Dash Digital Cash and what is Dash Evolution?"
1 point,7 years ago
this is great, im from venezuela, dash fan since 2015, but 40k just for 2 conference its to much, you can make a big conference in Venezuela just with 3.000-4.000$, you will have the best hotel, staff, food, etc.. and money extra in your pocket. Venezuela is really cheap if you have $, 40k has no sense.
0 points,7 years ago
Hello!!! It is a pleasure to meet someone from Venezuela here. Do you still live in Venezuela? If so, you are welcome to get more involved in the planning of our activities.

We are preparing a detailed financial report of our use of the budget in the past months, and a plan of what to do with the remaining funds, thanks to the changes on the price.

We will post it in the forum, and let you know in this page also.

1 point,7 years ago
Hello friends, our Second Conference of DASH Digital Cash is registered in the week of entrepreneurship 2017 worldwide, event organized by GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHI NETWORKé-es-dash-dinero-digital-y-qué-es-dash-evolution
1 point,7 years ago
These conferences look great and the video coverage make me wanna go. Have fun! Please combine with social media ad campaigns.
2 points,7 years ago
sure my friend .. you can see the conference inscribed in the week of global entrepreneurship 2017 .. I leave the link ...é-es-dash-dinero-digital-y-qué-es-dash-evolution
as well as that there is a lot in social media...
-1 point,7 years ago
VOTING NO. $20,000 for 1080 people is $18/person, assuming a ridiculous 100% conversion rate. If you scale it down to a 10% conversion rate, we are paying $180 for each person to join Dash. Absolutely ridiculous.
0 points,7 years ago
We are preparing a detailed financial report of our use of the budget in the past months, and a plan of what to do with the remaining funds, thanks to the changes on the price.

We will post it in the forum, and let you know in this page also.

1 point,7 years ago
3 points,7 years ago
If for no other reason than the excellent media it gets!
GOD -- would you please get coverage in global media somehow? Highlighting the fact that Venezuelans in dire straights are coming out in droves to learn about this strange new internet money?

1 point,7 years ago
That is an excellent idea :-) In what networks, channels or programs do you guys think we should make an appearence???
1 point,7 years ago
I think a social media push would be best. I run a media marketing company and anything that is put out over social right now about crypto is instantly viral
1 point,7 years ago
Financial or news channels have the public who can be interrested
0 points,7 years ago
I could not open the link to your detailed budget request on Dash Central (https://scontent*) but i could read it here : and it looks indeed detailed and good. You have my support.
Good luck.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you very much!!!
0 points,7 years ago
Hello everyone. Yesterday was the reposition of the 1st Dash Conference in Caracas Venezuela

We were trending topic in our country with this hashtag on Twitter : #dashccs

Later I will publish a detailed review. But we are very happy with the results.

Thanks to MNO, Dash Community and Dash Caracas team:
@Jahlexis Tafari Lugo
Miguel Figuera
Luis Enrique Moreno
Hanny Figueroa
Francisco Javier González

And many more :-)
-5 points,7 years ago
Voting NO for all conferences and meet-ups. We can get a much higher return on our investment with simple online advertising targeting Venezuela.
1 point,7 years ago
My friend, don´t you think that is strictly necessary to educate people on what is and how to use Dash?

Advertising is OK for calling people attention and I´m ok about using a lot of advertising targeting Venezuelan people, but then what? I believe people need to be taught about this new cryptoworlf.

Dont you think? Hope for your opinion!

0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for your opinion... maybe we can do a mix... what do you think?
0 points,7 years ago
Hello, everyone. Tomorrow, saturday october 21st, at 9am (Caracas time) will take place the reposition of the 1rst DASH Conference in Caracas - Venezuela. This time for 600 people.

You can follow everything that is going on in #dashccs on Twitter. (You can say hello to us using that hashtag as well).

And on YouTube streaming:

Stay tuned and wish us luck :-)
0 points,7 years ago
Damn, thats a very clean and well presented proposal. People, take note.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you :-)
3 points,7 years ago
With the conferences held in Caracas every time dash gains ground in Venezuela, people seek refuge in the goodness of dash, thanks for this type of proposals is that a lot of communities have been created in vzla, all my support for this project, I invite you to support it :)
2 points,7 years ago
Dash Caracas has aroused interest in the subject of cryptocurrency especially DASH, I am sure they will continue to do an intense work so that more and more people know the benefits that DASH can offer to our country, especially in such a depressed economy how is the venezuelan.
2 points,7 years ago
Absolutely, I hope this is voted for. It's a continuation of a much-needed project bringing Dash where it's needed most.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you, Joel, your support has been very important for us :-)
1 point,7 years ago
Note that this is for TWO conferences. And she has the best, most detailed budget I have seen in a proposal. And as the desert lynx has pointed out, Venezuela desperately needs an alternative to the (rapidly approaching) worthless Bolivar.

Even moderate adoption across Venezuela would push Dash over litecoin and keep it there.

Easy yes.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you very much :-)
0 points,7 years ago
who owns the proposal?
0 points,7 years ago
I do.

I am waiting for RANGO to manually give me proposal ownership, since I am unable to do it directly from my computer.

In the meantime, you can read ir here:
0 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
Keep collecting successes I think DASH has a bright future in Venezuela and Latin America.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you JZA :-)
0 points,7 years ago
Yes yes yes!

0 points,7 years ago
Thank you very much :-)