Proposal “BitToByte“ (Completed)Back

Title:Bit To Byte: Introducing Dash to Thousands of Students
Monthly amount: 198 DASH (4622 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 594 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-10-19 / 2018-01-16 (added on 2017-10-25)
Votes: 1022 Yes / 309 No / 30 Abstain

Proposal description

Bit to Byte: Proposal Update and Roadmap

Bit To Byte
Student STEM Services

[size=100][b]Bit To Byte: November Report[/b][/size]

Recap Video:

Tao from Dash Nation Interviews August and talks about Bit To Byte and the teams plans going forward:

What is Bit To Byte?
Bit To Byte is an organization that employs high school and college age students as mentors to teach after school STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) related classes paid in Dash/Hour for elementary school students. Three branches make up the Bit To Byte Foundation, the STEM Mentorship Program, the Building Futures Program, and the Emerging Technologies Program.

How We Help Dash:
We have seen some requests from the Dash community to summarize the benefits our proposal has on the Dash Community. Here are some of the defining features and benefits that Bit To Byte provides to the Dash community.

Supporting Bit to Byte is an investment into the short and long term development and adoption of Dash.

Short-Term Benefits:
  • Multiple news articles, publications, feature stories, and interviews about Bit To Byte and its educational partnership with the Dash DAO.
  • Using and applying Dash and it’s defining features in real world employment scenarios. Student and professional mentors paid immediately with Dash as well as the development of a Auto Payment system with Dash for Mentors who attend our programs.
  • A significant number of community members, educators, and students will be introduced and familiarized with Dash and blockchain technology.
  • Establish a positive and friendly first introduction of Dash/blockchain to students and community members

Long-Term Benefits:
  • Students will learn about Dash and blockchain at an early age
  • Inspiring and educating future blockchain and Dash developers
  • Dash will be recognized as the first cryptocurrency to support, fund, and revolutionize the STEM education indus

View Dash Core Team CEO Ryan Taylor Interview:

“I think it’s important to teach children about all the emerging technologies that are likely to impact the future, for a lot of different reasons, but if for nothing else to inspire them, to identify with something that excites them and provides the motivation to learn.”
-Core Team CEO Ryan Taylor

Notice something different?  
Yep, you guessed it. Due to a multitude of reasons we had to change our original name and Twitter tagline from #BitByBit to > “Bit To Byte: Student STEM Services”. We are confident that our new name and brand illustrates the core concepts that we want our program to convey. 8 Bits = 1 Byte. The new name signifies a transition from small to large, older mentors inspiring and teaching young students and allowing them to build up their knowledge of STEM related topics. Our new tagline is a quick summation of our overarching goals, we offer STEM related classes, programs, support and experiences for young students taught by older students.

More on marketing...
For the past few weeks I've made the local student-led Marketing/PR firm that we chose basically my second home... Why? For our program to succeed and expand its outreach I believe that first impressions are important. That’s why I spent countless hours in order to find that perfect mark and brand recognition. The firm called Model Farm works with our University’s official newspaper, Iowa State Daily and the program operates in a similar structure to “Bit To Byte”. They employ students pursuing careers in marketing, graphic design, journalism, etc. and provide mentorship learning opportunities and real world experience in their field. Sounds familiar!

Departmental Updates:

-Marketing/PR firm: Model Farm
-Rebranded as “Bit To Byte”
-Refined mission statement
-Website copyright and Front-End development
-reworked 3 branches
-created a style guide and brand identity

“We have been very focused this month on setting up a strong foundation for Bit To Byte. A strong foundation will be essential when we start to scale to many locations. We created a company structure that allows us to expand to many locations, while adapting to the changes that will come from doing so.”


-Created a company structure and management procedures
-Fiscal Policies and Procedures
-Contacted an attorney knowledgeable in blockchain about tax concerns regarding paying mentors in Dash
-Our Exec. Team has been scheduling business consulting services through our university's Business department

Software Development:
-Started developing a scheduling and payment API that allows our mentors to “clock-in” with their Dash Addresses and when they clock-out they receive payment for that class in Dash/Hr.
-Done with initial testing of the DashBot on discord with tipping features implemented. Adding the ability for Discord members to tip with reactions on a post.

Please read our Development Update Here:

Local Updates:
-Our classes in La Grange have expanded to introduce Blockchain technology. We’ve hired sixteen new mentors and we plan to hire 20 more next month.
-We held 3 meetups at Iowa State University with over 120 students in attendance
-We’ve reached out to more districts in Ames, Chicago, and Kalamazoo to expand our reach as an organization.
-Started to create specialized curriculums to accommodate the needs of students in each region.

Moving from Bits to Bytes

Dash Distribution:

Operating Costs
-Facility Costs
-Marketing/Brand Development (Working with Professional PR Firm)
-Dash branded van for transporting supplies and also for traveling between states
-Travel Expenses
-Miscellaneous costs (ie. Insurance, )

Costs: 48 Dash per month

STEM Mentorship Program:
The Mentorship Program consists of older students leading classes and discussions for younger students to establish skills in the STEM field.
-Expand into several more locations including a program in Phoenix close to Arizona State University
-Hire more mentors and host incentivised coding competitions with Dash as prizes to identify talent

Costs: 22 Dash

Building Futures Program:
-Sponsor STEM resources for financially challenged students and underrepresented groups
-Represent Dash through name attachments to robotics teams
-Host Blockchain themed Hackathons

Costs: 36 Dash

Emerging Technologies Program:
-Increase impact in universities including more meetups, presentations and sponsored events
-Give presentations at student organizations and focus on International Study Organizations
-Host Dash giveaways and student competitions

Costs: 16 Dash

Teaching Materials:
-Bitsboxes (Coding Books for Kids)
-Devices (Laptops & Tablets)
-VR Headsets
-DIY Coding/Computer Kits
-Vex Robotics Kits

Costs: 20 Dash

Student Employees:
-Senior Mentors
-Development Team
-Regional Coordinators
-Head of Software
-Head of Marketing
-Head of Curriculum
-Student Programmers

Costs: 56 Dash (Employing 32 Mentors)

Total Per Month: 198 Dash

We will provide weekly updates including pictures and video content of our classes. We will also be actively working on PR and be in touch with news and media sources to cover our programs and talk about Dash. For a consistent progress report and update structure we are working on a designated website page that we will keep updated weekly.

Please feel free to reach out with questions/comments/feedback.

Also be sure to follow us on twitter for updates:

Bit By Bit: Interview With Mark Mason: Dash Force News


Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
1 point,7 years ago < Where are the expenses listing? Where are some stats? What are some metrics on the benefits this is bringing to the network?
0 points,7 years ago
@august congrats..I love what you've been can I learn from you.
0 points,7 years ago
Just to say..even though I voted abstain...I did donate for you Dash Conference London visit. Love your passion but you need to be ticking all boxes.
0 points,7 years ago
MNO voting abstain on this - I listening to Craig Mason (Video: Dash November 2017 Proposal Rundown and Commentary at 10:52 minutes. Love your passion but you need to be on game with updates / media etc.
0 points,7 years ago
I do like very much your vision and goals but I would also prefer a more modest growth pattern.

I'm trying to boil down some basic numbers
How many children do you reach, daily, weekly? Number of classes, total number of mentors is 32 or 36 or more? How many classes you will be able to equip using hardware budget?

Not trying to be an accountant here just would like to understand better the project and the reason for such large organizational overhead.
5 points,7 years ago
Congratulations Bit To Byte. We look forward to helping where the Dash AeroSports team can. We also look forward to utilizing the Bit To Byte Dash training aids for our presentations. Following initial conversations with CEO August, we hope for the opportunity to host Bit To Byte during the Sun N Fun/Expo in central Florida April 10-15 2018. Second largest Air Expo in the USA with attendance over 150,000. Best Regards, Scott @dashracer
2 points,7 years ago
@DashAerosports I will be there.
2 points,7 years ago
Tao, we are putting you to work ;)
5 points,7 years ago
In his short time with us August has proven himself on every project I have seen him take on. I feel he will once again exceed my expectations on this project. You have my yes votes.
2 points,7 years ago
Congratulations, August. Let’s see what you guys can do!
1 point,7 years ago
I'd be interested in hearing about your connections to Africa. That seems like quite the connection and would like to know how you guys went about outreach.
3 points,7 years ago
Please watch this Cash Alternative TV video released uncut due to the time sensitivity:
2 points,7 years ago
August and his team are top class people and their vision is clear.
This is a great project and I at will document the progress and highlights for public consumption.
2 points,7 years ago
If you follow what August has been up to so far, he leaves a trail of people and businesses that accept Dash everywhere he goes. Even if you are ambivalent about funding the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education program which includes Dash, surely you recognize the ideal Dash ambassador. Plus, I would take great joy in inserting a cryptocurrency ed program into a public school that's paid for with tax money. Talk about walking right into the belly of the beast...

And of course, I think I could make a compelling argument for how critical it is for us as a society to have more members that are fluent in the hard sciences. From the Dash ecosystem point of view, that's irrelevant in the short term. But in the long term, it likely is significant. August is playing the long game. We need some visionaries.

1 point,7 years ago
I agree with Tao that getting young people interested in Dash is very important. Voted YES.
0 points,7 years ago
I dont understand why this proposal have not already passed. Maybe at first glance the ROI is not guarantied but sometimes we have to think on a longer timeframe. In my mind, working to initiate a younger generation to dash in a context of education should be self evident.
0 points,7 years ago
voted yes, august is making great strides.
2 points,7 years ago
Hesitated, but finally voted yes.
4 points,7 years ago
Investing in youth is so important to a movement like Dash. Children are the future, and to educate them about Dash early will pay dividends in time. Voted yes, I want to see what this team is capable of!
6 points,7 years ago
Great work by August and the team. And I have no doubt that this project will be one of the better ones in terms of keeping the community informed. I would encourage MNOs to vote yes
0 points,7 years ago
Great way to promote Dash. Best of luck!
6 points,7 years ago
Definitely supporting proactive & talented youth!
6 points,7 years ago
Great proposal, wish you the best of luck.
6 points,7 years ago
like the concept. You have my yes!
-2 points,7 years ago
Pricy and overly large management structure. No clear focus.
50.000+$ is an yearly American wage - for that I would expect an army of students enrolled and managed by one or two management guys.
Most of your budget is management and VR headsets...
Voting no.
5 points,7 years ago
Two things:

1. Based on what I have seen so far from August, I have little doubt that he is capable of administering such a program. In the event that I have judged the situation incorrectly, He also strikes me as a task oriented, get-it-done kind of guy who would rise to the occastion.

2. On the merits of the project itself, think back to what strategy Apple used to go from a tiny irrelevant company compared to IBM/PC's, to a force to be reckoned with. Schools. Apple gave away lots and lots and lots of computers to schools, along with a "free" curriculum.

The sooner we introduce them to cryptocurrency in general and Dash in particular, the better off we will be in the long run.

Oh yeah, and a friendly reminder to Masternodes, we do have a few trolls that may attempt to prevent the group from making well researched logical decisions.

I vote yes. Solarguy on the forums
4 points,7 years ago
I like the idea of creating a way for people to get clock in and clock out and then receive Dash. I find that to be one of the most important projects in your proposal. Is there any outline for it that you have and how exactly it will work.
3 points,7 years ago
Hello Mizzymax,

We have three planned ways of verifying that a mentor showed up on a given day.
First, there are at least two mentors at every class. They will report that the other mentor was present.
Second, the software on our laptops will notify our server what network the laptop is on. This, along with student logins on the same network, will verify that the mentor was present that day.
Third, the mentors may submit an image of themselves within thirty minutes of the class next to a room number or similar marking and upload that to our server. This will then be checked by the staff member and approved if necessary.

Verification options one and two will normally be sufficient. In the event that only one mentor shows up to class that day then verification option three will be required for payment approval. Disputes will be settled by evidence provided by completing verification option three.

Payouts will be done in Dash immediately after both mentors' presences are marked accordingly.

Senior Developer of Bit To Byte
1 point,7 years ago
My mistakes, I thought you were developing a system that would automatically be the verification process without others needing to verify that person was there. Like most jobs do currently.

But I like what you guys are doing for sure, maybe just a recommendation is target a older crowd that could get into this space faster. But keep up the good work!
4 points,7 years ago
This proposal is very important! The students needs to know about the benefits of the cryptocurrencies, if they start to believe in something at this age they keeping all of their lives. Congratulations and greatings from Cancun, Mexico. Keep Dashing!!
6 points,7 years ago
6 points,7 years ago
thumbs up!
6 points,7 years ago
You got my support, you are doing a good job with integrating Dash into the school system through STEM related classes paid in Dash and your budget proposal looks very detailed and solid.

This part looks also interesting :

"Started developing a scheduling and payment API that allows our mentors to “clock-in” with their Dash Addresses and when they clock-out they receive payment for that class in Dash/Hr."
0 points,7 years ago
I'm very supportive of what you've done so far, and hope you continue doing more of the same.

That said, I don't believe you yet possess the experience nor the know-how to manage $50,000 per month. If you keep it up, you will have both someday, however.

Start small. Then work bigger. You have the potential to be a long-term, big-time DASH player within the educational outreach and charity fronts.

In other words, you have the potential to make DASH look very good. But I won't allow this level of funding to overwhelm you at this early a stage -- which it would.

Scale back your plans, and come back asking for a significantly smaller sum.
6 points,7 years ago
Hi n00bkid,
Your support is greatly appreciated and thank you for addressing the concern with the size/scope of our mission and ability to properly manage the funds.

To begin, let me make clear that we have taken this into account. Starting a few weeks ago, we addressed the fund management concern internally. We have been working behind the scenes to develop a decision making process for fund distribution and purchase requests in our organization. We have a purchase request form that all departments fill out and each consecutive management tier has to approve the request individually.

On a personal note, I did not mention this in the proposal but after receiving feedback from professors and community members I have decided to postpone some of my engineering classes for the current semester in order to prioritize our proposal and to not attempt to over commit myself with responsibilities.

Additionally, I’ve made arrangements to work with an Engineering professor at our university and have established an Independent Study credit hour course where I will be documenting my experiences and progress in running Bit To Byte. This will allow me to receive consistent feedback and be responsible for progress reports to my designated mentors.

Lastly, I’d like to clarify that this is not a ‘one man’ job, we are compartmentalizing the Bit To Byte foundation as well as hiring additional team members to assist in the responsibility of the funds. We are in the process of hiring a professional accountant as well as streamlining our purchase management system. Our core team has also been receiving consistent business consulting services through our university's Business department via.

I hope that clarifies any misconceptions about our management capabilities as a student startup and reassures the community that we take these concerns seriously.


August Domanchuk
CEO of Bit To Byte

(I've also included a copy of the response to this comment on the Dash Forums for future reference. View at )
4 points,7 years ago
Hi, This is Oucan from Mexico, I participate on (a bit of marketing [a mexican writing in french kinda weird]). Anyways, I just graduated from the university, and as student I would love to have the opportunity on spreading the word of DASH in my university, now as a graduated I'm working with some teachers on giving a little conference about cryptocurrencies as introduction of DASH. Also you are giving another features for increasing the students reaction wich I found clever. Well I would like to congratulate your work and your initiative. As soon as I start with the initiative in my Alma Mater I will give you news bc we are almost in the same river. I hope you a succesuful proposal. Be ready for alll kind of comments and Keep DASHING!
4 points,7 years ago
Hi Oucan! Thanks for reaching out! We are right with you! We'd love to get in contact and begin some of our Bit To Byte programs in France. Shoot me a message on twitter and let's make this happen!
3 points,7 years ago
I'm in Cancun btw, but no worries I can be the link or maybe the language link for those projects. I wish Mexico is in the map of Bit to Byte too.
3 points,7 years ago
Sorry, misread your response. We are actually looking for translators for the Discord DashBot we are developing for Dash Nation. We can talk about expanding to Mexico but I do not want to make any promises on a time frame as we will be incredibly busy in the location already listed. We'll keep it on the radar. Thanks for your response. Looking forward to working with you. 👍🏼
4 points,7 years ago
Yes No worries, I will contact you later. Have a great day ;)
3 points,7 years ago
Sorry for my bad english. I understand it perfectly but it's hard for writing on.
-3 points,7 years ago
I don't see why Dash should subsidize your business operation. We can introduce dash to thousands of people for a fraction of the cost using online advertisement.
3 points,7 years ago
We could (and will) do that too. It's not either/or. Let's do both.
7 points,7 years ago
Sorry, the title portion "introducing Dash to thousands of students" is only a small fraction of the impact that we will have on the Dash ecosystem as a whole. It should not be viewed as "subsidizing a business" but along the lines of supporting a Dash educational program that could one day serve as the foundation for Dash mass adoption.

The key component is that we will be operating hands on programs in dozens of communities, states, and countries. These physical impressions that we can have in these communities will never be comparable to "Digital impressions" with online advertisements.

We see our program as a catalyst for STEM education, individualized learning, and Dash/Blockchain education. We have interviews and news articles lined up for our program and as support for Bit To Byte increases, Digital Cash acceptance will have a direct correlation.

Our team is fully committed to following through with our mission and that mission includes informing students and communities about exciting emerging technologies. Dash is the emerging technology that we are passionate about and we wish to share that knowledge with the world.

I hope that clarifies your concern.