Proposal “Bitcuners_Meetup_Renewal“ (Closed)Back

Title:Bitcuners Meetup Proposal
Monthly amount: 16 DASH (353 USD)
Completed payments: 2 totaling in 32 DASH (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-02-18 / 2017-05-19 (added on 2017-02-20)
Votes: 1061 Yes / 487 No / 76 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

Hi guys, our first time renewing the DASH support for our meetings. It has been a great series of events thanks to DASH, it has really motivate its members to invite more people into the meetings and learn about DASH.

Although our group is really about all Cryptocurrencies, DASH has gained it's spot and growing supporting followed. Having DASH presence has given a lot of newbies a natural drawn to learn more and more about DASH. We have been holding this meeting for 2 years and have seen it grow to a significant amount. However we are still in the process to make a difference in the local businesses and environment.

Our program of DASH for Drink, where people get their consumption reimbursed at the end of the meeting to get them to install a DASH wallet and sometimes their first new DASH, has been very successful. A lot of non technical people got their first wallet and DASH address and were taught how to receive those DASH through QR code or through the web.

These next 3 months we will get more DASH info, as Amanda B Johnson will be on one of our meetings in April. Also we might have new initiatives from the group about how to promote the use of DASH and other Criptocurrencies here in Cancun, we were lucky enough to attract the right people to make this happened.

Please consider this factor to keep your support of this Local Crypto User group and allow us to enjoy sharing our knowledge of Crypto with the community with a nice Coffee, and Dinner in name of DASH.

Feel free to check our storify for a collection of social posts that we have done during this past 3 months between Bitcuners and the DASH Community.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,7 years ago
Are you still giving out free Dash and then having people use the Dash to buy refreshments? That was how this started but now I just see people with Popsicle sticks with a Dash sticker. What happened to the original program I voted for?
Do you have an itemized break down of how the money has been spent?
0 points,7 years ago
Yeah we are still doing that, althought is the other way around, people buy their coffee and show their ticket at the end of the meetup and we reinburse the price with DASH on their wallet. That helps people get their hands on crypto from the very first meetup. The pocksickle were made by one of the members of the group since we wanted DASH to show up when we took the pictures of the assistants.
Since in the past people were so focused on proving this meetings were taking place, now you can see them on our facebook page, each album for each meeting.
0 points,7 years ago
I think it was they buy refreshments with cash/fiat and get reimbursed with dash.
0 points,7 years ago
iirc they used to buy refreshments with fiat, then give away free Dash (from the proposal) to people and have them buy the refreshments back with the free Dash. That way they would not be out any money and people would learn how to use Dash. That is how the Dash force Meetup works and we copied it from them and another similar meetup.
Next month we/Dash Force will be introducing a new format for larger meetups that will focus on merchant adoption and a smaller meetup contest that will focus on just getting meetups going in general, as they have died off recently.
2 points,8 years ago
A massive round gold coin with a B in the middle is basically an appropriation of the commonly recognised symbol for Bitcoin. Every other proposal on this forum is either called 'Dash <something> .....' or is focused on Dash in some direct manner.

I think you're giving a slap in the face to the Dash community by stepping in here with your appropriation of the Bitcoin logo (ok, your 'creative' adaption of the commonly recognised copyright free Bitcoin coin logo) with your begging bowl asking for a fairly substantial amount of funds from Dash whilst you're basking in the golden reflection of the Bitcoin logo.

Very nice.

And, by the way, apart from your little crowd of friends, if you show that coin golden coin logo to 100 independent people, I think you'd find that all 100 of them would assume that it's a Bitcoin logo. Because they would not have heard of Bitcunners.

If you want money from the Dash community and you beleive you are doing good work, then is it too much to ask that you have even a modicum of Dash branding?

I think you're out of step with the other proposals here, and I hope that you can raise your game, or get defended.
1 point,8 years ago
* defunded
1 point,7 years ago
absolutely true. there is no relation do DASH what so ever or a clear brand message by us: DASH BLOCKCHAIN FUNDED
0 points,7 years ago
I would also prefer you shift your brand away from bitcoin to dash.
2 points,8 years ago
Can't you change the name to Dashcunners or DashandCrypto meet up. If we are paying for it, it would be nice to have our name rather than Bitcoin's name as your primary voting. I'm pleased you're bringing people together with meeting but it's a big NO from me until something is done about this.

I cannot imagine anyone asking the Bitcoin community to donoate money to a meeting called Dashcunners. I think it's really cheeky of you to do this, and somehow get away with it.

Please consider changing your votes Masternode owners!
0 points,8 years ago
This is not a DASH only group, this is a crypto group, we talk about all criptos, not only Bitcoin, or DASH. We have a program to reunburse people for their drinks with DASH. So we are doing something much better than talk about DASH, which is having people actually use DASH (instead of bitcoin, or ethereum, etc).
We won't change our name just like The Crypto Show won't change their name to The DASH Show and only invite DASH people.
I think it will make it even counterproductive, since we will just be having an echo chamber where nothing else get discussed making it a 'cult culture'. And you can see how bad that got for Bitcoin Maximalists.
I don't see a value on having Dash maximalists, do you? What about Unsung? Do you want it to rename to Dashsung too? Or the UFC figther, you want him to change his name too?
Bitcuners is already a recognized brand and a group of many members coming together for 2 years before we even put our first proposal, not sure it would be doable anyway even to change that overnight.
I will ask you to please consider respecting other communities.
0 points,8 years ago
Good to hear you are using dash to give out to people.

However it's not a question of me respecting other people's communities.

I'm not a Dash maximalist, I do hold btc as well.

However, the forum in which we are having this discussion is a Dash only forum and indeed is one where you are asking the dash Masternode community to fund your activity.

At the beginning of this thread (above) The YouTube video thumbnail picture of your meeting has a great big Bitcoin Branding logo on it!

I think you should respect the Dash community and not have a great big Bitcoin symbol on your 'calling card' - This is quite audacious and insensitive in my view.

This is Dash We are Dash here. We are not Bitcoin here.
0 points,8 years ago
No thats the Bitcuners logo not the bitcoin logo.
2 points,8 years ago
A massive round gold coin with a B in the middle is basically an appropriation of the commonly recognised symbol for Bitcoin. Every other proposal on this forum is either called 'Dash <something> .....' or is focused on Dash in some direct manner.

I think you're giving a slap in the face to the Dash community by stepping in here with your appropriation of the Bitcoin logo (ok, your 'creative' adaption of the commonly recognised copyright free Bitcoin coin logo) with your begging bowl asking for a fairly substantial amount of funds from Dash whilst you're basking in the golden reflection of the Bitcoin logo.

Very nice.

And, by the way, apart from your little crowd of friends, if you show that coin golden coin logo to 100 independent people, I think you'd find that all 100 of them would assume that it's a Bitcoin logo. Because they would not have heard of Bitcunners.

If you want money from the Dash community and you beleive you are doing good work, then is it too much to ask that you have even a modicum of Dash branding?

I think you're out of step with the other proposals here, and I hope that you can raise your game, or get defended.
2 points,8 years ago
* defunded
2 points,8 years ago
* using bitcoin's name as your primary branding *

(Is what I meant to write above. Damn predictive text!)
0 points,8 years ago
Wow, $1600 per month? How many people per month is this seeding for us?

This seems extremely expensive to me. Not scalable. What am I missing here? Seems like how Google throws money at things. Please educate me.
1 point,8 years ago
Agreed. They seem to be promoting Bitcoin first, and other currencies second. Their logo says it all.

Why are we funding these people?
1 point,8 years ago
You are missing the price increase.
0 points,8 years ago
You mean it's more than $1,600/month? pls explain.
1 point,8 years ago
No I mean between the time they submitted it and now they dash price increased. So initially they were not asking for $1600.
And constantly resubmitting whenever the dash price changes isn't a solution.
I really hope they can improve the budget system somehow regarding this.
1 point,8 years ago
Hooray a video is up! I like to see that.

You got my vote.
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks @GuerraDiValute :)
2 points,8 years ago
Oh come on guys, give this a yes vote, don't be cheap! It's only 26 dash and these guys are looking to spread the word! Don't be small minded, people! Think big - but that takes little steps at the start, give these guys a funding!
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks!! @threebobs!!
1 point,8 years ago
Excelente manera de traer estas alternativas a personas de toda índole.
Muy buen trabajo, la comunidad seguírá creciendo...
2 points,8 years ago
Low cost, verifiable meetups are well worth while, Yes votes from me
0 points,8 years ago
thanks @Dashzilla!!
2 points,8 years ago
Just want to encourage whomever abstained or voted no to rethink this one. This is a very active group and it's nice to help pay for food/drinks and spread some Dash :D
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks @TanteStefana!! Dash will be big in Cancun!! 💪🏼
2 points,8 years ago
Voted. Any grassroots movements we can support will help us out in the long run.
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks!! @DashWater 😎
1 point,8 years ago
Thanks everyone for approving our proposal, hope this introduces more people to DASH. This meetings are not done with the purpose of talking about DASH (in a presentation format) but actually using DASH, through reimbursement of drinks and other consumptions while talking about wallets, addresses investment and evolution of money. You can say is more of a workshop than 'a talk'. This has proven to be more effective since people actually get to experience the crypto rather than just consuming information without any guarantees of ever using it.
1 point,8 years ago
Es una excelente propuesta y que han motivado a que mas personas se unan a Dash y un aprendizaje sobre las criptos es una excelente forma de introducir a mas personas

It is an excellent proposal and have motivated more people to join Dash and learning about crypts is a great way to introduce more people
0 points,8 years ago
Gracias @ ShadowMyst!!
1 point,8 years ago
Many thanks to this community and proposal. I'm learning a lot about cryptocurrencies and dash through these meetings. I'm also meeting very interesting people from Cancun and their projects in these activities.
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks you for join us @marocga!!
1 point,8 years ago
Thanks Bitcuners was great meeting thanks for the shared knowledge, I will continue to learn and of course sharing experiences
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks @EALDAY!!
1 point,8 years ago
Hello, it is great what you are doing here! The new technologies are arriving too fast and for a lot of people, including me, it can be hard understand those changes. I'm grateful for your help and want to keep learning to help myself and my country for the new age.
0 points,8 years ago
@MarianoMorado It was very nice to meet you at the Bitcuners meetup, see you next week!!
1 point,8 years ago
I meet yesterday bitcuners , they answered allot of my questions awesome job guys thanks.
0 points,8 years ago
It was nice to welcome you @Lapiz
0 points,8 years ago
0 points,8 years ago
Hi everyone! I've been attending to bitcuner's meetup and is a good way to keep your first contact with cryptocurrencies. Bitcuner is for share and learn the internet of money.
1 point,8 years ago
This guys are doing a terrific job promoting Dash in Cancún. I've seen this group grow every meetup they made.
Keep the good work!
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks for the cheer up @ZeroDragon! :)
1 point,8 years ago
Excellent work, I am convinced that they are creating a positive impact on people.
0 points,8 years ago
¡Thanks pepemargu! We do is well! :D
0 points,8 years ago
Had a talk with JZA and it appears to me that this is a proposal for him to cater to his friends at the local pub with no real benefit to the network. No presentation, at a bar where all we know dash is not even brought up in the conversation. Clear misuse of funds, and the people posting here are most likely his friends wanting more free drinks :/
1 point,8 years ago
Thanks for the comment.

Well the original purpose of the first proposal was cater the assistens the soft drinks by returning the amount they pay in DASH ( we no givent presentation because it was no the prime intention.

We want to introduce to the common people moms, workers, self employed, businessman (but no technical guys, they all ready here) in a simple way, open table, coffee and a friendly talk, then they back home with Dash in they pockets (which is the most important thing and the did) and then they can see for themselves how the "money" grows on their hands, when they come back then we can talk about more deep stuff and given to them a presentation.

Is it true that is not a formal meeting, but is never was intended to, besides we no meet "at the local pub", is a Starbucks they only serve soft drinks like macchiatos and stuff, but the idea of the beer is tempting, thanks for the idea and for the comment :-)
2 points,8 years ago
I never heard about Dash before I assist to Bitcuners Meetup. Now I'm part of the community.
Thanks guys!
1 point,8 years ago
¡Thanks OrlandoFlores! Welcome to the $DASH side of the cryptocurrencies!!!
1 point,8 years ago
Hola! Thanks to all for vote! As part of the community "Bitcuners" i feel very proud to promote DASH in Cancun, we use the name of "Bitcoin" to make more easy to understand the concept. All the attendees of our meetings were welcome, they learnt about cryptocurrencies and take some DASH back to home. It was very excited to be mentioned at the Dash Detailed ( Please feel free to check our social media account to know more about the community (in spanish) I hope you vote for the yes, to keep promoting DASH in Cancun, Mexico!! Gracias amigos!!
0 points,8 years ago
Oh thats good to hear qwizzie; thought it was just me who didn't know what the hell I was supposed to be voting for!
1 point,8 years ago
Sorry due to the 12.1 upgrade, the GUI version of dash central wasn't getting any new proposals and have to be posted through the new
Finally got around to 'claim' the proposal.
0 points,8 years ago
Hi! thanks for waiting and voting!
0 points,8 years ago
Waiting for correct budget proposal title and budget proposal description before voting...
0 points,8 years ago
Hi! thanks for waiting. @JZA dit it.
1 point,8 years ago
that got you my yes votes :)